The Lynch Mob Howled and the jury was scared for themselves and their families


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
I had some hope that the jury might acquit on one or two of the more serious charges, but the guilty verdict was announced first on the most serious of the three, so the other two verdicts were inevitable. Under Minnesota law, Mr. Chauvin will be sentenced under only the most serious charge. It carries a maximum sentence of 40 years, but according to state guidelines, a first offence is supposed to get 12-1/2 years. Judge Peter Cahill said he would pass sentence eight weeks from now.

I got forced to do serve Jury Duty twice before. What happens in the Jury Room ain't pretty.
I had some hope that the jury might acquit on one or two of the more serious charges, but the guilty verdict was announced first on the most serious of the three, so the other two verdicts were inevitable. Under Minnesota law, Mr. Chauvin will be sentenced under only the most serious charge. It carries a maximum sentence of 40 years, but according to state guidelines, a first offence is supposed to get 12-1/2 years. Judge Peter Cahill said he would pass sentence eight weeks from now.

Thanks for explaining that. I never heard of being found guilty of three kinds of murder in one killing.
Thanks for explaining that. I never heard of being found guilty of three kinds of murder in one killing.
There are often several factors and more than statute by which a crime may be considered a murder. They're in a bad situation with respect to murder because they've got to pick one and go with it in court, and any overlap violates the vicinage and double jeopardy clauses of the 5th-6th Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America.
I got forced to do serve Jury Duty twice before. What happens in the Jury Room ain't pretty.
What kind of case? I had an armed robbery. Thing is ,I voted Not Guilty. Reason? Because the DA did not PROVE it.Lousy presentation,shaky witness. And ,in reality ,I thought the guy DID it.
The black mob of crazy is convinced that Chauvin was found guilty only because of violence and threats. It works.
The black mob of crazy is convinced that Chauvin was found guilty only because of violence and threats. It works. works but what, exactly, does that "work" accomplish? Those on the Left who made it crystal clear that Chauvin was guilty and any verdict other than that WOULD cause cities to burn.
For decades after the Civil War, Democrats in the "solid south" essentially did the same thing. It was rightly called "mob justice".
Chauvin's case was so blatantly used for race politics and the use of jury intimidation that the only way this verdict doesn't get overturned is if he refuses to appeal OR the system is so corrupt that we won't even try to APPEAR as though we have equal justice any longer.
So... the riots are only delayed and in the meantime, the message from media and the Left is simple and unmistakable. ANY black person who is harmed for ANY reason by any cop will lead to burning cities, looting, and soaring murder rates. The simple-minded, hate-filled, inner-city plantation dwellers and their overseers in the DNC will cheer and spew venom and believe they've "won" or they've gotten "justice".
The media arsonists will do such a thorough job against law enforcement that major cities in America (almost all of which are deep blue) will soon have a systemic weakness that they cannot hide and will not be able to effectively lay at the feet of cops or all the non-black RAY-SUS types.
I have strong opinions about lawlessness but I do not hate anyone based on anything except their actions. The majority in the same non-white crowd that is celebrating their victory through mob justice aren't wise enough to see where their actions will lead them.
2020 saw an unprecedented number of early retirements among blue city cops as well as resignations of many who simply decided the job wasn't worth the risk any longer. After what was done to Chauvin, expect the tempo and scope of that flight from the police ranks to soar.
Minneapolis voted to literally disband their city police force as a knee-jerk reaction to the death of Saint Floyd di Fentanyl. A few months later and they had to scramble to dig up 6 million dollars to keep the city from burning to the ground or swimming in its own blood.
I predict we'll see the same pattern in all major blue cities. The media arsonists and traitors, the politicians, and the wealthy will not be impacted at all. The poor blacks will suffer far more damage and death from this "victory" than ever they did from racist cops.
The violence and destruction of inner-city housing and businesses will lead to near-total collapse of those cities and the only "policing" will be privatized security for politicians and the wealthy. The rest of the people will be at the mercy of amoral savages. Who knows? Maybe this will finally be the incentive for blacks to recognize Democrats for what they are. If not, they'll get no sympathy from me. LET IT BURN, BABY.
The black mob of crazy is convinced that Chauvin was found guilty only because of violence and threats. It works. works but what, exactly, does that "work" accomplish? Those on the Left who made it crystal clear that Chauvin was guilty and any verdict other than that WOULD cause cities to burn.
For decades after the Civil War, Democrats in the "solid south" essentially did the same thing. It was rightly called "mob justice".
Chauvin's case was so blatantly used for race politics and the use of jury intimidation that the only way this verdict doesn't get overturned is if he refuses to appeal OR the system is so corrupt that we won't even try to APPEAR as though we have equal justice any longer.
So... the riots are only delayed and in the meantime, the message from media and the Left is simple and unmistakable. ANY black person who is harmed for ANY reason by any cop will lead to burning cities, looting, and soaring murder rates. The simple-minded, hate-filled, inner-city plantation dwellers and their overseers in the DNC will cheer and spew venom and believe they've "won" or they've gotten "justice".
The media arsonists will do such a thorough job against law enforcement that major cities in America (almost all of which are deep blue) will soon have a systemic weakness that they cannot hide and will not be able to effectively lay at the feet of cops or all the non-black RAY-SUS types.
I have strong opinions about lawlessness but I do not hate anyone based on anything except their actions. The majority in the same non-white crowd that is celebrating their victory through mob justice aren't wise enough to see where their actions will lead them.
2020 saw an unprecedented number of early retirements among blue city cops as well as resignations of many who simply decided the job wasn't worth the risk any longer. After what was done to Chauvin, expect the tempo and scope of that flight from the police ranks to soar.
Minneapolis voted to literally disband their city police force as a knee-jerk reaction to the death of Saint Floyd di Fentanyl. A few months later and they had to scramble to dig up 6 million dollars to keep the city from burning to the ground or swimming in its own blood.
I predict we'll see the same pattern in all major blue cities. The media arsonists and traitors, the politicians, and the wealthy will not be impacted at all. The poor blacks will suffer far more damage and death from this "victory" than ever they did from racist cops.
The violence and destruction of inner-city housing and businesses will lead to near-total collapse of those cities and the only "policing" will be privatized security for politicians and the wealthy. The rest of the people will be at the mercy of amoral savages. Who knows? Maybe this will finally be the incentive for blacks to recognize Democrats for what they are. If not, they'll get no sympathy from me. LET IT BURN, BABY.
Nature of the Beast. Do ya think the African Tribal Chiefs sold their BEST people to the English?
Using the term "lynch mob" is utterly ridiculous, and is only a crude attempt to raise the specter of racism. We have all seen the video. Many high-profile murder trials have crowds of folks who believe the defendant is guilty waiting outside for the verdict. Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony, and Jody Arias come to mind.

