The Left following Alinsky's playbook to the T

....and Hillary was an Alinsky admirer from her college days. She even deducted her senior thesis to him, and she received a A for it!

Hillary Rodham senior thesis - Wikipedia

In 1969, Hillary Rodham wrote a 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College about community organizer Saul Alinsky entitled "There Is Only the Fight . . . : An Analysis of the Alinsky Model." The thesis is now available.[1]

Want to understand Hillary Clinton? Read Saul Alinsky

Alinksy's daughter: What the media won't tell you about Hillary
So, if I wrote a paper on how Hitler controlled Germany, it would make me a Nazi?
No, but if you spent time with Hitler as your mentor and teacher, then wrote your college thesis praising him, yes, that would make you a Nazi.

You are bat shit crazy. I can write a paper on Hitler & talk about his success in gaining leadership. Does not make him my mentor or hero.
Idiot, Obama was not only one of Alinsky's foot soldiers, he taught Alinsky ideology in college. The fact that Leftard coolaid drinkers like you don't like hearing about their leaders background and real intentions does not change who their leaders are, and what their party has evolved into.

CNN Turns Blind Eye To Obama-Alinsky Ties | Investor's Business Daily

• Obama first learned Alinsky's rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. (Gamaliel's website expressly states it grew out of the Alinsky movement.)

• In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he lamented organizers' "lack of power" in implementing change.

Gamaliel board member John McKnight, a hard-core student of Alinsky, penned a letter for Obama to help him get into Harvard Law School.

Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, a station of the cross for acolytes.

• In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics.

Obama also taught Alinsky's "Power Analysis" methods at the University of Chicago.

• During the presidential campaign, Obama hired one of his Gamaliel mentors, Mike Kruglik, to train young campaign workers in Alinsky tactics at "Camp Obama," a school set up at Obama headquarters in Chicago. The tactics helped Obama capture the youth vote like no other president before him.

• After the election, his other Gamaliel mentor, Jerry Kellman (who hired him and whose identity Obama disguised in his memoir), helped the Obama administration establish Organizing for America, which mobilizes young supporters to agitate for Obama's legislative agenda using "Rules for Radicals."

• Obama's favorite rule is No. 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." You see that in his attacks on "fat cat bankers," "greedy health insurers" and "millionaires and billionaires." He also readily applies Alinsky's fifth rule of "ridiculing" the opposition.
You have no clue what a Community Organizer does.

You take the "guns" out of the Alinsky rules & you have Trump.
....and Hillary was an Alinsky admirer from her college days. She even deducted her senior thesis to him, and she received a A for it!

Hillary Rodham senior thesis - Wikipedia

In 1969, Hillary Rodham wrote a 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College about community organizer Saul Alinsky entitled "There Is Only the Fight . . . : An Analysis of the Alinsky Model." The thesis is now available.[1]

Want to understand Hillary Clinton? Read Saul Alinsky

Alinksy's daughter: What the media won't tell you about Hillary
So, if I wrote a paper on how Hitler controlled Germany, it would make me a Nazi?
No, but if you spent time with Hitler as your mentor and teacher, then wrote your college thesis praising him, yes, that would make you a Nazi.

You are bat shit crazy. I can write a paper on Hitler & talk about his success in gaining leadership. Does not make him my mentor or hero.
Idiot, Obama was not only one of Alinsky's foot soldiers, he taught Alinsky ideology in college. The fact that Leftard coolaid drinkers like you don't like hearing about their leaders background and real intentions does not change who their leaders are, and what their party has evolved into.

CNN Turns Blind Eye To Obama-Alinsky Ties | Investor's Business Daily

• Obama first learned Alinsky's rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. (Gamaliel's website expressly states it grew out of the Alinsky movement.)

• In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he lamented organizers' "lack of power" in implementing change.

Gamaliel board member John McKnight, a hard-core student of Alinsky, penned a letter for Obama to help him get into Harvard Law School.

Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, a station of the cross for acolytes.

• In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics.

