The List Of Companies Paying No Taxes Might Increase Under Biden's Tax Plan

Dont Taz Me Bro

Diamond Member
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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
The big corporations with armies of lawyers and lobbyists will still be able to navigate around the tax codes and wiggle their way out of payment. Just as it has been in the past, the idea that corporations will pay their "fair share" is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for the masses and that's hardly surprising. Wall Street sent most of their campaign donations to Biden in the last presidential race, overall. They didn't do that to lose money.

The bill, however, doesn’t touch the main reasons why profitable companies sometimes don’t pay taxes, including accelerated depreciation of investments and tax credits for activities such as research and development. The bill does strengthen a minimum tax on U.S. companies’ foreign profits, but it doesn’t include the separate minimum tax that Mr. Biden proposed to limit the number of zero-tax companies.

The legislation also expands tax credits for clean energy and low-income housing in ways that could push some companies from paying little to paying nothing.

“Corporations that don’t pay any taxes are still going to be able to go on paying no taxes, and in some ways they may even get a bigger refund,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, a progressive group that advocates higher taxes. “It is remarkable that there is no talk about this in Congress.”

Surely this isnt surprising. We are corporatocracy. And no one is going to change that because the people that bitch the most about this, keeps voting for corporatists. Because they are stupid.
Most of Americas voting base is stupid.
The duopoly still controlling our elections is all the proof you need.
The poor will suffer the most under Biden's imbecilic tax proposal. Inflation is already hammering them and that's only going to get worse. And just wait till the bill comes due for supporting the 1.5 million illegal aliens Biden has scattered all around our country? Every taxpayer and worker in America will take a hit for them. Our asshole President is so considerate.
Yesterday I saw a young lady in the gas station in line in front of me hand the clerk $7 to put gas in her car...apparently it was all she had....she had two kids in car seats...I gave her a twenty dollar bill to add to her seven...she thanked me profusely...she was crying as she pulled out of the station....

You selfish retired dems on this board make me sick...fuck all of you that voted for this....

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