The identities of the jurors have been kept secret, so there is no way of knowing how they were feeling; scared, happy, whatever, so the headline on this thread is pure propaganda.
He was guilty of man slaughter. Not murder. The jury was intimidated by all the crowds and that uneducated idiot Maxine Waters yelling for more confrontation if the verdict was not guilty. Hell the Judge told that uneducated idiot the STHU.

I'd bet every juror was terrified for themselves and their families which is why they went overboard on the verdict.
He was guilty of man slaughter. Not murder. The jury was intimidated by all the crowds and that uneducated idiot Maxine Waters yelling for more confrontation if the verdict was not guilty. Hell the Judge told that uneducated idiot the STHU.

I'd bet every juror was terrified for themselves and their families which is why they went overboard on the verdict.

The jurors followed the facts. Because of the video, the blue wall crumbled and they were forced to admit Chauvin was wrong. Chauvin could not find a reasonable explanation for his actions and that is why he did not testify.
This was a New Klux Klan lynching.
BLM is a black supremacist hate group and they used mob violence to complete this lynching,

There was no lynching. It was justice. Chauvin contributed to Floyd's death.
It was a lynching. The jury were afraid of the mob. The guy died of a drug overdose. That’s not murder.
This was a New Klux Klan lynching.
BLM is a black supremacist hate group and they used mob violence to complete this lynching,

Damn where did the good Ole Days go when you could put on your white uniform and go out and scare folks or you and the boys could get on the jury and pretty much make a mockery out of jury duty.
This was a New Klux Klan lynching.
BLM is a black supremacist hate group and they used mob violence to complete this lynching,

There was no lynching. It was justice. Chauvin contributed to Floyd's death.
It was a lynching. The jury were afraid of the mob. The guy died of a drug overdose. That’s not murder.

Can you give us the testimony of the ME or ER doctor who claimed he died from a drug overdose.
This was a New Klux Klan lynching.
BLM is a black supremacist hate group and they used mob violence to complete this lynching,

There was no lynching. It was justice. Chauvin contributed to Floyd's death.

that was not and cannot be proven........different conclusive evidence of it.....thus there has been a terrible mistake made by the intimidated jury ...I wonder how it feels to send a innocent man go jail?....must be terrible to have to live with that on your conscience.
Using the term "lynch mob" is utterly ridiculous, and is only a crude attempt to raise the specter of racism. We have all seen the video. Many high-profile murder trials have crowds of folks who believe the defendant is guilty waiting outside for the verdict. Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony, and Jody Arias come to mind.

The identities of the jurors have been kept secret, so there is no way of knowing how they were feeling; scared, happy, whatever, so the headline on this thread is pure propaganda.
When considering that the majority of the media pushed the narrative that Chauvin was guilty and that heads of multiple levels of government pushed the same narrative, including Biden, yeah... it's reasonable to assume that the jury was pushed toward this.

The only good news is that the judge was probably right about what he said concerning Waters's rhetoric. Chauvin will likely be acquitted of some of the charges in an appeal.

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