CDZ The Lefts War on White Males; Exactly Why The Left Is Going to Evaporate Demographically


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So, our goofball university admins think that being male is some kind of disease apparently.

Male college students to undergo 'critical self-reflection' of masculinity - The College Fix

“Men’s Project creates a space for critical self-reflection and dialogue about what it means to be a man and how masculinity impacts us and those around us,” organizers state in promoting the effort.

“The experience focuses on the examination of societal images, expectations, and messages around masculinity to empower men to better understand themselves, promote the advancement of gender equity, and raise consciousness in their communities,” organizers add.

It’s open only to “men-identified students” at the public university and “operates on a transformative model of social justice allyship,” according to a news release on the university’s website, which adds “by encouraging that kind of dialogue among a men-identified cohort, the goal is to create a sense of security in vulnerability throughout the six-week program.”​

This is just insane, there is nothing wrong with being male, it is sexist to assert that there is which is self contradictory in the reigning paradigm of gender equality, AND it is just pure grade horse pucky to boot. This war on men will impact the left most of all and this will cause them to continue sliding toward the fringe of common thought in Western society.

No wonder sales of "Mein Kamph" have sky rocketed even in Germany; people are so sick of the dominant anti-white male multicultural nonsense that they are grasping for ANYTHING to replace it with to form the basis of their world view that doesnt make them hate themselves, something white male liberals just cant understand.

Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' becomes German bestseller

It had initially planned to print only 4,000 copies but boosted production immediately based on intense demand. The sixth print run will hit bookstores in late January.

The two-volume work had figured on the non-fiction bestseller list in weekly magazine Der Spiegel over much of the last year, and even topped the list for two weeks in April.

The institute also organised a successful series of presentations and debates around "Mein Kampf" across Germany and in other European cities, which it said allowed it to measure the impact of the new edition.

"It turned out that the fear the publication would promote Hitler's ideology or even make it socially acceptable and give neo-Nazis a new propaganda platform was totally unfounded," IfZ director Andreas Wirsching said in a statement.​

No, but establishment Multi's will scream about the Alt-Right no matter what anyway. And what do they think the buyers are going to say in surveys about why they bought the book, "I am considering joining the Nazi Party"? Of course they are going to explain it as just interest in history no matter what their true intent is, roflmao.

And how many of them relish a time when they did not have to worry about illegal immigrants robbing, raping or killing them in their own home towns? A time when wild boars did not pose such an eminent threat they bow hunting parties had to be organized to make sure the animals knew that the humans were in control?

Mankind is meant to rule itself, tribes and communities are meant by nature to conduct their own affairs for their own benefit, and this is the underlying flaw to Global Multicultural nonsense.

And there is no remedy for that flaw; something else will replace it.
Demographically whitey Christians are shrinking in number, the republican base

Between Barack Obama’s 2008 election and 2016, America has transformed from being a majority white Christian nation (54 percent) to a minority white Christian nation (43 percent).

But on Election Day, paradoxically, this anxious minority swarmed to the polls to elect as president the candidate who promised to “make America great again” and warned that he was its “last chance” to turn back the tide of cultural and economic change.
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Well, it's not just men, you know. The same left in Europe is responsible for flooding the continent with rape jihadists, and countries that hardly had any rapes in 1970 are now the rape capitals of the world with the full complicity of the status quo media of those countries who enable it quite intentionally.
Well, it's not just men, you know. The same left in Europe is responsible for flooding the continent with rape jihadists, and countries that hardly had any rapes in 1970 are now the rape capitals of the world with the full complicity of the status quo media of those countries who enable it quite intentionally.

That sounds about right.
So, our goofball university admins think that being male is some kind of disease apparently..

You snowflakes and your delicate sensibilities are an embarressment to white males.

You might as well start a thread about the 'war on billionaires' and we can all get out our teeny tiny violins.
Demographically whitey Christians are shrinking in number, the republican base

Between Barack Obama’s 2008 election and 2016, America has transformed from being a majority white Christian nation (54 percent) to a minority white Christian nation (43 percent).

But on Election Day, paradoxically, this anxious minority swarmed to the polls to elect as president the candidate who promised to “make America great again” and warned that he was its “last chance” to turn back the tide of cultural and economic change.

Yep, the caucasian class is shrinking. In the last few decades, most of our immigrants have been dark skinned people who have larger families than whites. Maybe you could explain why you think whites being more and more in the minority delights you so much.
Demographically whitey Christians are shrinking in number, the republican base

Between Barack Obama’s 2008 election and 2016, America has transformed from being a majority white Christian nation (54 percent) to a minority white Christian nation (43 percent).

