The Left Just Doesn't Care

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign who made false allegations and then promptly disappeared after the election was over and nearly got away with it.
  • They cried "Russia Russia Russia" when they were actually soliciting the help of Vladimir Putin to defeat Donald Trump, and even laundered money and left a paper trail to prove they did indeed do this......and they got away with it.

Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time. They don't debate the merits and pitfalls of policies or offer solutions or alternatives, they seek only to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

If people had stood up against them when they first embarked on this strategy and rebuffed their scams and plots, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway. Because The Left doesn't care about the very people they claim they want to help, they only care about enslaving them to their own agendas.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and Fill in THE BLANKs.
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.
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  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign and nearly got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time.

If people had stood up against them and rebuffed their scams, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and .
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad.
^ total nutjob post

  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign and nearly got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time.

If people had stood up against them and rebuffed their scams, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and .
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.

Do either party care about anything other than winning?
Notice how NO Liberals\Marxists will dare dip their toes in to the water and debate the facts here?
Notice how they never minded The FBI DOJ Russian Moles leaking classified INTEL, but they are outraged at The President Ordering the FBI and DOJ to be transparent in their crooked FISA dealings.
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign and nearly got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time.

If people had stood up against them and rebuffed their scams, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and .
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.

Do either party care about anything other than winning?
If by winning, you mean putting Americans and American businesses back to work and getting The Government out of their lives and off of their backs, I'd have to say at least one guy sitting in The White House cares about that.
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign who made false allegations and then promptly disappeared after the election was over and nearly got away with it.
  • They cried "Russia Russia Russia" when they were actually soliciting the help of Vladimir Putin to defeat Donald Trump, and even laundered money and left a paper trail to prove they did indeed do this......and they got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time. They don't debate the merits and pitfalls of policies or offer solutions or alternatives, they seek only to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

If people had stood up against them when they first embarked on this strategy and rebuffed their scams and plots, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway. Because The Left doesn't care about the very people they claim they want to help, they only care about enslaving them to their own agendas.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and Fill in THE BLANKs.
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.
Don't kid yourself

The right doesn't care either
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign and nearly got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time.

If people had stood up against them and rebuffed their scams, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and .
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.

Do either party care about anything other than winning?
name a SC nominee that the right went after? name a candidate other than clinton? name a march protest by the right. name something from the right that lines up with the list of the OP. then we'll talk. until then, the leftists are poor sports and evil humans. they don't care about anything but power.
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign who made false allegations and then promptly disappeared after the election was over and nearly got away with it.
  • They cried "Russia Russia Russia" when they were actually soliciting the help of Vladimir Putin to defeat Donald Trump, and even laundered money and left a paper trail to prove they did indeed do this......and they got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time. They don't debate the merits and pitfalls of policies or offer solutions or alternatives, they seek only to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

If people had stood up against them when they first embarked on this strategy and rebuffed their scams and plots, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway. Because The Left doesn't care about the very people they claim they want to help, they only care about enslaving them to their own agendas.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and Fill in THE BLANKs.
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.
Don't kid yourself

The right doesn't care either
If by Right, you mean Socialist-Globalist RINOS, I agree, but Mainstream Middle America Conservatives do care about America, and about Constitutional Freedoms, Small Government, and Individual Liberties.
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign who made false allegations and then promptly disappeared after the election was over and nearly got away with it.
  • They cried "Russia Russia Russia" when they were actually soliciting the help of Vladimir Putin to defeat Donald Trump, and even laundered money and left a paper trail to prove they did indeed do this......and they got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time. They don't debate the merits and pitfalls of policies or offer solutions or alternatives, they seek only to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

If people had stood up against them when they first embarked on this strategy and rebuffed their scams and plots, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway. Because The Left doesn't care about the very people they claim they want to help, they only care about enslaving them to their own agendas.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and Fill in THE BLANKs.
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.
Don't kid yourself

The right doesn't care either
If by Right, you mean Socialist-Globalist RINOS, I agree, but Mainstream Middle America Conservatives do care about America, and about Constitutional Freedoms, Small Government, and Individual Liberties.

