The Kamala Speech A Little While Ago. Hmm, She Didn't Mention All Of The Democrats Rioting&Taking Out Liberal Cities?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Well that was odd, I just heard most of her acceptance speech, and she never brought up what Joe Biden supporters have been doing in Portland/Chicago/Seattle and the rest.
Yet she talk kindly of Joe and his family. Made fun of Trump. She never brought up how great the economy was until President Mao delivered the Corona virus to the USA.
What an absolute joke that speech was.
She won't mention riots and lootings an crimes because she is not there for that.

Kamasutra Harris has ben put there by the Communist DemonRats as a placeholder.

Just wait and see.

Pay attention. Listen to Jerry Nadler. It's not happening.
Trump needs to go on TV and bring it up! hey Spamela! did you forget to tell the 300 Million Americans what your supporters have done to Portland !
She won't mention riots and lootings an crimes because she is not there for that.

Kamasutra Harris has ben put there by the Communist DemonRats as a placeholder.

Just wait and see.

View attachment 374305
i didnt catch it all,,,did she bring up how Biden will be an idol/hero for all women under the age of 17?
Trump needs to go on TV and bring it up!

You can bet your life that campaign ads for The President will prominently contain images of our cities being burned by Democrats, police being attacked by Democrats, and Democrats in office openly supporting them.
It's all a circus.... :dunno:
she also forgot to mention that her friend Joe is in the 90th stage of Dementia, where at this point, Joe doesnt even know his own name, gender and weener size
Well that was odd, I just heard most of her acceptance speech, and she never brought up what Joe Biden supporters have been doing in Portland/Chicago/Seattle and the rest.
Yet she talk kindly of Joe and his family. Made fun of Trump. She never brought up how great the economy was until President Mao delivered the Corona virus to the USA.
What an absolute joke that speech was.

It seems LeeOnLido drank too much sea water and has become delusional.
Her speech was magnificent; her delivery professional and she touched on a number of very problematic issues facing us today, and in the immediate future for our country and our people.

Her composure, demeanor and evaluation of Trump&Co's. failure in response to the economic crisis, the pandemic and violence in our streets was superb; she reminded her listeners that all of these issues have been exacerbated by The President's flip flops, missteps and divisive rhetoric. Even now in the face of the health care crisis she noted Trump seeks to repeal the ACA with no alternative.

For those interested in seeing how LeeOnLido misrepresented her post, the link to her speech in full is provided.
Well that was odd, I just heard most of her acceptance speech, and she never brought up what Joe Biden supporters have been doing in Portland/Chicago/Seattle and the rest.
Yet she talk kindly of Joe and his family. Made fun of Trump. She never brought up how great the economy was until President Mao delivered the Corona virus to the USA.
What an absolute joke that speech was.

It seems LeeOnLido drank too much sea water and has become delusional.
Her speech was magnificent; her delivery professional and she touched on a number of very problematic issues facing us today, and in the immediate future for our country and our people.

Her composure, demeanor and evaluation of Trump&Co's. failure in response to the economic crisis, the pandemic and violence in our streets was superb; she reminded her listeners that all of these issues have been exacerbated by The President's flip flops, missteps and divisive rhetoric. Even now in the face of the health care crisis she noted Trump seeks to repeal the ACA with no alternative.

For those interested in seeing how LeeOnLido misrepresented her post, the link to her speech in full is provided.

She was awesome!
LeeOnLido even fails to link the hundreds of millions of rioters in US Cities: As though there were no such numbers(?)! With no link: INFER LIES OF AN ANTI-AMERICAN, PRO-TRUMP POSTER! WHERE ARE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS SHOWN EVEN IN ONE LINK(?)!

LeeOnLIdo expects unemployment relief from even the state contributions this week. (There is known--The Trumped-Up Administration is illiterate.)

Then It knows nothing about the states to be encumbered--from its Illiteracy-based Executive Memorandum! There is no money in the states to support the Illiteracy in the Trumped-Up Memorandum. That is entire Trumped-Up Administration, clearly intended! )

The federal amount, even--Illiterate announced, by the Trumped-Up Administration--is not expected until maybe Ocotber, the $300, five-week portion from the Anti-Relief, clearly shown: From the Trumped-Up Administration. So that is what is shown intended.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 25: 14-30--even likely prays for that as though it was a deity's plan!)
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Well that was odd, I just heard most of her acceptance speech, and she never brought up what Joe Biden supporters have been doing in Portland/Chicago/Seattle and the rest.
Yet she talk kindly of Joe and his family. Made fun of Trump. She never brought up how great the economy was until President Mao delivered the Corona virus to the USA.
What an absolute joke that speech was.

Nothing odd about it. Why bring up the idiot lefty Governors and mayors who have let looting and arson destroy their cities. I sure wouldn't need that black eye. And I sure wouldn't want anyone asking me questions about it either.

Oh and you can bet your ass she would never talk about how great the economy was and how UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and that the economy was great before Covid.

We also had jobs all over this country. Not something she would ever talk about. Oh and you can bet your ass she wouldn't talk about how Trump was at the helm for it all.

Yup. The speech was a big joke.

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