Obama also taught Alinsky's "Power Analysis" methods at the University of Chicago.

• During the presidential campaign, Obama hired one of his Gamaliel mentors, Mike Kruglik, to train young campaign workers in Alinsky tactics at "Camp Obama," a school set up at Obama headquarters in Chicago. The tactics helped Obama capture the youth vote like no other president before him.

• After the election, his other Gamaliel mentor, Jerry Kellman (who hired him and whose identity Obama disguised in his memoir), helped the Obama administration establish Organizing for America, which mobilizes young supporters to agitate for Obama's legislative agenda using "Rules for Radicals."

• Obama's favorite rule is No. 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." You see that in his attacks on "fat cat bankers," "greedy health insurers" and "millionaires and billionaires." He also readily applies Alinsky's fifth rule of "ridiculing" the opposition.
You have no clue what a Community Organizer does.

You take the "guns" out of the Alinsky rules & you have Trump.
You literally are trying to use Alinsky tactics right now.
Only Conservatives study Alinsky
Most liberals have no idea who he is
Only the younger ones.

The baby boomer leftists and older know exactly who he was and admire him.

What did Alinsky do wrong?
And you claim to be a former Republican.....
I see you have no answer to a simple question

Alinsky fought his whole life to improve the living conditions of the poor
What is objectionable about that?
You're kidding? AOC IS DUMB as shit and Omar is a American hating muslim.

See? Neither is true, yet you're still spouting the propaganda. That's some fine Alinskyism on your part. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

More correctly, it's Alinksyism on the part of your masters. Rank-and-file conservatives just say what they're told to say. They don't have the brainpower to understand that they're doing Alinsky's will.
Prove me wrong.
How many times have you been proven wrong? You keep making this claim & getting your stupid ass handed to you.
Thanks for proving me right.
Name one time you were actually proved right.
Just now, silly.
Only Conservatives study Alinsky
Most liberals have no idea who he is
Only the younger ones.

The baby boomer leftists and older know exactly who he was and admire him.

What did Alinsky do wrong?
And you claim to be a former Republican.....
I see you have no answer to a simple question

Alinsky fought his whole life to improve the living conditions of the poor
What is objectionable about that?
Alinsky a piece of shit... simple as that
On every issue and every aspect you can see this common thread. They want to bring about the demise of this country. It started with Obama and has only gotten worse. And Trump is doing a great job saving this country from these pseudo communists that want to have a one-world global govt. that is in charge of every aspect of people's lives.



Trump is trying to control healthcare, making middle clsss poorer, increased the national debt, cut education with DeVos, erodes religion through his amorality, and wages war against poor people.

But hey, that fucking Alinsky guy.
Roudy wants us to think he read a book. :)
....and Hillary was an Alinsky admirer from her college days. She even deducted her senior thesis to him, and she received a A for it!

Hillary Rodham senior thesis - Wikipedia

In 1969, Hillary Rodham wrote a 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College about community organizer Saul Alinsky entitled "There Is Only the Fight . . . : An Analysis of the Alinsky Model." The thesis is now available.[1]

Want to understand Hillary Clinton? Read Saul Alinsky

Alinksy's daughter: What the media won't tell you about Hillary
So, if I wrote a paper on how Hitler controlled Germany, it would make me a Nazi?
No, but if you spent time with Hitler as your mentor and teacher, then wrote your college thesis praising him, yes, that would make you a Nazi.

You are bat shit crazy. I can write a paper on Hitler & talk about his success in gaining leadership. Does not make him my mentor or hero.
Idiot, Obama was not only one of Alinsky's foot soldiers, he taught Alinsky ideology in college. The fact that Leftard coolaid drinkers like you don't like hearing about their leaders background and real intentions does not change who their leaders are, and what their party has evolved into.

CNN Turns Blind Eye To Obama-Alinsky Ties | Investor's Business Daily

• Obama first learned Alinsky's rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. (Gamaliel's website expressly states it grew out of the Alinsky movement.)

