The left has lost its way: Why does the left give islam a pass?

You don’t have a choice.

In that, alas you are wrong. Free people always have endless choices because they are free to determine their own fates. Tis you who wish to wear chains; so forge them well. For one day you too will seek satiation, to drink again from the pure waters of freedom. Until then, enjoy your self-imposed ideological bondage. That, and get far out of the way of all free people. We're coming; we're coming in like a thousand year tide.
In that, alas you are wrong. Free people always have endless choices because they are free to determine their own fates. Tis you who wish to wear chains; so forge them well. For one day you too will seek satiation, to drink again from the pure waters of freedom. Until then, enjoy your self-imposed ideological bondage. That, and get far out of the way of all free people. We're coming; we're coming in like a thousand year tide.
We’ll be ready this time, colonizer.
The Fascist Nazis were enemies of the left wing socialist.
Nazis did kill left wing socialists, and they killed Nazi socialists who inconvenienced them in any way like the head of the SA who was loyal to Hitler.

I think you will find there was no one they would not murder.
Don't you just love the religious nutters who claim to be saintly while killing anyone that stands in their way of asserting their position of perspective and projection?

who are the religious nutters...i am assuming you mean trumpsupporters LOL) that are killing ANYONE??

ps. please answer how one is a christian and can support the democrat agenda which is anti God.
vae victis. yeah. i can see that as the motto of the left. I do know that there were some heathenish conquerors who did not do that. nebuchadnezzer, Cyrus, Ahaseurus(to a large degree)
there are no christian atrocities. There ARE christians dying everyday in africa and the middle east. Yet you say nothing of that. lIke you don't know it or you ignore it.
Hahaha. It all started after the Emperor made Christianity the State religion of Rome and they began feeding the Romans who refused to convert to the lions.

Sure the Christians mostly won the war to end all wars and took control of Muslim lands and divided up the resources amongst themselves. The Muslims turned to their ancient holy holy book and found some old passage from a much more violent times in Human history and adapted them to justify their tactics in their asymmetrical war against the West. If need be, the Christians have their own ancient holy holy book too......
nazi means national socialist workers party
Right. Who were right wing Aryan National Authoritarians who swore allegiance to one man, and not left wing socialists at all. The Nazi's had bloody street battles with the Socialist during the turmoil.
who are the religious nutters...i am assuming you mean trumpsupporters LOL) that are killing ANYONE??

ps. please answer how one is a christian and can support the democrat agenda which is anti God.
The Democratic party has an agenda not sure what the democrat agenda is since that is singular.

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