The Kobe Bryant-NBA Thing


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I was dining out last night during some of the pre-game ceremonies. I had a clear view of a wide-screen TV but didn't hear anything that was said. Still, at appeared to me that the whole All-Star Game event had been turned into a memorial for Kobe Bryant.

But why? There have been greater NBA/basketball stars who have died, and none of them got this sort of adoring treatment at the All-Star game or otherwise. Others will die in the foreseeable future (e.g., Bill Russell) and won't get anywhere near this much attention, though their star status could well be greater. Kobe seems to have been a Good Guy and a friend to many of them, but so what? Now the All-Star game MVP award will forever be called the Kobe Bryant Trophy or some such thing.

It seems to me that it's all just a matter of timing. He died at just the right time, giving the organizers of the All-Star game just enough time to tailor the whole thing to a giant personal memorial for someone that many of the top players knew personally. Had he died a month later, there would have been a couple news stories and it all would have died out in a couple weeks.

Did he truly deserve all this? Based on what?
I think it was more of the shock and the fact he died with his daughter.
I was dining out last night during some of the pre-game ceremonies. I had a clear view of a wide-screen TV but didn't hear anything that was said. Still, at appeared to me that the whole All-Star Game event had been turned into a memorial for Kobe Bryant.

But why? There have been greater NBA/basketball stars who have died, and none of them got this sort of adoring treatment at the All-Star game or otherwise. Others will die in the foreseeable future (e.g., Bill Russell) and won't get anywhere near this much attention, though their star status could well be greater. Kobe seems to have been a Good Guy and a friend to many of them, but so what? Now the All-Star game MVP award will forever be called the Kobe Bryant Trophy or some such thing.

It seems to me that it's all just a matter of timing. He died at just the right time, giving the organizers of the All-Star game just enough time to tailor the whole thing to a giant personal memorial for someone that many of the top players knew personally. Had he died a month later, there would have been a couple news stories and it all would have died out in a couple weeks.

Did he truly deserve all this? Based on what?

obviously the circumstances surrounding his death and his age are the main reasons
I didn't see the NBA all star game, I never do, but I understand the format was insane for it in an attempt to find a new way to honor Bryant.

I think he was a great person but this Kobe-mania has taken on a life of it's own.
... Kobe seems to have been a Good Guy and a friend to many of them, but so what?

Did he truly deserve all this? Based on what?

Remember now, players view the NBA as a job, whereas we view it as fans. And the fans are who get to decide, what you hath decided here and the many who agree with you. But only the true legendary NBA NBA players, really comprehend the real deal here in terms of who is truly the greatest player of all time ---with the greatest impact on the outcome of games.

For just two of many examples,

-back in June '01 and June '02 each time Shaq won NBA Finals MVP when he was interviewed right afterwards, both years, he said he might've won the NBA Finals' MVP but Kobe is the best player in the league.
-about 2 yrs ago FOX-Sports L.A. asked all of the Lakers' great legends, who do they each feel is the greatest L.A. Laker Of All Time?

Every player said, Kareem ---Just like 90% of all NBA fans would say. Except for, when they asked Kareem.

Now, guess who Kareem said is the Greatest Laker Of All Time? :)
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Killed by a racist helicopter...

Killed by a racist helicopter... will be able to empathize with Kobe's tumultuous experience.

Not a bit. I never understood the concept of grieving for celebrities.

I don't know Mr Bryant. I hear he was an exemplary athlete and probably a wonderful human being. But, as he wasn't a friend or family member and I'm not a regular commuter in small helicopters, his death doesn't affect me personally.
... his death doesn't affect me personally.

Actually you made it very, very hard to believe, that you feel this way.

For example...You called the helicopter, racist, and since that is an illogical claim here on earth then it stands to reason that you are greatly affected by your personal racism and/or jealousy of Kobe Bryant as it is wretched and/or evil plus it is reeking loudly here.
He was a great player, but I never would have thought there would be this kind of memorializing. It's been over the top.
I was dining out last night during some of the pre-game ceremonies. I had a clear view of a wide-screen TV but didn't hear anything that was said. Still, at appeared to me that the whole All-Star Game event had been turned into a memorial for Kobe Bryant.

But why? There have been greater NBA/basketball stars who have died, and none of them got this sort of adoring treatment at the All-Star game or otherwise. Others will die in the foreseeable future (e.g., Bill Russell) and won't get anywhere near this much attention, though their star status could well be greater. Kobe seems to have been a Good Guy and a friend to many of them, but so what? Now the All-Star game MVP award will forever be called the Kobe Bryant Trophy or some such thing.

It seems to me that it's all just a matter of timing. He died at just the right time, giving the organizers of the All-Star game just enough time to tailor the whole thing to a giant personal memorial for someone that many of the top players knew personally. Had he died a month later, there would have been a couple news stories and it all would have died out in a couple weeks.

Did he truly deserve all this? Based on what?

Liberal guilt. Truth is that the guy, though he tried to do some good with his excessive wealth (as most dirty rich folks do), was the victim of his own laziness and opulence figuring why bother to leave early and drive when I can just take an 18 million dollar helicopter and fly into a child's basketball game for $40,000 looking like Batman! Unfortunately, he got a pilot with a history of taking unwarranted risks, some bad weather and a bunch on innocent children and some others paid the price.

So rather than admit that simple fact, they will celebrate his life ad nauseum now to bury that fact.

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