• In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he lamented organizers' "lack of power" in implementing change.

Gamaliel board member John McKnight, a hard-core student of Alinsky, penned a letter for Obama to help him get into Harvard Law School.

Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, a station of the cross for acolytes.

• In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics.

Obama also taught Alinsky's "Power Analysis" methods at the University of Chicago.

• During the presidential campaign, Obama hired one of his Gamaliel mentors, Mike Kruglik, to train young campaign workers in Alinsky tactics at "Camp Obama," a school set up at Obama headquarters in Chicago. The tactics helped Obama capture the youth vote like no other president before him.

• After the election, his other Gamaliel mentor, Jerry Kellman (who hired him and whose identity Obama disguised in his memoir), helped the Obama administration establish Organizing for America, which mobilizes young supporters to agitate for Obama's legislative agenda using "Rules for Radicals."

• Obama's favorite rule is No. 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." You see that in his attacks on "fat cat bankers," "greedy health insurers" and "millionaires and billionaires." He also readily applies Alinsky's fifth rule of "ridiculing" the opposition.
You have no clue what a Community Organizer does.

You take the "guns" out of the Alinsky rules & you have Trump.
Community Organizers and Block Captains are frauds and shills at a high percentage. Screw your bull. They are out for themselves.
So, if I wrote a paper on how Hitler controlled Germany, it would make me a Nazi?
No, but if you spent time with Hitler as your mentor and teacher, then wrote your college thesis praising him, yes, that would make you a Nazi.

You are bat shit crazy. I can write a paper on Hitler & talk about his success in gaining leadership. Does not make him my mentor or hero.
Idiot, Obama was not only one of Alinsky's foot soldiers, he taught Alinsky ideology in college. The fact that Leftard coolaid drinkers like you don't like hearing about their leaders background and real intentions does not change who their leaders are, and what their party has evolved into.

CNN Turns Blind Eye To Obama-Alinsky Ties | Investor's Business Daily

• Obama first learned Alinsky's rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. (Gamaliel's website expressly states it grew out of the Alinsky movement.)

• In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he lamented organizers' "lack of power" in implementing change.

Gamaliel board member John McKnight, a hard-core student of Alinsky, penned a letter for Obama to help him get into Harvard Law School.

Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, a station of the cross for acolytes.

• In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics.

Obama also taught Alinsky's "Power Analysis" methods at the University of Chicago.

• During the presidential campaign, Obama hired one of his Gamaliel mentors, Mike Kruglik, to train young campaign workers in Alinsky tactics at "Camp Obama," a school set up at Obama headquarters in Chicago. The tactics helped Obama capture the youth vote like no other president before him.

• After the election, his other Gamaliel mentor, Jerry Kellman (who hired him and whose identity Obama disguised in his memoir), helped the Obama administration establish Organizing for America, which mobilizes young supporters to agitate for Obama's legislative agenda using "Rules for Radicals."

• Obama's favorite rule is No. 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." You see that in his attacks on "fat cat bankers," "greedy health insurers" and "millionaires and billionaires." He also readily applies Alinsky's fifth rule of "ridiculing" the opposition.
You have no clue what a Community Organizer does.

You take the "guns" out of the Alinsky rules & you have Trump.
Community Organizers and Block Captains are frauds and shills at a high percentage. Screw your bull. They are out for themselves.
This is why you Trumpettes are known to be total morons. ( The idea that a Trump supporter bitched that someone might be out for themselves is funnier than shit.)

Community organizers go into poorer neighborhood & get the community to help themselves & thereby help those who live there.

Imagine, helping parents get jobs by getting the churches to run day care. And here you are having a freaking fit.

You people are so fucking stupid that you complain about this & it helps reduce the dependence on government programs.
Only Conservatives study Alinsky
Most liberals have no idea who he is
Only the younger ones.

The baby boomer leftists and older know exactly who he was and admire him.

