the latest rants from the looney bin


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Requires no comment on my part. Enjoy. Board leftists - these are your compatriots - you should be proud.
The Democratic Underground Post Of The Day: Will The GOP Kill Howard Dean Just Like They Killed Kennedy?

One of the ideas that many members of the kooky left buy into is that every time a prominent Democrat dies, it's because George Bush had him killed. If -- God forbid -- a Democratic Senator were killed tomorrow in a plane crash, car wreck, by a fatal disease, you name it, left-wingers across the net from Alternet to Ted Rall to Indy Media to The Smirking Chimp to Counterpunch to Bartcop to the Democratic Underground would all be suggesting that Bush had them rubbed out for some reason. It's what they did when Paul Wellstone died. It's just how their brains are wired.

Want an example of how these people think? Then take a look at a thread called, "Would the Republicans have Dean "rubbed out" if they perceive him as a real threat" from the Democratic Underground. It captures the mentality perfectly...

patricia92243: "Would the Republicans have Dean "rubbed out" if they perceive him as a real threat - by bringing the Democratic Party back to being in real competition to them? I'm convinced that is what happened to JFK - he was "terminated" so there would not be a Kennedy dynasty. In my opinion, the big-wigs in the Republican party are really, seriously dangerous. I worry about our guy."

d_b: "I agree with that much. Stay the hell away from light aircraft."

kaitykaity: "Yeah, he needs to stay out of small planes. The Pugs got two of their Senate seats that way -- Carnahan and Wellstone."

rwenos: "He'll Need Personal Security. For sure he'll need personal security, if he doesn't already have it. The mere existence of Rumsfeld's private staff of spooks confirms that need.

Right now the Pub's are drunk with a wrong premise--i.e., that Howard Dean will lead the Dem's down the path to Hell.

If that changes, and the polls surge our way in 2006, then Dean will need to think about electronic countermeasures (which SHOULD now be in place in Democratic National Headquarters -- have we learned nothing from history?)"

xxqqqzme: "You're joking - right? Howard is the one person saurove is would love 2 destroy. Dean is the one yelling the emporer has no clothes."

AntiCoup2K4: "And yet they were both known to be in Dallas. Tricky Dick was at a Pepsi board meeting. Poppy can't account for his whereabouts. The picture of the figure in the doorway of the book depository could be him, but it's not conclusive. Though it's highly unlikely that Poppy was one of the shooters, he was probably the "supervisor" on that particular CIA mission, as he was on the Bay of Pigs operation.

D@mn shame that the only two Bush operations that did NOT fail were the assassination of JFK and the establishment of the Bin Laden led mujahadeen which later became "Al Qaeda"."
My question is how long will it be before one of these lunatics decides to take preemptive measures on the President? I seriously hope they dont get that nuts.

I still cant figure out why losing elevates Democrats do a higher level. Dean failed to even defeat Kerry. He lost all ability to raise funds before the primary was over. if he hadnt he wouldnt have dropped out so soon.

And i still have questions about his online fundraising methodology. How do you verify if the funds raised were from American citizens and not like from China or something?
Sir Evil said:
My thoughts exactly! Think about all those who have brought us the conspiracy theory threads? Who threatens to leave the country if Bush gets elected? And who in their right minds kill themselves over the election?
That's right the whacky DU'ers, these are a very big bunch of unstable minds that house that site. What a bunch of dumb bastards! :D

Well said John!!!!!!!
"As we have learned in the past weeks, we cannot trust George W. Bush."
Source: » [Cached]

"We cannot let the right wing roll back more than thirty years of social progress."
Source: » [Cached]

"We have a president who stole the presidency through family ties, arrogance and intimidation, employing Republican operatives to exercise the tactics of voter fraud by disenfranchising thousands of blacks, elderly Jews and other minorities."
Source: » [Cached]

"How could such a destructive man [referring to Pres. Bush] be so popular with the American people? ... Not only is he poisoning our air and water - he's poisoning our political system as well."
Source: » [Cached]

"I find George Bush and Dick Cheney frightening, Donald Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft frightening..."
Source: » [Cached]

"If the Republicans end up with control of the presidency, the Senate, the House of Representatives and the federal courts, there will not be any check on the power of the right wing. The result would be devastating for reproductive choice, the environment, civil liberties, Social Security and health care, as well as corporate accountability."

