The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It!

Well, then those people are mightily stupid, arent they?

Corporations are greedy to the point of stupidity, as demonstrated by all the fishing areas that have been destroyed by over fishing,t he over farmed areas that are so clogged with fertilizers that fish are mutating down stream, etc.

On the last 5% of decent land left on this planet, the top 1% will buy it all for themselves and then lock the rest of us out.
To the Sioux, we are all illegal immigrants. Well, except me. I'm like 1/16th Sioux. So illegal immigrants are attacking Americans? It's time to put a stop to that.
The Sioux had no immigratin laws and they had no sovereignty over areas that white people lived in whent hey becamse neighbors of the Sioux.

You seem to be asserting that all Amerindian tribes have a collective racial right to all of North America because they were the ones living here when white men first arrived.

That is a totally racist perspective on history and unworthy of modern humanism
To the Sioux, we are all illegal immigrants. Well, except me. I'm like 1/16th Sioux. So illegal immigrants are attacking Americans? It's time to put a stop to that.
The Sioux had no immigratin laws and they had no sovereignty over areas that white people lived in whent hey becamse neighbors of the Sioux....You seem to be asserting that all Amerindian tribes have a collective racial right to all of North America because they were the ones living here when white men first arrived....That is a totally racist perspective on history and unworthy of modern humanism
That's like saying it's OK for Mexicans and Muslims etc. to invade our country and take over all of it because the "tribe" of New York or Arizona or Kentucky didn't have rights to all of the USA collectively. I mean, if you want to keep the example fair. It would be totally racist and unworthy of modern humanism to say New Yorkers were sovereign over all of America....

The only difference between our two examples of course are cultural. What makes European or African immigrants' cultures "more special" than Native ones?
I'd like to see some objective analysis on this. Unfortunately these things tend to get highly politicized and knowledge takes a back seat. A couple of photos don't really tell the whole story and I have a hard time believing the government is deliberately turning the grounds into cesspools of toxic waste. I wasn't born yesterday.

Maybe there's some truth to the concerns but it gets lost in the shrill song of evil corporate greed.
Considering the Obama ban on drilling and scraping for oil, anywhere, I have serous questions about the honesty of the information presented.
Yes......they can stay on the government welfare estates....and let their children die in poverty, and go guys...allow another generation of your children to die angry, hopeless and lost in drugs and you accept more government "help" in the form of welfare.....
Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. From watching what happened with the Tar Sands of Canada, we can get a good glimpse at what the land will look like after they’re done with it.


unning through a similar pathway as that of the well known failed Keystone XL project, the Bakken Pipeline would run across the Ogallala aquifer and the Mississippi rivers through sovereign Native lands.

This is their proposed pipeline plans, to take natural resources from the US and sell them to Asian and European markets:

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! | |
Will Indians ever learn that the white mans contracts and treaties are full of shit...
I'm a native American as I was born and live in the USA and I have no objection to fossil fuel extraction as it will lead to economic prosperity and alleviate hardships of pestilence, poverty and starvation around the world.

Exactly........and with modern techniques it is not damaging to the environment the way it used to be...that is the miracle of capitalism......the economic system that makes money by making things better for their customers.......
I'm a native American as I was born and live in the USA and I have no objection to fossil fuel extraction as it will lead to economic prosperity and alleviate hardships of pestilence, poverty and starvation around the world.
Well when you're tribe outnumbers you in opinion, then your opinion isn't worth squat is it? Are you a chief or other ranking member? No? Oh well...
I'm a native American as I was born and live in the USA and I have no objection to fossil fuel extraction as it will lead to economic prosperity and alleviate hardships of pestilence, poverty and starvation around the world.
But you are too ass stupid to know that it will mean the destruction of the land those Indians live on...
Well, when you hate Indians, everything's on the table, right chief???
VIDEO: Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs and Pepper Spray

VIDEO: Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs and Pepper Spray | Democracy Now!

On September 3, the Dakota Access pipeline company attacked Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they protested against the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction. If completed, the pipeline would carry about 500,000 barrels of crude per day from North Dakota’s Bakken oilfield to Illinois. The project has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and members of nearly 100 more tribes from across the U.S. and Canada.

Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. From watching what happened with the Tar Sands of Canada, we can get a good glimpse at what the land will look like after they’re done with it.


unning through a similar pathway as that of the well known failed Keystone XL project, the Bakken Pipeline would run across the Ogallala aquifer and the Mississippi rivers through sovereign Native lands.

This is their proposed pipeline plans, to take natural resources from the US and sell them to Asian and European markets:

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! | |
Will Indians ever learn that the white mans contracts and treaties are full of shit...

Even with each other and others.