What did Alinsky do wrong?
And you claim to be a former Republican.....
I see you have no answer to a simple question

Alinsky fought his whole life to improve the living conditions of the poor
What is objectionable about that?
Alinsky a piece of shit... simple as that
Provide an example
No, but if you spent time with Hitler as your mentor and teacher, then wrote your college thesis praising him, yes, that would make you a Nazi.

You are bat shit crazy. I can write a paper on Hitler & talk about his success in gaining leadership. Does not make him my mentor or hero.
Idiot, Obama was not only one of Alinsky's foot soldiers, he taught Alinsky ideology in college. The fact that Leftard coolaid drinkers like you don't like hearing about their leaders background and real intentions does not change who their leaders are, and what their party has evolved into.

CNN Turns Blind Eye To Obama-Alinsky Ties | Investor's Business Daily

• Obama first learned Alinsky's rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. (Gamaliel's website expressly states it grew out of the Alinsky movement.)

• In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he lamented organizers' "lack of power" in implementing change.

Gamaliel board member John McKnight, a hard-core student of Alinsky, penned a letter for Obama to help him get into Harvard Law School.

Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, a station of the cross for acolytes.

• In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics.

Obama also taught Alinsky's "Power Analysis" methods at the University of Chicago.

• During the presidential campaign, Obama hired one of his Gamaliel mentors, Mike Kruglik, to train young campaign workers in Alinsky tactics at "Camp Obama," a school set up at Obama headquarters in Chicago. The tactics helped Obama capture the youth vote like no other president before him.

• After the election, his other Gamaliel mentor, Jerry Kellman (who hired him and whose identity Obama disguised in his memoir), helped the Obama administration establish Organizing for America, which mobilizes young supporters to agitate for Obama's legislative agenda using "Rules for Radicals."

• Obama's favorite rule is No. 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." You see that in his attacks on "fat cat bankers," "greedy health insurers" and "millionaires and billionaires." He also readily applies Alinsky's fifth rule of "ridiculing" the opposition.
You have no clue what a Community Organizer does.

You take the "guns" out of the Alinsky rules & you have Trump.
Community Organizers and Block Captains are frauds and shills at a high percentage. Screw your bull. They are out for themselves.
This is why you Trumpettes are known to be total morons. ( The idea that a Trump supporter bitched that someone might be out for themselves is funnier than shit.)

Community organizers go into poorer neighborhood & get the community to help themselves & thereby help those who live there.

Imagine, helping parents get jobs by getting the churches to run day care. And here you are having a freaking fit.

You people are so fucking stupid that you complain about this & it helps reduce the dependence on government programs.
I can’t imagine why being a community organizer is a bad thing
It is public service

Something conservatives used to advocate

How dare you encourage black people to vote!
Doesn’t mean a thing

You still have not identified anything illegal Alinsky ever did
Is it illegal to give leftists training in over throwing the American government and way of life?
We should ask Obama and Hillary about that.
Obama tried to do more than that, he was planning the destruction of this country. Until Trump stepped in.

He did?
By getting people’s healthcare?

Thank God Trump is here to take it away
Obama the epic fail already beat him to it. He broke the health care system in this country, and the lying anti American thug did not follow through on even one of his promises to the American people. Remember, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, and everybody's healthcare costs would go down. Ooops.
30 million additional people got healthcare under the Great Obama

Republicans want to kick off those with pre existing conditions
And millions more lost their existing care or Doctor and ended up paying significantly more than before. Part of the reason Trump got elected was because of the Obamacare nightmare.
Most liberals know nothing of Alinsky.

Most conservatives know Alinsky by heart. After all, it's always conservatives posting about Alinsky. Check a conservative's pocket, and you'll probably find _Rules for Radicals_, along with Mao's little red book.