That's the people not the politicians

No politician, right or left, cares what the people think
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign and nearly got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time.

If people had stood up against them and rebuffed their scams, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and .
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.

Do either party care about anything other than winning?
name a SC nominee that the right went after? name a candidate other than clinton? name a march protest by the right. name something from the right that lines up with the list of the OP. then we'll talk. until then, the leftists are poor sports and evil humans. they don't care about anything but power.

And you should add, that there are good Democrats, some of them within The DNC still, but that they are increasingly getting disgusted with The Marxist Socialist Agenda in The Democrat Party and are becoming Independents and or joining the #WalkAway movement.
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign and nearly got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time.

If people had stood up against them and rebuffed their scams, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and .
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.

Do either party care about anything other than winning?
name a SC nominee that the right went after? name a candidate other than clinton? name a march protest by the right. name something from the right that lines up with the list of the OP. then we'll talk. until then, the leftists are poor sports and evil humans. they don't care about anything but power.

And you should add, that there are good Democrats, some of them within The DNC still, but that they are increasingly getting disgusted with The Marxist Socialist Agenda in The Democrat Party and are becoming Independents and or joining the #WalkAway movement.
I haven't seen a one. Until one of them actually steps out, I choose not to, thanks.
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign who made false allegations and then promptly disappeared after the election was over and nearly got away with it.
  • They cried "Russia Russia Russia" when they were actually soliciting the help of Vladimir Putin to defeat Donald Trump, and even laundered money and left a paper trail to prove they did indeed do this......and they got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time. They don't debate the merits and pitfalls of policies or offer solutions or alternatives, they seek only to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

If people had stood up against them when they first embarked on this strategy and rebuffed their scams and plots, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway. Because The Left doesn't care about the very people they claim they want to help, they only care about enslaving them to their own agendas.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and Fill in THE BLANKs.
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.
Don't kid yourself

The right doesn't care either
If by Right, you mean Socialist-Globalist RINOS, I agree, but Mainstream Middle America Conservatives do care about America, and about Constitutional Freedoms, Small Government, and Individual Liberties.

That's the people not the politicians

No politician, right or left, cares what the people think

That happens to be your poorly supported opinion.
Try to participate in the discussion please.
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign and nearly got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time.

If people had stood up against them and rebuffed their scams, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and .
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.

Do either party care about anything other than winning?
name a SC nominee that the right went after? name a candidate other than clinton? name a march protest by the right. name something from the right that lines up with the list of the OP. then we'll talk. until then, the leftists are poor sports and evil humans. they don't care about anything but power.

I can name you a man who violated his constitutional duties for over a year and failed to hold a single hearing on a Supreme Court nominee from the President of the United States. His name was Mitch O'Connell. If the Dems take the Senate, doubtful at this point, but if they do, I would not expect a single Trump SCOTUS nominee to get throogh because it is all using the same tactics as the Pubs.

Now going to you remark about marches. If you want to know the truth about marches and protests that is all wimp ass shit. True power is what Mitch O'Connell did. When the shoe goes on the other foot, the right will use the same tactics because that is all you will have.
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign who made false allegations and then promptly disappeared after the election was over and nearly got away with it.
  • They cried "Russia Russia Russia" when they were actually soliciting the help of Vladimir Putin to defeat Donald Trump, and even laundered money and left a paper trail to prove they did indeed do this......and they got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time. They don't debate the merits and pitfalls of policies or offer solutions or alternatives, they seek only to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

If people had stood up against them when they first embarked on this strategy and rebuffed their scams and plots, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway. Because The Left doesn't care about the very people they claim they want to help, they only care about enslaving them to their own agendas.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and Fill in THE BLANKs.
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.
Don't kid yourself

The right doesn't care either
If by Right, you mean Socialist-Globalist RINOS, I agree, but Mainstream Middle America Conservatives do care about America, and about Constitutional Freedoms, Small Government, and Individual Liberties.

That's the people not the politicians

No politician, right or left, cares what the people think

That happens to be your poorly supported opinion.
Try to participate in the discussion please.

Poorly supported?

What rock have you been hiding under?

