The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I would encourage you to go back and read it again, although it will probably scare you to death at this juncture in history.
You just hit on why I hesitate to read what you suggested. I’m depressed - and scared - enough as it is.
Just the opposite....that’s why we are going to vote your butts out of there. I like freedom, not indoctrination of six-year-olds.
I like freedom too.

And what is your evidence of indoctrination? Phucker carlson?
You have complete Free Will to exclude yourself by choice from The Kingdom of Heaven. But in doing so, you must realize that Evil must be contained and imprisoned for The Universe to be restored to it's original perfect state. You can't be part of that because you won't even meet God half way. Though He reaches His hand out to you daily, you slap it away.
Mf sounds like a Sabaton song.
The FBI put parents on the domestic Terrorist list for speaking out against liberalism in our schools. Nuff said.
Dude, your parents were threatening violence against school board members.

That is not acceptable.
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Dude, your parents were threatening violence against school board members.

That is not expectable.

You mean the man whose daughter was raped due to transgender policies, and he wouldn’t be quiet about it? He was justifiably furious. But the libs do what it takes to shut up anyone who would reveal the harm of their dangerous liberal policies - sic the FBI on them.

But why didn’t the FBI put the thousands of BLM barbarians on the domestic terrorist list, then? They didn’t just threaten violence….they committed it.
Why didn’t the FBI put the thousands of BLM barbarians on the domestic terrorist list, then? they didn’t just threaten it….they committed it.
You're just one giant grievance aren't you.

You must be fun at parties.
Strictly speaking, capitalism is an economic system, and has nothing to do with the sort of social system described in Brave New World.

On a much broader sense, capitalism is heavily associated with societies which place a great deal of value on individualism and personal responsibility.

Your description of Brave New World as “the ultimate Capitalist fantasy” is bullshit. And not just any normal level of bullshit, either, but the sort of bullshit that can only come from a mind as severely fucked up as yours is.

You really think the One Percenters care about your individual freedom... that's adorable.

If there was anything to it, it would be none of your fucking business.

You are right. What sex anyone enjoys should be NO ONE'S BUSINESS. But you clowns keep wanting to oppress gay and trans people because they are different, and one has to wonder if there is some self-loathing involved.

So, what are we to make of the extreme and intense hatred that you have for anyone with any sense of decency, any grasp of right or wrong?

Is it possible that somehow, you have some small vestige of a soul or of a conscience, and that you are disgusted by it, and that your self-loathing over that scrap of a soul/conscience causes you to lash out ant anyone who isn't a depraved, twisted subhuman piece of shit such as you are?

The thing is, I don't mistake "religion" and "decency" to be the same thing.

I have a pretty strict moral code of what I consider acceptable and unacceptable... but it's not based on pleasing an imaginary fairy in the sky. For instance, while I have little use for marriage, I have never cheated on a relationship. I wouldn't take anything that didn't belong to me and I wouldn't hurt someone who wasn't an immediate threat to me.

But I don't worry about whether or not God will punish me or not. If the universe is so badly designed that God cares more about what religion you belong to (When no matter what you believe, the vast majority of humanity believes something else), than how you treat other people, then that universe if kind of fucked up.

Now, I've talked about my journey to non-belief in other threads, so I will give you the short version here. I was brought up a very strict Catholic and went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Even at an early age, I started to have some serious doubts about even the Disney-fied versions of Bible Stories they were feeding us. Why did God drown all the babies in the Great Flood? Never have gotten a religionist to give me a good answer on that one.

But the key point was when my Mom got cancer, shortly after my dad succumbed to cancer in 1981. After needlessly suffering for a year and a half, she passed, and at her funeral, one of the psycho nuns who taught me growing up said, "God Had a Good Reason for this".

Was pretty much done with religion after that.

It's okay, Bob, you can put this in "Stories about Joe that I don't believe because I don't want to humanize him because he made fun of my cult."

I will add one more thing. As much as I rag about your religion, most Mormons I've met, while I wouldn't trust a one of them, aren't as angry and hateful as you are. You are pretty much the only Mormon I've met who uses profanity on a regular basis.
You mean the man whose daughter was raped due to transgender policies, and he wouldn’t be quiet about it? He was justifiably furious. But the libs do what it takes to shut up anyone who would reveal the harm of their dangerous liberal policies - sic the FBI on them.

But why didn’t the FBI put the thousands of BLM barbarians on the domestic terrorist list, then? They didn’t just threaten violence….they committed it.
You should actually read up on the VA case instead of pissing yourself about it.

Don't want a call from the FBI --> Don't make violent threats against people.
Yeah, because they threaten violence against school board members. HEEEELLLLLOOOOOO!

School board members who were willfully complicit in covering up one rape, and then in covering up a second rape that occurred because of their malfeasance and in covering up the first rape.

They fully deserve much worse than mere threats of violence.

If the justice system worked correctly, they would all be in prison, as willing accessories to both of those rapes.

If the father of either of the rape victims had actually managed to assault these corrupt school board members, and inflict serious harm on them, if he was then charged with a crime for that, and I was on the jury at his trial, there is no way that I would ever be persuaded to vote to convict him.
School board members who were willfully complicit in covering up one rape, and then in covering up a second rape that occurred because of their malfeasance and in covering up the first rape.

Except the law required them to treat those incidents as confidential. You know, except that. And the kid wasn't some crazed Tranny, he was a kid who engaged in relationship violence with his girlfriend.

If the father of either of the rape victims had actually managed to assault these corrupt school board members, and inflict serious harm on them, if he was then charged with a crime for that, and I was on the jury at his trial, there is no way that I would ever be persuaded to vote to convict him.

Except he didn't hit the School Board member, he hit another person in attendence who said she didn't believe her story (probably because everyone in that community knew his daughter was what she was), and then hit a police officer who tried to calm him down.

Not that I worry on you being on a jury... I don't think you'd survive questioning without flying your freak flag, Closet Bob.
School board members who were willfully complicit in covering up one rape, and then in covering up a second rape that occurred because of their malfeasance and in covering up the first rape.

They fully deserve much worse than mere threats of violence.

If the justice system worked correctly, they would all be in prison, as willing accessories to both of those rapes.

If the father of either of the rape victims had actually managed to assault these corrupt school board members, and inflict serious harm on them, if he was then charged with a crime for that, and I was on the jury at his trial, there is no way that I would ever be persuaded to vote to convict him.
Way to stand for law and order fascist.

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