But on Election Day, paradoxically, this anxious minority swarmed to the polls to elect as president the candidate who promised to “make America great again” and warned that he was its “last chance” to turn back the tide of cultural and economic change.
Hate to break the news to you but Hispanics tend to be more religious than whites and tend to become more conservative as they rise in economic status. So in the future you can look forward to bitching about those conservative Hispanics.
Demographically whitey Christians are shrinking in number, the republican base

Between Barack Obama’s 2008 election and 2016, America has transformed from being a majority white Christian nation (54 percent) to a minority white Christian nation (43 percent).

But on Election Day, paradoxically, this anxious minority swarmed to the polls to elect as president the candidate who promised to “make America great again” and warned that he was its “last chance” to turn back the tide of cultural and economic change.

Yep, the caucasian class is shrinking. In the last few decades, most of our immigrants have been dark skinned people who have larger families than whites. Maybe you could explain why you think whites being more and more in the minority delights you so much.
I've tried that, multiple times. He won't answer. Maybe he will for you.

I've never seen anyone so gleeful over the deaths of an entire race, though.
They have been at it for 40 years now. Just about got her accomplished. Our nation is in great peril because of liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Barry Sotoro.
Granny says, "Nah...

... eventually the Repubs gonna do sumpin' goofy...

... an' den the pendulum gonna swing the other way...

... an' den the Dems gonna be back in power...

... an' den dey gonna do sumpin' goofy...

... `cause the Bible says...

... dey's nothin' new under the sun...

... which means the more things change...

... the more dey remain the same.
Yep, the caucasian class is shrinking. In the last few decades, most of our immigrants have been dark skinned people who have larger families than whites. Maybe you could explain why you think whites being more and more in the minority delights you so much.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Clean Debate Zone - Do not insult other members

1) Caucasian is synonymous with white, largely, and that includes many 'brown' races. To hear the liberals talk about it if a white person goes out and gets a tan and starts speaking Spanish they magically stop being white. No, the vast majority of Hispanics are white and descended, at least in part, from European stock. When Hispanics assimilate and move into the Middle Class in this country they openly self-identify with white America and vote Republican, by and large.

2) The Robotics Revolution is going to kill unskilled immigration in the near future, and the few jobs remaining will become coveted and protected for Americans, killing the H1-B program as well. We are heading to historic shoals of racialism returning to this country and I hope and pray we avoid that self-destructive cultural trap. But Americans have lost all confidence in the liberal race guilt propaganda and are returning to more natural impulses that simply MUST be restrained so that all our freedoms remain functional.
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Granny says, "Nah...

... eventually the Repubs gonna do sumpin' goofy...

... an' den the pendulum gonna swing the other way...

... an' den the Dems gonna be back in power...

... an' den dey gonna do sumpin' goofy...

... `cause the Bible says...

... dey's nothin' new under the sun...

... which means the more things change...

... the more dey remain the same.

Yes, cycles do repeat, but they typically grow more unstable with each iteration until the whole thing wobbles into chaos and collapse.

History does repeat itself in a morphological sort of way, and part of that history is societal collapse, though libertarians and liberals tend to ignore such episodes categorically.
Demographically whitey Christians are shrinking in number, the republican base

Between Barack Obama’s 2008 election and 2016, America has transformed from being a majority white Christian nation (54 percent) to a minority white Christian nation (43 percent).

But on Election Day, paradoxically, this anxious minority swarmed to the polls to elect as president the candidate who promised to “make America great again” and warned that he was its “last chance” to turn back the tide of cultural and economic change.

Yep, the caucasian class is shrinking. In the last few decades, most of our immigrants have been dark skinned people who have larger families than whites. Maybe you could explain why you think whites being more and more in the minority delights you so much.
I've tried that, multiple times. He won't answer. Maybe he will for you.

I've never seen anyone so gleeful over the deaths of an entire race, though.

Some people operate on the principle that the guaranteed attention received by making intentionally outrageous statements beats running the risk of receiving little attention by saying something reasonable and responsible.
Guno is into government stats which are misleading. A bare majority of Americans meet the 6.25% ancestry definition of Indian and considering that most of the eastern first nations do not have the genetic markers the American Anthropological Association use to define Indian that's an under count. likewise if the one drop rule is applied for defining blacks is applied to Neanderthals then the majority of Americans are provably also not Homo Sapians.
So corporations are leftist in nature, since they and wealthy individuals, along with companies , Actually pay for cheap labor from outside the USA, or the illegals inside...Plus, white folks won't work, and they are just doing jobs US citizens won't....According to the powers that be, and the powers that were..
With no White males around, everyone else will look a lot more civilized

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