The Mail Is Slow


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Ever since mail in ballots the mail has been really slow. Apparently the USPS was never really capable of handling all those ballots, especially in CA where unsolicited ballots were mailed to everyone. Another reason this election is fraudulent.
Ever since mail in ballots the mail has been really slow. Apparently the USPS was never really capable of handling all those ballots, especially in CA where unsolicited ballots were mailed to everyone. Another reason this election is fraudulent.

"The mail is slow, therefore the election is fraudulent". And this when that slow mail is already trouncing your guy even while being slow.

I gotta get this one framed.

Agree though, the mail has been slow. I just got an order that took like ten days, from the far-off distant land of "New York". Guess that's whatcha get when Rump installs a lackey to gum up the works.
"The mail is slow, therefore the election is fraudulent". And this when that slow mail is already trouncing your guy even while being slow.

I gotta get this one framed.

Agree though, the mail has been slow. I just got an order that took like ten days, from the far-off distant land of "New York". Guess that's whatcha get when Rump installs a lackey to gum up the works.
Please stop misquoting me. That is YOUR distillation of my post so don't put quotes around it because it is misleading and a lie. What's funny is you go on to blame Trump for the slow mail......!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Ever since mail in ballots the mail has been really slow. Apparently the USPS was never really capable of handling all those ballots, especially in CA where unsolicited ballots were mailed to everyone. Another reason this election is fraudulent.
The mail is rigged.
"The mail is slow, therefore the election is fraudulent". And this when that slow mail is already trouncing your guy even while being slow.

I gotta get this one framed.

Agree though, the mail has been slow. I just got an order that took like ten days, from the far-off distant land of "New York". Guess that's whatcha get when Rump installs a lackey to gum up the works.
Please stop misquoting me. That is YOUR distillation of my post so don't put quotes around it because it is misleading and a lie. What's funny is you go on to blame Trump for the slow mail......!!! :auiqs.jpg:

I didn't quote you at all. That's called a paraphrase.

I don't blame Rump for slow mail. I blame Louis deJoy. We should find out what kind of asshole put him in that job.
Since the election madness started the news magazine is regularly received each Saturday has not made it before Tuesday of the following week. But it's not the ballots - I voted only one day before the official election and the Democrat tracking software kept flooding me with junk. Not a bad thing, though,as with a little rolling it makes great fireplace tinder. Can't roll it too tight, though, else it self-ignites.
Ever since mail in ballots the mail has been really slow. Apparently the USPS was never really capable of handling all those ballots, especially in CA where unsolicited ballots were mailed to everyone. Another reason this election is fraudulent.
Trump deliberately slowed the mail as to lessen the mail in vote. Everyone knows this.
Ever since mail in ballots the mail has been really slow. Apparently the USPS was never really capable of handling all those ballots, especially in CA where unsolicited ballots were mailed to everyone. Another reason this election is fraudulent.
Snail mail has been slower than usual ever since the CCP pandemic got here.
"The mail is slow, therefore the election is fraudulent". And this when that slow mail is already trouncing your guy even while being slow.

I gotta get this one framed.

Agree though, the mail has been slow. I just got an order that took like ten days, from the far-off distant land of "New York". Guess that's whatcha get when Rump installs a lackey to gum up the works.
Please stop misquoting me. That is YOUR distillation of my post so don't put quotes around it because it is misleading and a lie. What's funny is you go on to blame Trump for the slow mail......!!! :auiqs.jpg:

I didn't quote you at all. That's called a paraphrase.

I don't blame Rump for slow mail. I blame Louis deJoy. We should find out what kind of asshole put him in that job.
the board of governors picks the PMG.....
I didn't quote you at all. That's called a paraphrase.

You did not paraphrase, you lifted phrases from my post and added words. One can use original phrases in a paraphrase however, if one can't look away from the original phrase and think of their own original interpretation, then it shows they did not comprehend the original phrase OR are purposely trying to plagiarize.
Ever since mail in ballots the mail has been really slow. Apparently the USPS was never really capable of handling all those ballots, especially in CA where unsolicited ballots were mailed to everyone. Another reason this election is fraudulent.
Trump deliberately slowed the mail as to lessen the mail in vote. Everyone knows this.
then have him arrested because anyone interfering with the mail flow is guilty of a felony...
I didn't quote you at all. That's called a paraphrase.

You did not paraphrase, you lifted phrases from my post and added words. One can use original phrases in a paraphrase however, if one can't look away from the original phrase and think of their own original interpretation, then it shows they did not comprehend the original phrase OR are purposely trying to plagiarize.

You're actually complaining that I used your own words instead of changing them.

You're actually complaining that I used your own words instead of changing them.

You added your own words and placed it in quotes to change the meaning of what I wrote. The quote-marks mislead the reader to think I wrote that phrase. That is not a paraphrase. If you are going to quote someone here at the Form us the Quote function and replicate exactly what was written instead of making shit up and putting quotes around it claiming it came from someone else. OR you could use your obvious lack of mental ability to actually think of something original.
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You're actually complaining that I used your own words instead of changing them.

You added your own words and placed it in quotes to change the meaning of what I wrote. The quote-marks mislead the reader to think I wrote that phrase. That is not a paraphrase. If you are going to quote someone here at the Form us the Quote function and replicate exactly what was written instead of making shit up and putting quotes around it claiming it came from someone else. OR you could use your obvious lack of mental ability to actually think of something original.

You must be new to English, Tovarich.
You see, we use quotes in multiple purposes. Directly quoting is what we call "one" of them. Da?
You're actually complaining that I used your own words instead of changing them.

You added your own words and placed it in quotes to change the meaning of what I wrote. The quote-marks mislead the reader to think I wrote that phrase. That is not a paraphrase. If you are going to quote someone here at the Form us the Quote function and replicate exactly what was written instead of making shit up and putting quotes around it claiming it came from someone else. OR you could use your obvious lack of mental ability to actually think of something original.

You must be new to English, Tovarich.
You see, we use quotes in multiple purposes. Directly quoting is what we call "one" of them. Da?
But you did not directly quote me you are just pretending you did. I caught you in a lie and now instead of apologizing, you try to mislead even further. Shameful really. And no I'm not one of your Marxist comrades.

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