
Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Isn't it interesting how the Management closes a post for reasons as trivial as "No link provided" but blithely ignores vulgarity and hatefulness galore without blinking.

SO HERE is the all important LINK:

The Map.jpg


  • 1605393249162.png
    44 KB · Views: 49
Isn't it interesting how the Management closes a post for reasons as trivial as "No link provided" but blithely ignores vulgarity and hatefulness galore without blinking.

SO HERE is the all important LINK:

View attachment 416137
a link is of most importance when making a claim of importance,,,
It doesn't look anything like the one from 2016 whenre Trump claimed he was the winner on 9 November....But now we must play the waiting game for the sore losers...Much like we had to watch pussyhats protest Trump.
It is about as interesting as showing a map before the final counts are in?
Isn't it interesting how the Management closes a post for reasons as trivial as "No link provided" but blithely ignores vulgarity and hatefulness galore without blinking.

SO HERE is the all important LINK:

View attachment 416137

Remember to post a map like that after the Electoral College votes Biden in as President.
Remember to post a map like that after the Electoral College votes Biden in as President.

Remember to post this edition of Newsweek after Hillary lost.
With a "96% chance of winning" according to your Fake News Liars.

Madam President.jpg
Isn't it interesting how the Management closes a post for reasons as trivial as "No link provided" but blithely ignores vulgarity and hatefulness galore without blinking.

SO HERE is the all important LINK:

View attachment 416137

They don't care about profanity because there is no rule against it?

Who would want to be the judge of what is and is not profanity?

No one sane
They don't care about profanity because there is no rule against it?

Who would want to be the judge of what is and is not profanity?

No one sane

So if you have daughters in elementary school and a goon starts spouting off the must vulgar language imaginable, you don't give a shit? You would say nothing? That is the very definition of cowardice.
I stood up to two punks on the Greek Island of Santorini as they spouted off extremely vulgar talk only twenty feet from my two young daughters and wife. I said "Either you two will shut up that kind of talk or I will come over there and shut you up." After a few more brief backs and forth, they shut up. I said "I'll hurt you" and I meant it.

You stand up for principle while others cower to tyranny.
They don't care about profanity because there is no rule against it?

Who would want to be the judge of what is and is not profanity?

No one sane

So if you have daughters in elementary school and a goon starts spouting off the must vulgar language imaginable, you don't give a shit? You would say nothing? That is the very definition of cowardice.
I stood up to two punks on the Greek Island of Santorini as they spouted off extremely vulgar talk only twenty feet from my two young daughters and wife. I said "Either you two will shut up that kind of talk or I will come over there and shut you up." After a few more brief backs and forth, they shut up. I said "I'll hurt you" and I meant it.

You stand up for principle while others cower to tyranny.

Being in a public space in America allows for such things. Elementary schools are one fo the few places where you would not have freedom of speech. But nor are they technically open to the public. I don't think I can just go walking around any school I have to sign in and ask for permission.

My only real recourse is to remove the child in a public setting

I would not suggest letting an elementary school child on any board that isn't heavily moderated. Which would be inherently a bad board for political discussion

"for the children" is not an excuse to ruin forums with bad rules. You don't even like the way they apply a much simpler rule about links/relevance. Because it's subjective. WHy would you want more rules as you're complaining about their interpretation of current rules?

Welcome to the internet, where rules are generally not good. Only thing that's agreed upon is no child porn outside places that are run by pedos
1. Many of us post reasonable ideas and facts which are usually objectionable to Leftists. Since they almost NEVER provide evidence to the contrary, Leftists
2. Spew venom, call you the most vile names they can come up with, and
3. YOU defend their name-calling, profane ignorance.
True, some on my side engage in the same kind of conduct, but generally it is because they have grown sick and tired of being subjected to such verbal abuse and are trying to give back a taste of Leftist medicine.
It's impossible. You can never match them.
1. Many of us post reasonable ideas and facts which are usually objectionable to Leftists. Since they almost NEVER provide evidence to the contrary, Leftists
2. Spew venom, call you the most vile names they can come up with, and
3. YOU defend their name-calling, profane ignorance.
True, some on my side engage in the same kind of conduct, but generally it is because they have grown sick and tired of being subjected to such verbal abuse and are trying to give back a taste of Leftist medicine.
It's impossible. You can never match them.

Yea i'm not new to the internet

i'll pass on more moderation

why you think that would come down on the side you want I have no idea.

You can go to the clean debate zone if you want, no one goes there because it's over moderated.

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