
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Government was designed to answer to the people and serve the people in a very limited capacity. The left has unconstitutionally grown it to unimaginable proportions. And now they have weaponized it to attack anyone who will not bow to their ideology.

Government was designed to answer to the people and serve the people in a very limited capacity. The left has unconstitutionally grown it to unimaginable proportions. And now they have weaponized it to attack anyone who will not bow to their ideology.

We can only hope our great nation survives the next few years. That, and continue to support our President.
Government was designed to answer to the people and serve the people in a very limited capacity. The left has unconstitutionally grown it to unimaginable proportions. And now they have weaponized it to attack anyone who will not bow to their ideology.

Great Video. Two of the 7 dwarfs. Goofy and Sleepy..
Here are two left-wing F.B.I. Agents discussing how they plan to abuse their power in an attempt to stop a candidate who is being legally and properly supported by the people.
FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was intimately involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe of Russian election-meddling, vowed to “stop” Donald Trump from reaching the White House in an August 2016 text message to FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

“[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page wrote to Strzok in a text message set to be released Thursday as part of a Department of Justice inspector general’s report.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok, who was dating Page at the time, responded.
The left has weaponized every single facet of government - from the IRS to the F.B.I. and everything in between - in an effort to gain complete and total control over the U.S.

Peter Strzok Text: 'We'll Stop' Trump from Becoming President | National Review
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Who is surprised that the "community organizer" weaponized the Federal government to suppress the GOP. Just look at Lois Learner and the IRS, and Comey/McCabe/Strozk at the FBI and their FISA bullsh!t, and then Brennan and Clapper communing with the Russians to sell uranium as well as develop the Steele Dossier using the intel assets. It will take a few years for Trump and the GOP to clean house.
Government was designed to answer to the people and serve the people in a very limited capacity. The left has unconstitutionally grown it to unimaginable proportions. And now they have weaponized it to attack anyone who will not bow to their ideology.

Great Video. Two of the 7 dwarfs. Goofy and Sleepy..

Great topical response. Full of wisdom and depth!
Government was designed to answer to the people and serve the people in a very limited capacity. The left has unconstitutionally grown it to unimaginable proportions. And now they have weaponized it to attack anyone who will not bow to their ideology.

Great Video. Two of the 7 dwarfs. Goofy and Sleepy..

Great topical response. Full of wisdom and depth!

He can’t dispute the facts so he has to distract and redirect. He simply cannot bring himself to condemn the criminal enterprise of the left. How sad.
Fiqured that out when fast and furious was not a big priority to prosecute. When the CIA spied on congress and others. The IRS was just another headstone. Bengazi started by a YouTube video and years latter no one held accountable. I think we will find a number of high ranking officials involved in trying to keep Trump out of the White House.

Of course nothing will ever be done, maybe a token few will be fired.
Huma Abedin was caught lying (indisputable evidence) and yet no charges were ever brought against her.
And Abedin told agents, they wrote, that she 'did not know that Clinton had a private server until about a year and a half ago when it became public knowledge.'

But in emails released by the State Department, Mills and Abedin both referred to Clinton's server specifically. Lying to the FBI is a federal felony, but charges were not brought against either woman.
Just like no charges were brought against Bill Clinton for his felony perjury and no charges were brought against Hitlery Clinton for her illegal private server, her destruction of evidence, or her obstruction of justice. The left conspires to ensure none of their own are ever brought to justice.

Pictured: Anti-Trump text FBI agent and wife he cheated on | Daily Mail Online
Government hates being restrained by the Constitution and that it has to obey the very laws it passes. For a long time now government has been busy scheming to overcome these checks and balances on its power.

James Madison said, the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary in the same hands is the very definition of tyranny. Which is exactly what government has been attempting to do. Rig elections, game the system, get one party in charge of everything congress, the White House, and rig the courts with biased judges who ignore the Constitution.

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