"Republicans are about protecting the corporations while Democrats are about protecting people."
Source: » [Cached]

"And remember, this was a president [referring to George W. Bush] who was selected by the Supreme Court rather than the people."
Source: » [Cached]

"[Republican control of the House has resulted in] Poison in the water, salmonella in the food, carbon dioxide in the air and toxic waste in the ground."
Source: » [Cached]

"It used to be in politics that there was a certain amount of class and eloquence. The debate was civilized even though there were strong disagreements over deeply important questions. But, as usual, the Republicans have resorted to name-calling and mean-spiritedness."
Source: » [Cached]

"The president is our leader, the figurehead of the country, a father figure. Are the 'children' supposed to follow his example? Are we in an era of trickle-down immorality, like trickle-down economics? The country sees their leader not telling the truth. These actions send a message that you don’t have to mean what you say, that you don’t have to care about other people, that you can do whatever you have to do or say whatever you have to say to get ahead. Is that the message we want to impart to our children? Is that the culture we want to live in?"
Source: » [Cached]

"It's boring to sing your own songs."
Source:,11711,1049068,00.html » [Cached]

"Indeed, today marks a sad day for artistic freedom - one of the most important elements of an open and democratic society."
Source: » [Cached]

"I’ve seen [the right wing’s] ferocity up close, as I witnessed the astounding assault on the CBS movie about Ronald Reagan … They attacked that movie and drove it off network television before any of them had ever seen it. The right wing is very well-organized. They fight dirty."
Source: » [Cached]

"Finally ... finally we can talk about what's really going on. Rather than accept the myth that 9/11 turned President Bush into a "hero" ... former counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke has bravely spoken out to tell us the real story -- that Bush did not treat terrorism as an urgent issue. And that going to war in Iraq, in addition to tragically costing us so many lives, has diverted money and resources away from where they should have been focused -- on dismantling al Qaeda and strengthening our homeland security."
Source: » [Cached]
In response to Clinton's impeachment:

"They voted on one article of impeachment already. And I come back from Africa to stained dresses and cigars and this and impeachment. I am thinking to myself, in other countries they are laughing at us 24 hours a day and I’m thinking to myself, if we were in other countries, we would all right now, all of us together, [starts to shout] all of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! [crowd cheers] Wait! Shut up! Shut up! No shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families. [stands up, yelling] What is happening in this country? What is happening? UGHHH!"
Source: » [Cached]

"I never made that statement [about leaving the country if Pres. Bush was elected], but you can tell Gov. Bush to rest assured that I'm not going to leave the country because we have to get him out of office and we have to get his brother out of office in 2004. We're not resting until we get that done."

"Bush wasn't elected, he was selected — selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines."
Source: » [Cached]

"I know that's a harsh thing to say, perhaps, but I believe that what happened in 2000 did as much damage to the pillars of democracy as terrorists did to the pillars of commerce in New York City."
Source: » [Cached]

"I think my exact comment was that if Bush won it would be a good time to leave the United States. I’m not necessarily going to leave the United States."
Source: » [Cached]

"I wanted to give this [box of dog biscuits] to Tom DeLay's lap dog, Rick Perry. I thought maybe he had worked up a big appetite up there on the Capitol so Governor Perry, AKA Tom DeLay's lap dog in the Texas state Legislature, this box of dog biscuits is for you and I hope you enjoy it while you're toiling away at a redistricting plan."

"Everything that Bush touches turns to manure in public policy and they're coming down here and they're telling Rick Perry what to do."
Source: » [Cached]

To the Pope:

"Your words would do a world of good for God's animals, who are suffering so horribly on factory farms and in slaughterhouses."

"Animals on these intensive-production 'farms' never breathe fresh air or feel the grass beneath their feet or the sun on their faces."

"They are never shown any kindness at all, and any compassionate person can only be appalled at the conditions under which they live and die."
Source: » [Cached]

Except it was he Baldwin that served Goose and Duck Liver at parties..........
Sir Evil said:
My thoughts exactly! Think about all those who have brought us the conspiracy theory threads? Who threatens to leave the country if Bush gets elected? And who in their right minds kill themselves over the election?
That's right the whacky DU'ers, these are a very big bunch of unstable minds that house that site. What a bunch of dumb bastards! :D

Good point.

But one thing puzzles the crap out of me. How did they ever get to be THAT stupid???

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