“When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”Gilens & Page (2014)
  • Democrats Borked Bork
  • They Put Anita Hill up to lying about a man she worked with for years, and even kept contact with on a regular basis after she no longer worked for him.
  • They falsely accused Judge Moore and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Herman Cain and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused Carter Page and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused General Flynn and got away with it.
  • They falsely accused President Trump of colluding with Russia and still are trying to.
  • They paraded a bunch of Bimbos in front of the media during President Trump's Campaign and nearly got away with it.
Now they are resorting to the same play on the last page of their play book that they resort to every single time.

If people had stood up against them and rebuffed their scams, and made them pay a price for them, they would quit doing this.

#MeToo is a fraud. So is Russia Russia, and this is why many with sense are joining #WalkAway.

  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton and Obama sold our Uranium to Russia while James Comey and Robert Mueller kept hush hush about a Rosatom Bribery Scheme which paid out large sums of money to the members of the committee that approved the deal. Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton both sat on that committee.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton laundered illegal campaign donations through The Clinton Foundation from Russia, China and .
  • The Left doesn't care that Hillary and Bill literally stole food and water from the mouths of Haitian Babies when they raided the Haitian Earthquake Relief fund.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder took filthy Drug Money for Mexican Drug Cartels when he sold them AK47s to kill our Border Patrol Agents.
  • The Left didn't care with Obama used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives and Christian Groups.
  • The Left didn't care when Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and James Comey committed Perjury and worked to cover up Hillary Clinton's pathological criminal behavior. Both Clapper and Brennan were also found to have committed perjury "after the fact" and neither the FBI or DOJ pursued justice in either matter for "lying under oath"
  • The Left didn't care when Obama used drones to kill Civilians after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize that he never deserved.
  • The Left did not care when Michele Obama had some 30 servants in The White House setting herself up as Queen and treating the help like Peasants.
  • The Left did not care when members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA were caught lying, and even plotting to subvert Democracy and our elections.
  • The Left did not care when Obama and Hillary Clinton Arrogantly Solicited the help of Vladimir Putin and THE KGB to try to take down President Trump with KGB Propaganda Obama and Clinton Illegally Paid for through a money laundering scheme via COIE lawfirm to Fusion GPS to Russian & British Spies.
  • The Left did not care that Obama violated International Law by flying Pallets of Billions of US dollars to Europe to exchange in to Euros to give to a Terrorist Regime Hell Bent in sending Nuclear Missiles to Israel and US Bases in the Middle East
  • The Left didn't care when Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying paid Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi and stage a COUP in Libya and using Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to terrorists until they found out about it via Hillary's "Negligent Handling" of classified Intel which she regularly used and shared with her friends for Insider Trading Purposes.
  • The Left did not care that both Obama and Bill Clinton helped North Korea achieve Nuclear weapons status, or that they helped the Chinese improve their missiels which they aim at us, and the shared US missile technology with North Korea who shared it with Iran.
  • The Left did not care about Bill Clinton's 12 rapes, or Al Gores 3 Sexual Assaults, or Barney Franks Brothel which he ran out of his own house with young boys servicing his every desire.
  • They didn't care about Hillary Clinton's and Bill Clinton's sex romps with underage girls on Kiddie Porn Island.
  • The Left did not care about Anthony's Weiner, or his laptop which contained thousands of pornographic images and even thousands more classified emails.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton shared classified emails with lowly garbage men and her maid.
  • The Left did not care that McCabe, Comey, Stozk, Page and other Sycophants leaked classified intelligence so long as it somehow in any way shape or form could be used by the media to paint a negative and false narrative about our President.
  • The Left did not care that The FBI and DOJ heads knowingly accepted Russian Propaganda from John Commie Kerry, And John Marxist McCain which they new was Salacious, False and Unverifiable and then Filed False Affidavits in a Secret Unconstitutional FISA Court to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign and his family and friends and associates and volunteers to For Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton to allow them to rig via Propaganda and a False Narrative that the media bludgeoned the American People with like Hitler and Kruschev pounding the pulpit our 2016 elections.
  • The Left did not care that Hillary Clinton was bribed by Russia and received $145 Million from Putin for approving Uranium One. Adam Schiff got paid, so did John McCain, and Barak Obama got paid $64 Million two years ago as a reward for his cooperation from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he has yet to write.
  • The Left does not care that Ellison regularly commits domestic violence against his partners, and that Louis Farakahn a racists, an America Hater, and Radical Islamocist is a central figure in the DNC.
  • The Left does not care that Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional Files so that they could leverage dirt on Congressmen to get what they wanted.
  • They only cared when these Pakistani Hackers got in to Podesta's emails and exposed that he was a Russian Puppet, a liar, racist, and so was Hillary Clinton, and they only cared when it was exposed they were rigging the DNC Primaries for Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders.
  • The Left doesn't care that Al Sharpton refuses to pay his taxes owing the US Government Millions, yet they somehow care about Legal Overseas Investments placed in offshore LEGAL tax shelters by Paul Manafort decades before he even worked for The Trump Campaign just for 4 short months.
  • The Left doesn't care that Clinton met with Ukrainian Agents who were proxies for Putin top launch the Propganda attack on Candidate Trump.
  • They also don't care that Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea.
  • They care about unprovable allegations of consensual sex from a washed up broke porn star who took a thousand dicks up her ass, who no longer is wanted for film work and who has had to resort to stripping again to make a living..... a REAL Patriot in their eyes. Then again, so is ANTIFA, and Any Marxist Organization funded by SOROS who funds the RESISTANCE against Democracy in this country.

