The Media Ignored The Top Story of 2013

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The sad fact of the matter is that Black on White violence remains a grim reality . Even smaller cities like Toledo, Ohio, and Birmingham, Ala., are reporting more black on white violence.

The existence of knockout crimes can't be denied, since they have been captured on video several times: Security cameras in Pittsburgh, New York City, London and other cities have proven that there are people who will approach total strangers with the sole purpose of punching them in the face — no theft is involved, and the assailant simply runs away after delivering the blow.

And this type of aggression can be deadly: In September, 46-year-old Ralph Santiago of Hoboken, N.J., was killed in such an assault, according to CBS New York. And a 13-year-old boy in Syracuse, N.Y., was recently sentenced to 18 months of confinement after playing knockout with a group of friends. When the youth's punch failed to knock out a 51-year-old man, an older teenager joined in the game, delivering a punch so severe it caused bleeding in the man's brain — he eventually died.

You guys have spent this whole thread claiming there's a huge national trend of "knockout game" attacks - and yet, only 2 examples from the year 2013 have been given so far, repeated over and over by you and Uncensored.

If this is a "trend", or if it's "on the rise", there should be data to prove it.
1) It goes without saying that anyone denying the existence of the knockout game is being disingenuous and obtuse.
2) It also goes without saying that it has been over-dramatized by some media outlets.
The truth is usually in the middle. And the truth is that there have been several instances of feral teenagers delivering a severe blow to small females/elderly/small males and video taping it and uploading the video. Some are calling this "knockout game" - which is an accurate label.
Saying it doesn't exist is moronic - the videos are there.
Saying it has been an honest position to take if you so desire.

Of course it exists, I'm not denying it; the media has just over-exaggerated it to scare the public into giving them ratings, which they are so good at doing.

My point is that it's not a widespread trend and certainly not worth the label "top story of 2013".
The Reluctance to admit the reality of the phenomenon known as the 'Knockout Game'

'Knockout game': A crime trend or random violence?

Why are you guys having so much trouble coming up with more than anecdotal evidence?

If it was widespread, certainly there would be some statistic that said "X amount of crimes confirmed to be related to the 'knockout game' occurred in 2013". So far, I haven't seen any of it.
I feel like the whole knockout game thing is actually a revelation by the media that basically amounts to "Holy shit, we have violence in our own country that isn't necessarily related to guns! That's new!"

Such bullshit.

The knockout game is just another name for black thugs acting on their hatred of whites.

another outrage>>>>>>>>>the only knockout game incident of a white on a black occurred only once and the Attorney General charged the White Guy with a hate crime........but the majority ....the great majority of these racial incidents are black on of yet not a single black has been charged with a hate crime.

The knockout game is just another name for black thugs acting on their hatred of whites.

another outrage>>>>>>>>>the only knockout game incident of a white on a black occurred only once and the Attorney General charged the White Guy with a hate crime........but the majority ....the great majority of these racial incidents are black on of yet not a single black has been charged with a hate crime.

1st bolded: Yet, from your own link:

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said on Monday that the teens involved in the pizza parlor attack never said they were playing the knockout game. In that incident, the assailants, aged 15 and 17, as well as the victim, age 29, were white.

That's white on white. Hardly any sort of hate crime.

2nd bolded: From the FBI themselves:

In 2012, race was reported for 5,331 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 54.6 percent were white.
  • 23.3 percent were black.
  • 8.8 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
  • 0.9 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
  • 0.9 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
  • 11.5 percent were unknown. (Based on Table 9.)


Among the single-bias hate crime incidents in 2012, there were 3,467 victims of racially motivated hate crime.

  • 66.2 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.
  • 22.0 percent were victims of an anti-white bias.
  • 4.4 percent were victims of a bias against a group of individuals in which more than one race was represented (anti-multiple races, group).
  • 4.1 percent were victims of an anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.
  • 3.3 percent were victims of an anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias. (Based on Table 1.)


Nope. No blacks and/or anti-whites have ever been charged with hate crimes.

Not at all.
The Police try to ignore black on white has been documented.

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