I think this is pretty much true for all humans though.
Yes......they can stay on the government welfare estates....and let their children die in poverty, and go guys...allow another generation of your children to die angry, hopeless and lost in drugs and you accept more government "help" in the form of welfare.....

They don't receive government "help" or welfare. They are receiving payments and rent on stolen land silly.

I suppose the government could just give the land back in exchange for no more payments. I am absolutely certain they would be okay with that. When I worked with the movement, they told me so.

Would you be cool with cutting off all US support of native Americans in exchange for giving them their sovereignty back?

Republic of Lakotah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes......they can stay on the government welfare estates....and let their children die in poverty, and go guys...allow another generation of your children to die angry, hopeless and lost in drugs and you accept more government "help" in the form of welfare.....

They don't receive government "help" or welfare. They are receiving payments and rent on stolen land silly.

I suppose the government could just give the land back in exchange for no more payments. I am absolutely certain they would be okay with that. When I worked with the movement, they told me so.

Would you be cool with cutting off all US support of native Americans in exchange for giving them their sovereignty back?

Republic of Lakotah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And they stole the land from previous cultures except they didn't provide their victims with any resrrvations the way the more civilized Westerners did.
Stop with the selective history bullshit.
That's like saying it's OK for Mexicans and Muslims etc. to invade our country and take over all of it because the "tribe" of New York or Arizona or Kentucky didn't have rights to all of the USA collectively. I mean, if you want to keep the example fair. It would be totally racist and unworthy of modern humanism to say New Yorkers were sovereign over all of America....

The only difference between our two examples of course are cultural. What makes European or African immigrants' cultures "more special" than Native ones?
No, there is an additional difference; we have a federal government with federal laws that deny, at least on paper, entry to those without legal authorization.

And Amerindian tribes did NOT HAVE such things. They did not have a concept of ownership that is like what we do, so you are not even comparing apples to oranges, you are comparing apples to fish.
I'm a native American as I was born and live in the USA and I have no objection to fossil fuel extraction as it will lead to economic prosperity and alleviate hardships of pestilence, poverty and starvation around the world.
Does it ever piss you off that liberals seem to act as if you are not authentic unless you are wearing feathers in your hat and living in a teepee with a name like "Running Bear"?
Yes......they can stay on the government welfare estates....and let their children die in poverty, and go guys...allow another generation of your children to die angry, hopeless and lost in drugs and you accept more government "help" in the form of welfare.....

They don't receive government "help" or welfare. They are receiving payments and rent on stolen land silly.

I suppose the government could just give the land back in exchange for no more payments. I am absolutely certain they would be okay with that. When I worked with the movement, they told me so.

Would you be cool with cutting off all US support of native Americans in exchange for giving them their sovereignty back?

Republic of Lakotah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And they stole the land from previous cultures except they didn't provide their victims with any resrrvations the way the more civilized Westerners did.
Stop with the selective history bullshit.
Oh yeah?

Who did they steal it from?
Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. From watching what happened with the Tar Sands of Canada, we can get a good glimpse at what the land will look like after they’re done with it.


unning through a similar pathway as that of the well known failed Keystone XL project, the Bakken Pipeline would run across the Ogallala aquifer and the Mississippi rivers through sovereign Native lands.

This is their proposed pipeline plans, to take natural resources from the US and sell them to Asian and European markets:

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! | |
Will Indians ever learn that the white mans contracts and treaties are full of shit...
We never lost that conviction.

I'm a native American as I was born and live in the USA and I have no objection to fossil fuel extraction as it will lead to economic prosperity and alleviate hardships of pestilence, poverty and starvation around the world.
Does it ever piss you off that liberals seem to act as if you are not authentic unless you are wearing feathers in your hat and living in a teepee with a name like "Running Bear"?
Fortunately, with the gender ambiguity agenda of the left, I can be a negro Indian woman -- if I feel like it.
Dances With TyShon.
Yes......they can stay on the government welfare estates....and let their children die in poverty, and go guys...allow another generation of your children to die angry, hopeless and lost in drugs and you accept more government "help" in the form of welfare.....

They don't receive government "help" or welfare. They are receiving payments and rent on stolen land silly.

I suppose the government could just give the land back in exchange for no more payments. I am absolutely certain they would be okay with that. When I worked with the movement, they told me so.

Would you be cool with cutting off all US support of native Americans in exchange for giving them their sovereignty back?

Republic of Lakotah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And they stole the land from previous cultures except they didn't provide their victims with any resrrvations the way the more civilized Westerners did.
Stop with the selective history bullshit.
Oh yeah?

Who did they steal it from?
Previous indigenous cultures. You should work for Smithsonian. They like to quickly gloss over that inconvenient reality, too.

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