Most liberals don’t know anything about Karl Marx or the early Soviet days. Doesn’t mean they aren’t repeating history and following in their footsteps.
Except that liberals were hated by Stalin..
For fifty years of the Cold War, Leftists and Liberals were the ones defending and justifying the USSR and Communism. Comrade Bernie Sander even went to the USSR for his honeymoon. Tells you where his heart really is.
Trump loves Russia. Comrade Donnie called our intelligence agencies dumbasses & believed Putin.
Not s much as Bill and Hillary. Remember Bill Clinton got paid half a million for an hour of speaking in Russia, the Russians paid 18 million into the Clinton Foundation to buy a big chunk of US Uranium, and Hillary and the Dems paid money for a fake Russian dossier.

So perhaps this whole finger pointing at Trump is to distract from what the Dems, the Clintons, and Deep State actually did?
So, if I wrote a paper on how Hitler controlled Germany, it would make me a Nazi?
No, but if you spent time with Hitler as your mentor and teacher, then wrote your college thesis praising him, yes, that would make you a Nazi.

You are bat shit crazy. I can write a paper on Hitler & talk about his success in gaining leadership. Does not make him my mentor or hero.
Idiot, Obama was not only one of Alinsky's foot soldiers, he taught Alinsky ideology in college. The fact that Leftard coolaid drinkers like you don't like hearing about their leaders background and real intentions does not change who their leaders are, and what their party has evolved into.

CNN Turns Blind Eye To Obama-Alinsky Ties | Investor's Business Daily

• Obama first learned Alinsky's rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. (Gamaliel's website expressly states it grew out of the Alinsky movement.)

• In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he lamented organizers' "lack of power" in implementing change.

Gamaliel board member John McKnight, a hard-core student of Alinsky, penned a letter for Obama to help him get into Harvard Law School.

Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, a station of the cross for acolytes.

• In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics.

Obama also taught Alinsky's "Power Analysis" methods at the University of Chicago.

• During the presidential campaign, Obama hired one of his Gamaliel mentors, Mike Kruglik, to train young campaign workers in Alinsky tactics at "Camp Obama," a school set up at Obama headquarters in Chicago. The tactics helped Obama capture the youth vote like no other president before him.

• After the election, his other Gamaliel mentor, Jerry Kellman (who hired him and whose identity Obama disguised in his memoir), helped the Obama administration establish Organizing for America, which mobilizes young supporters to agitate for Obama's legislative agenda using "Rules for Radicals."

• Obama's favorite rule is No. 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." You see that in his attacks on "fat cat bankers," "greedy health insurers" and "millionaires and billionaires." He also readily applies Alinsky's fifth rule of "ridiculing" the opposition.
You have no clue what a Community Organizer does.

You take the "guns" out of the Alinsky rules & you have Trump.
You literally are trying to use Alinsky tactics right now.
Most die hard Leftwing nutjobs are basically little Alinskyites. Ha ha ha.
You are bat shit crazy. I can write a paper on Hitler & talk about his success in gaining leadership. Does not make him my mentor or hero.
Idiot, Obama was not only one of Alinsky's foot soldiers, he taught Alinsky ideology in college. The fact that Leftard coolaid drinkers like you don't like hearing about their leaders background and real intentions does not change who their leaders are, and what their party has evolved into.

CNN Turns Blind Eye To Obama-Alinsky Ties | Investor's Business Daily

• Obama first learned Alinsky's rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. (Gamaliel's website expressly states it grew out of the Alinsky movement.)

• In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he lamented organizers' "lack of power" in implementing change.

Gamaliel board member John McKnight, a hard-core student of Alinsky, penned a letter for Obama to help him get into Harvard Law School.

Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, a station of the cross for acolytes.

• In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics.

Obama also taught Alinsky's "Power Analysis" methods at the University of Chicago.

• During the presidential campaign, Obama hired one of his Gamaliel mentors, Mike Kruglik, to train young campaign workers in Alinsky tactics at "Camp Obama," a school set up at Obama headquarters in Chicago. The tactics helped Obama capture the youth vote like no other president before him.

• After the election, his other Gamaliel mentor, Jerry Kellman (who hired him and whose identity Obama disguised in his memoir), helped the Obama administration establish Organizing for America, which mobilizes young supporters to agitate for Obama's legislative agenda using "Rules for Radicals."

