The Lame Duck: A Psychological Analysis of Obama Post November


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist.

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography)

He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Hence, even though Republicans are in a veto proof minority position, he complains like a little boy about how they refuse to worship him and his ideas.

He has passed the most ambitious Progressive agenda ever foisted upon the American people, the government has seized de facto control of the banks, insurance companies, car companies and the very lives of all its citizens but he still feels unloved and unappreciated. That's at the height of his success.

After losing his Progressive friends in Congress in November, Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view. This manifests in his recent whiny "I can't get along with the GOP" Proclamation. He will descend into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.
The banks part was under Bush but since nothing is Bushs fault feel free to blame Obama. Psycho analysis is the only thing you got when you have to make up a narrative devoid of facts. It's are ambitious and arrogant! You believe you are better than others.

See, no facts needed
The banks part was under Bush but since nothing is Bushs fault feel free to blame Obama. Psycho analysis is the only thing you got when you have to make up a narrative devoid of facts. It's are ambitious and arrogant! You believe you are better than others.

See, no facts needed

Did Rip Van Winkles snoring wake you up recently? Did you miss FinReg?
Good thread. He will try to take his anger out on the people. This isn't's fact. look at the trail of people he's thrown under the proverbial bus.

His political future isn't bright. That is a done deal. This mid term election will testify to it.

But then he's sewn the seeds of the destruction of his own political fortunes...on his terms...just look who's jumped ship already? Those that don't want him anywhere near their campaigns?

There's only one thing to do with a lame duck...and that is to prepare it nicely...with fava beans and a nice chilled Chianti...

[Metaphorically speaking, of course] :lol:

The Chinese are masters at it...


Bon Appetite...
The banks part was under Bush but since nothing is Bushs fault feel free to blame Obama. Psycho analysis is the only thing you got when you have to make up a narrative devoid of facts. It's are ambitious and arrogant! You believe you are better than others.

See, no facts needed

Since yer new? I wonder if you're a subject to the BUSHWAHCKED RULE?

The banks part was under Bush but since nothing is Bushs fault feel free to blame Obama. Psycho analysis is the only thing you got when you have to make up a narrative devoid of facts. It's are ambitious and arrogant! You believe you are better than others.

See, no facts needed

Did Rip Van Winkles snoring wake you up recently? Did you miss FinReg?

the bank bailouts were under Bush...are you disputing that?
And most of that money has been repaid. The original TARP legislation specified that repayments would be used to reduce the deficit. Obama is now spending that money instead.
And most of that money has been repaid. The original TARP legislation specified that repayments would be used to reduce the deficit. Obama is now spending that money instead.

And i am sure that he will work Bush in there somewhere syaing that Bush didn't go far enough, and Obama was forced to use it for something else...despite what the LAW says.

And when did Barry ever follow a Law he hasn't fractured?
The banks part was under Bush but since nothing is Bushs fault feel free to blame Obama. Psycho analysis is the only thing you got when you have to make up a narrative devoid of facts. It's are ambitious and arrogant! You believe you are better than others.

See, no facts needed

Did Rip Van Winkles snoring wake you up recently? Did you miss FinReg?

the bank bailouts were under Bush...are you disputing that?

And Obama EXPANDED upon it heavily using BUSH as the Scapegoat.

You disputing that?:lol:
the bank bailouts were under Bush...are you disputing that?

And Obama EXPANDED upon it heavily using BUSH as the Scapegoat.

You disputing that?:lol:

So why is the OP hanging the bank bailouts ONLY around Obamas neck?

Expanded heavily? I don't know what you mean by that. Care to explain?

Republican POTUS, Democrat House. Bush couldn't have bailed out the banks without the agreement of Congress. Simple fact that.

However, can we all please stop fucking whining about one of the few smart things that Congress did - and that was bailing out the banks. Because, had the banks collapsed then millions of ordinary, hard working Americans would have lost everything. Overnight. That's another simple fact.

It would help considerably, if people took off the partisan glasses and looked all the facts and not just the facts that suit their own partisan stupidity.

It took a bipartisan effort and substantial greed on behalf of a lot of people - including idiots who borrowed more than they could afford to pay back - to get us into this mess. The medicine may be distasteful, but it's better than the alternative - which was the death of our economy.

Having said that, the amount of money that has been wasted by THIS ADMINSTRATION is a disgrace. In my opinion, it is nothing short of treason.... but that's just me.
"The Empire is Striking back" -- Barack Hussein Obama 10/17/10

The more likely it appears that the Republican will win back Congress, the further detached from reality appears Obama.

This is a sick man in the middle of a meltdown.
I don't underestimate the potential for the clowns on the right to fumble that ball Obama is handing them.
He whupped that fossils ass like no republican has gotten whupped in decades. Where he fucked up is that just not being the right wing tool that got defeated wasn't the be all to end all.
Pelosi lead dems went too far left, shit all the time and effort on the gay rights and Cali didn't even want it. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs Oh wait community organizing libtards hate corporate america. LOFL

I thought it would happen post November. It appears he's already unraveling and quite badly too. His staff should do an Intervention and try to get him help before it gets much worse.

"Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies. "
The banks part was under Bush but since nothing is Bushs fault feel free to blame Obama. Psycho analysis is the only thing you got when you have to make up a narrative devoid of facts. It's are ambitious and arrogant! You believe you are better than others.

See, no facts needed

It happened with Lame Duck Bush on his way out, under a Dem Congress. Yea blame Bush when the Hussein voted for it. And if it was such a disagreeable move to Dems they could of undone the bank bailouts/takeovers with a Dem Prez+Dem Congress.

See, no facts needed.
the bank bailouts were under Bush...are you disputing that?

And Obama EXPANDED upon it heavily using BUSH as the Scapegoat.

You disputing that?:lol:

So why is the OP hanging the bank bailouts ONLY around Obamas neck?

Expanded heavily? I don't know what you mean by that. Care to explain?

I never mentioned the Bank Bailouts in my OP...I'm a conservative, but I do think the bank bailouts were necessary to stop a complete collapse into a major depression. Bush stated that the bank bailouts went beyond everything He believed in and was a very hard decision.

The auto bailouts, (by Obama), were not necessary nor was the trillion dollar stimulates.
The banks part was under Bush but since nothing is Bushs fault feel free to blame Obama. Psycho analysis is the only thing you got when you have to make up a narrative devoid of facts. It's are ambitious and arrogant! You believe you are better than others.

See, no facts needed

Did Rip Van Winkles snoring wake you up recently? Did you miss FinReg?

the bank bailouts were under Bush...are you disputing that?

If he doesn't I will. The first stimulus might have been crafted under Bush, but it was A democrat controlled congress/senate that crafted it, and I agree Bush should have never signed the bill, I think he was doing what he thought was right for the country at the time based on what his advisors where telling him "Big mistake", Obama should have seen it's failure and not repeated it but what did he do? He doubled down on Bush's mistake and passed the 800 Billion stimulus.
Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

What an interesting perspective.

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