The Kraken Kracks

Happens in every presidential election. Same day votes come in first; early and mail in ballots are counted last. So the same day votes were all counted - they had some coffee and donuts and then started counting mail in ballots well into the evening. A Three hour gap sounds about right. The late votes were mostly Biden votes because your dumbass Trump told his dumbass supporters not to vote early and not to use mail in. Cult members usually obey the cult leader.
No other election was three days
You’re incoherent and the issue

You would embrace PENCE to unilaterally reject the will of the nation’s voters if it meant the loser you voted for gets to be the winner.

You are incoherent when you try to defend your displeasure with my right to vote against the unpopular lawless authoritarian American oligarch that you want to keep using the White House to make America great again for white people.
You would embrace PENCE to unilaterally reject the will of the nation’s voters if it meant the loser you voted for gets to be the winner.

You are incoherent when you try to defend your displeasure with my right to vote against the unpopular lawless authoritarian American oligarch that you want to keep using the White House to make America great again for white people.
yes, six states had election officials declare fraud and until it was determined by the courts there was no fraudulent ballots. Audits by the courts to review the machines and the paper ballots. It really isn't that difficult is it? why do you think your party gets to cheat and I have to embrace it?
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2000 phone numbers that visited ten different drop boxes.
And so as it has always been stated. You do not have evidence that election fraud took place. Out of 2000 fucking phone numbers you can’t tie a single one to a single individual and an organization that put this together. 2000 people can’t just individually create such a pattern without someone conducting the symphony so to speak. And then because Dinesh D’Souza has been convicted of election fraud I’m not sure anybody should bother listening to his bullshit database that you seem to put your full faith and heart into believing a Trump pardoned criminal.

It could’ve been Trump voters you dumb ass
And so as it has always been stated. You do not have evidence that election fraud took place. Out of 2000 fucking phone numbers you can’t tie a single one to a single individual and an organization that put this together. 2000 people can’t just individually create such a pattern without someone conducting the symphony so to speak. And then because Dinesh D’Souza has been convicted of election fraud I’m not sure anybody should bother listening to his bullshit database that you seem to put your full faith and heart into believing a Trump pardoned criminal.

It could’ve been Trump voters you dumb ass
It's being investigated. The information was only recently given to law enforcement to check out. Patience isn't your thing is it?

Five years and still no Trump arrested. Why?
And ?

Doesn’t fit the theme for 2000 mules. Ten drop boxes

A pity D'Souza couldn't locate a single video of any one person depositing ballots into more than one drop box. And that is out of 4 million minutes of video.

Not one.
The information was only recently given to law enforcement to check out. Patience isn't your thing is it?
Why is trump lying for the past year that he has evidence the 2020 election was stolen from him. And why do you believe him?
There were no successful cases brought.
yep, courts didn't want to get involved in it. Just like the SCOTUS didn't want to. However, doesn't mean there wasn't evidence and again, 2000 mules is now out to explain how the cheat worked. Thanks geotracking.

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