The Left's Civility ClapTrap - No Making Up Here

I've read stories about:

1. Women divorcing men who voted for Trump
2. Men divorcing women who voted for Trump
3. A son disowning his mother who voted for Trump
4. People who are now not letting their kids visit their grandparents because their grandparents voted for Trump
5. Fuckhead AOC and her bullshit list.
6. Shitforbrains Jennifer Ruben and her "exclusion" bullshit.

And of course, we have dozens of examples of the so-called cancel culture. Just ask the girl scouts.

Now Joe Biden, the father of "Borking", telling us he wants us to kiss and make up.

Well, let me be the first to say:

You are not getting shit from us in the poltical sense.

We will keep the senate
We picked up seats in the house.
We own the SCOTUS
We kept and improved on our statehouses.
We will gerrymander the shit out of you clowns.

You will not get heathcare
You will not get PR as a state
You will not pack the SCOTUS

And there will be no civility until you assholes figure out you don't own the show (and we have to keep showing you that).

From the article:

Far from ending the “grim era of demonization,” Biden intends to give its left-wing proponents new perches of power from which to push it. Look at all the talk emanating from Democratic circles about the need to draw up enemies lists and the like. These are the thugs who will run his administration.

During the campaign, he told the ruthless acolytes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that they would all find jobs in his White House. His campaign was run by Anita Dunn, who is on the record saying that her favorite political philosopher was the mass murderer Chairman Mao.

“Civility” to the Left is simply a tool of propaganda with which to secure docility from the people. But liberals have never felt the slightest need to practice it themselves, much less adhere to any moral system that would require it. Biden used to mock proponents of the natural moral law, casting that thinking as hopelessly passé. Recall his browbeating of Clarence Thomas on the subject. So it is a little late for Biden to adopt the posture of the high-minded philosopher.

Thank you for posting this!

this is a perfect example of conservative biased media disseminating PARTIAL truths while PURPOSELY OMITTING facts and data that counter their intended LIE!

first, it makes perfect sense for a rational person to divorce a nazi!

wouldn't you?

if you found out your husband was a nazi who wanted to start a civil war, kill as many dems and libs and gays and blacks and muslims as possible, install trump as dictator for life and rewrite the constitution to ONLY apply to white conservative heterosexual christians wouldn't YOU want a divorce?


you LIKE the idea?

In that case I can understand someone wanting to DIVORCE YOU!


for every decent person who wants to divorce a right wing trump supporting piece of shit I can show you deplorable, despicable right wing pieces of shit wanting NOTHING TO DO with anyone who isn't a fascist nazi just like them...

but the Spectator (right wing misinformation and lie disseminating media) REFUSED to point that out.

Instead of saying the truth "BOTH SIDES DO IT!"

they chose to lie..."only LIBERALS do it"

I've read stories about:

1. Women divorcing men who voted for Trump
2. Men divorcing women who voted for Trump
3. A son disowning his mother who voted for Trump
4. People who are now not letting their kids visit their grandparents because their grandparents voted for Trump
5. Fuckhead AOC and her bullshit list.
6. Shitforbrains Jennifer Ruben and her "exclusion" bullshit.

And of course, we have dozens of examples of the so-called cancel culture. Just ask the girl scouts.

Now Joe Biden, the father of "Borking", telling us he wants us to kiss and make up.

Well, let me be the first to say:

You are not getting shit from us in the poltical sense.

We will keep the senate
We picked up seats in the house.
We own the SCOTUS
We kept and improved on our statehouses.
We will gerrymander the shit out of you clowns.

You will not get heathcare
You will not get PR as a state
You will not pack the SCOTUS

And there will be no civility until you assholes figure out you don't own the show (and we have to keep showing you that).

From the article:

Far from ending the “grim era of demonization,” Biden intends to give its left-wing proponents new perches of power from which to push it. Look at all the talk emanating from Democratic circles about the need to draw up enemies lists and the like. These are the thugs who will run his administration.

During the campaign, he told the ruthless acolytes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that they would all find jobs in his White House. His campaign was run by Anita Dunn, who is on the record saying that her favorite political philosopher was the mass murderer Chairman Mao.

“Civility” to the Left is simply a tool of propaganda with which to secure docility from the people. But liberals have never felt the slightest need to practice it themselves, much less adhere to any moral system that would require it. Biden used to mock proponents of the natural moral law, casting that thinking as hopelessly passé. Recall his browbeating of Clarence Thomas on the subject. So it is a little late for Biden to adopt the posture of the high-minded philosopher.

Thank you for posting this!

this is a perfect example of conservative biased media disseminating PARTIAL truths while PURPOSELY OMITTING facts and data that counter their intended LIE!

first, it makes perfect sense for a rational person to divorce a nazi!

wouldn't you?

if you found out your husband was a nazi who wanted to start a civil war, kill as many dems and libs and gays and blacks and muslims as possible, install trump as dictator for life and rewrite the constitution to ONLY apply to white conservative heterosexual christians wouldn't YOU want a divorce?


you LIKE the idea?

In that case I can understand someone wanting to DIVORCE YOU!


for every decent person who wants to divorce a right wing trump supporting piece of shit I can show you deplorable, despicable right wing pieces of shit wanting NOTHING TO DO with anyone who isn't a fascist nazi just like them...

but the Spectator (right wing misinformation and lie disseminating media) REFUSED to point that out.

Instead of saying the truth "BOTH SIDES DO IT!"

they chose to lie..."only LIBERALS do it"

My guess is that someone would divorce you just because you are a moron.

Or maybe you are married to that bitch Alyssa Milano.

Speaking of clap......

It's good to see everyone on this board at each other's throats.

Makes my heart a little happier.

Cause you fuckers on the left ain't gettin' nothing from the right.

Up yours.....sideways.

you are truly human garbage

Go fuck yourself.

You shitforbrains were at it for four years and now you want to make up.

Fuck you.

It's good to see everyone on this board at each other's throats.

Makes my heart a little happier.

Cause you fuckers on the left ain't gettin' nothing from the right.

Up yours.....sideways.

you are truly human garbage

Go fuck yourself.

You shitforbrains were at it for four years and now you want to make up.

Fuck you.



human garbage

i have no intention of making up with you

nor will i be civil

i will do to you what you do to decent people

get in your face
call you scum
fart at you

you are garbage

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