• Obama's favorite rule is No. 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." You see that in his attacks on "fat cat bankers," "greedy health insurers" and "millionaires and billionaires." He also readily applies Alinsky's fifth rule of "ridiculing" the opposition.
You have no clue what a Community Organizer does.

You take the "guns" out of the Alinsky rules & you have Trump.
Community Organizers and Block Captains are frauds and shills at a high percentage. Screw your bull. They are out for themselves.
This is why you Trumpettes are known to be total morons. ( The idea that a Trump supporter bitched that someone might be out for themselves is funnier than shit.)

Community organizers go into poorer neighborhood & get the community to help themselves & thereby help those who live there.

Imagine, helping parents get jobs by getting the churches to run day care. And here you are having a freaking fit.

You people are so fucking stupid that you complain about this & it helps reduce the dependence on government programs.
I can’t imagine why being a community organizer is a bad thing
It is public service

Something conservatives used to advocate

How dare you encourage black people to vote!
So we went from nobody even knows who Alinsky is and there is no association between the Left's leaders and Alinsky, to what's wrong with being an anti American commie thug with no ethics or morals named Alinsky? Ha ha ha.
Who did he train to overthrow the government?
Whoever was in favor of replacing our democratic government with a socialist version of it and tried to put his plan in action (Hillary, Obama, Bill Ayers, Mark Rudd etc,)
Some were Mao hardliners and wanted to take the government by force (LOL). And some, like Barry Obama and Hillary
Rodham Clinton, wanted to undermine the nation through Alinsky tactics and wanted to subvert the system after enriching themselves and holding power, of course.

But all thought the Soviet Union was the model we should adopt and get rid of nasty evils like our Constitution and it's guarantees of rights and freedoms, just like you or else why would you be trying to defend Alinksy?

He worked to improve the living conditions of those living in poverty. Why does that offend Conservatives?
Oh, he only wanted good things for everyone....and an end to our constitutional way of life and personal freedoms.
Just like you...right? Of course it's right, fucking dimwit.
They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.

Saul Alinsky
Last edited:
Is it illegal to give leftists training in over throwing the American government and way of life?
We should ask Obama and Hillary about that.
Obama tried to do more than that, he was planning the destruction of this country. Until Trump stepped in.

He did?
By getting people’s healthcare?

Thank God Trump is here to take it away
Obama the epic fail already beat him to it. He broke the health care system in this country, and the lying anti American thug did not follow through on even one of his promises to the American people. Remember, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, and everybody's healthcare costs would go down. Ooops.
30 million additional people got healthcare under the Great Obama

Republicans want to kick off those with pre existing conditions
And millions more lost their existing care or Doctor and ended up paying significantly more than before. Part of the reason Trump got elected was because of the Obamacare nightmare.
Now you are making shit up
Just like you did in your OP

The number of people without healthcare coverage decreased significantly under the Great increased under Trump

Trump said he had a plan that was cheaper and better than Obamacare...he lied
Who did he train to overthrow the government?
Whoever was in favor of replacing our democratic government with a socialist version of it and tried to put his plan in action (Hillary, Obama, Bill Ayers, Mark Rudd etc,)
Some were Mao hardliners and wanted to take the government by force (LOL). And some, like Barry Obama and Hillary
Rodham Clinton, wanted to undermine the nation through Alinsky tactics and wanted to subvert the system after enriching themselves and holding power, of course.

But all thought the Soviet Union was the model we should adopt and get rid of nasty evils like our Constitution and it's guarantees of rights and freedoms, just like you or else why would you be trying to defend Alinksy?

He worked to improve the living conditions of those living in poverty. Why does that offend Conservatives?
Oh, he only wanted good things for everyone....and an end to our constitutional way of life and personal freedoms.
Just like you...right? Of course it's right, fucking dimwit.
They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.

Saul Alinsky
Alinsky never participated in an attempt to overthrow the Government

The Tea Party used Alinskys methods

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