The journey Donald Trump must take is perilous, at best.

I can't say I blame the bots for their silence ... ever since last Friday they've been all lathered up, foaming at the mouth, and humping each other like there was no tomorrow .. now reality hits, and their certain victory fever is nothing more than a cold sweat in a dark corner with a front row seat in the loser section.

go figure.

You should check out Clintoon New Networks polling this morning, petunia. Trump even moved to within 4 points of Hillarious in PA. Considering their polling bias you may be grabbing your own pussy come next week.

ok Porky,I'll remember that

you remember this

In short, that means Clinton doesn't need to win a state now rated as a toss-up to win the White House.

Trump needs to win them all — and then go on to pick off some states that are now in Clinton's column.

You should check out Clintoon New Networks polling this morning, petunia. Trump even moved to within 4 points of Hillarious in PA. Considering their polling bias you may be grabbing your own pussy come next week.

ok Porky,I'll remember that

you remember this

In short, that means Clinton doesn't need to win a state now rated as a toss-up to win the White House.

Trump needs to win them all — and then go on to pick off some states that are now in Clinton's column.

Both candidates need to win majority of the electoral votes. Right now it looks like Trump is going to win in a Trumpslide of epic proportions.

But please keep having your head in the sand.

You should check out Clintoon New Networks polling this morning, petunia. Trump even moved to within 4 points of Hillarious in PA. Considering their polling bias you may be grabbing your own pussy come next week.

ok Porky,I'll remember that

you remember this

In short, that means Clinton doesn't need to win a state now rated as a toss-up to win the White House.

Trump needs to win them all — and then go on to pick off some states that are now in Clinton's column.

Both candidates need to win majority of the electoral votes. Right now it looks like Trump is going to win in a Trumpslide of epic proportions.

But please keep having your head in the sand.

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiight ... that's the one you should stick with, Trumpslide..

here, you'll need a Trump election cap for the big slide ..


glad I could help !

You should check out Clintoon New Networks polling this morning, petunia. Trump even moved to within 4 points of Hillarious in PA. Considering their polling bias you may be grabbing your own pussy come next week.

ok Porky,I'll remember that

you remember this

In short, that means Clinton doesn't need to win a state now rated as a toss-up to win the White House.

Trump needs to win them all — and then go on to pick off some states that are now in Clinton's column.

Both candidates need to win majority of the electoral votes. Right now it looks like Trump is going to win in a Trumpslide of epic proportions.

But please keep having your head in the sand.

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiight ... that's the one you should stick with, Trumpslide..

here, you'll need a Trump election cap for the big slide ..


glad I could help !

What a desperate reply... you really need to try harder than that. Please crawl back to your safe space, I can help with the trigger:


Prepare for crushed feels!
someone better throw a bucket of cold water on these bots before they hump each other to death ..
That's two days old. Nate Silver has mult paths for Trump if the natl vote is within 2%.

here ya go ben ...

XS should fit perfect

Hey I'm sorry if Nate Silver disappoints you.

Election Update: Yes, Donald Trump Has A Path To Victory

If you think she still has a 5-7 pt lead ... I hope you're right, but I suspect it's closer and he's got big Mo.

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