The list is so long about what The Democrats don't care about that it'd take me hours to list it all. They care about forcing bakers to bake "gay" cakes, and telling little girls that grown men have the right to share bathrooms with them. Oh they care about that.

They care about wanting to see President Trump's Tax Returns, but sure as hell don't want you to see The FISA Applications submitted by "The Insurance Policy" group. They sure as Hell don't want you to see Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails, or the non existence testimony of her criminal gang which was all taken under immunity from prosecution, and never recorded or documented in direct violation of FBI and DOJ policy. Oh they care about PreDawn Raids on The President's Attorney's office, and Paul Manafort's home and are cool with pointing guns at their families while they wipe the sleep from their eyes and scramble to cover up their night clothes. But they don't give a shit about Heroin coming in to this country or Mexican Drug gangs murdering, raping, and butchering our citizens.

They are all about #MeToo, but don't give a shit about Islamic and Mexican Human Trafficking Rings kidnapping little American girls, and turning them in to Heroin Addicts and Human Cum Dumpsters in underground Brothels here and abroad. They don't care about Kate Steinley or Iowa Golfing Star Celia Barquin Arozamena who was killed by a homeless Heroin Addict on a Golf Course during a Round of Golf.

Homeless man charged in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old golfer at Iowa State

They don't care about Due Process, The Right To Privacy, Illegal Search and Seizure, or the concept of Innocence until proven Guilty or the Right to Face your Accuser in a Court of Law.

They don't care about me, and they don't care about you. They only care about their agenda, and turning people in to cattle and in to obedient subservient slaves share cropping votes for them on their socialist plantations, and they only care about gaining the power and leverage to implement their plan for America which is no plan at all except for dissolving it and transforming it in to a Socialist Cog in the Globalist Government Machine.

Do either party care about anything other than winning?
name a SC nominee that the right went after? name a candidate other than clinton? name a march protest by the right. name something from the right that lines up with the list of the OP. then we'll talk. until then, the leftists are poor sports and evil humans. they don't care about anything but power.

I can name you a man who violated his constitutional duties for over a year and failed to hold a single hearing on a Supreme Court nominee from the President of the United States. His name was Mitch O'Connell. If the Dems take the Senate, doubtful at this point, but if they do, I would not expect a single Trump SCOTUS nominee to get throogh because it is all using the same tactics as the Pubs.

Now going to you remark about marches. If you want to know the truth about marches and protests that is all wimp ass shit. True power is what Mitch O'Connell did. When the shoe goes on the other foot, the right will use the same tactics because that is all you will have.
see you need to know about the constitution if you wish to challenge or debate this subject. here, case in point,

have you ever heard of precedent? get back to me when you educate yourself.

Forum List
