The Left called the Tea party racist but its ok for the OWS to be anti Semitic


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Even though I have not seen any proof of the tea party being racist and seen many examples of the OWS being anti Semitic

[ame=]Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street - LA - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube[/ame]
The left has always permitted racism and anti-semitism on their side. Mostly because they redefine racists and anti-semites to mean Republican. Therefore, they can never be racist or an anti-semite.
Raise your hand if you remember some on the right being wary and voicing their concerns of the TPM when it first out of curiosity, have any on the left openly expressed any doubts about the OWS??
[ame=]Tea Party's Most Offensive & Racist Signs - YouTube[/ame]

Go ahead ignore it again so you can repeat that "you havent seen evidence of racism from the Tea Party" or watch it and say they are liberal plants. Go head, we know the excuses already
I said I have not personally seen any evidence. I never stated that it never happened and thanks for the example but why does the left except this from the left when the denounced the Tea party for being racist ??
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The OP brings up an excellent point...Why does the left not speak out?
Tea Party's Most Offensive & Racist Signs - YouTube

Go ahead ignore it again so you can repeat that "you havent seen evidence of racism from the Tea Party" or watch it and say they are liberal plants. Go head, we know the excuses already

Look at you scrambling.
BTW, are you conceding that OWS is anti Semitic??
I bet if the OWS movement insulted jesus the left would love it, but if it disrespected Muhammad they'd walk away from the movement.
I said I have not personally seen any evidence. I never stated that it never happened and thanks for the example but why does the left except this from the left when the denounced the Tea party for being racist ??

The left accepts what? You gotta link saying Obama agrees with the Jew who called the other Jew a Jew in the second video?

Or Harry Reid shaking hands with the black lady who said "Zionist Jews and Bankers control the money?" in the first one?

Where is this acceptance? And why is a Jewish guy calling another Jewish guy, Jewish causing you such despair?
Even though I have not seen any proof of the tea party being racist and seen many examples of the OWS being anti Semitic

So, you're whining about how liberals broad-brushed the whole Tea Party as being racist, while at the same time, broad-brushing the Wall Street protesters as anti-Semites exactly the same way.
The left has always permitted racism and anti-semitism on their side. Mostly because they redefine racists and anti-semites to mean Republican. Therefore, they can never be racist or an anti-semite.

Fabrications and slander don't constitute an argument.
Tea Party's Most Offensive & Racist Signs - YouTube

Go ahead ignore it again so you can repeat that "you havent seen evidence of racism from the Tea Party" or watch it and say they are liberal plants. Go head, we know the excuses already

You really buy that having Obama's face on a food stamp coupon is Racist? Or that a scrawled sign planted on an EMPTY green lawn was ACTUALLY AT A TEA PARTY RALLY??

Even if it did say "Half Breed Muslin (sic)" -- I'd have to be crazy to tie that to your accusation of who made that sign and where it was.

What I've seen is HOURS of video of actual rallies with the TP folks CHEERING black speakers. I've seen pictures of several founders of TP chapters who are black.

Doesn't fly.. You could get away with this crap when the News was controlled by 3 networks. You can't anymore. We've learned to be more skeptical and questioning of contrived BS like video clip..
I said I have not personally seen any evidence. I never stated that it never happened…

Then there’s no need for this thread, except as a rightist hack job.

Oh really. YOu never saw that small step coming? the one that starts with rich, greedy Wall Street bankers ---- and ends up being rich, greedy Zionist Jewish Wall Street bankers?

I did -- that's why I pointed out the political deflection is much like KrystallNacht in Germany. Where the politicos wanted to deflect the GOVT responsibility for the awful German economy and needed to find a convienient and credible scapegoat.

Don't care about the Jewish inferences.. Those mental midgets are marginalized. I DO care about the scapegoating and the grandstanding politicians like Charlie Rangel who go down there to BOND with the protesters with the KNOWLEDGE that HE voted for every one of the bailouts and MOST of the policy that they are protesting.

What a circus..
Even though I have not seen any proof of the tea party being racist and seen many examples of the OWS being anti Semitic

Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street - LA - YouTube

Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube

The Left has always Tolerated Hate, Just not on Groups they tell us not to hate.

Jews, Hard Core Christians, White men, White Women who dare to not vote Democrat, Blacks who dare not Vote Democrat, Hispanics who dare to not vote Democrat, Anyone who dares be successful and make over 1 Million dollars ever in their lives, Anyone who dares work for a cooperation, all these groups are ok to Hate. Didn't you get the Democrat Hate list Memo?
Even though I have not seen any proof of the tea party being racist and seen many examples of the OWS being anti Semitic

So, you're whining about how liberals broad-brushed the whole Tea Party as being racist, while at the same time, broad-brushing the Wall Street protesters as anti-Semites exactly the same way.

No. LB's pointing out how liberals accused Tea party members of being racist with no evidence while ignoring the very clear cases of anti-semitism and violence in OWS.

No broad brushing involved at all.

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