The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

copyright (c) 1997, 2000 All rights reserved

(Revised April 2000 - formerly SEVEN Traits)

1) Avoidance. They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.

2) Selectivity. They tend to pick and choose opponents carefully, either applying the hit-and-run approach against mere commentators supportive of opponents, or focusing heavier attacks on key opponents who are known to directly address issues. Should a commentatorbecome argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to include the commentator as well.

3) Coincidental. They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.

4) Teamwork. They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.

5) Anti-conspiratorial. They almost always have disdain for 'conspiracy theorists' and, usually, for those who in any way believe JFK was not killed by LHO. Ask yourself why, if they hold such disdain for conspiracy theorists, do they focus on defending a single topic discussed in a NG focusing on conspiracies? One might think they would either be trying to make fools of everyone on every topic, or simply ignore the group they hold in such disdain.Or, one might more rightly conclude they have an ulterior motive for their actions in going out of their way to focus as they do.

6) Artificial Emotions. An odd kind of 'artificial' emotionalism and an unusually thick skin -- an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial. Most people, if responding in anger, for instance, will express their animosity throughout their rebuttal. But disinfo types usually have trouble maintaining the 'image' and are hot and cold with respect to pretended emotions and their usually more calm or unemotional communications style. It's just a job, and they often seem unable to 'act their role in character' as well in a communications medium as they might be able in a real face-to-face conversation/confrontation. You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger later -- an emotional yo-yo. With respect to being thick-skinned, no amount of criticism will deter them from doing their job, and they will generally continue their old disinfo patterns without any adjustments to criticisms of how obvious it is that they play that game -- where a more rational individual who truly cares what others think might seek to improve their communications style, substance, and so forth, or simply give up.

7) Inconsistent. There is also a tendency to make mistakes which betray their true self/motives. This may stem from not really knowing their topic, or it may be somewhat 'freudian', so to speak, in that perhaps they really root for the side of truth deep within.

I have noted that often, they will simply cite contradictory information which neutralizes itself and the author. For instance, one such player claimed to be a Navy pilot, but blamed his poor communicating skills (spelling, grammar, incoherent style) on having only a grade-school education. I'm not aware of too many Navy pilots who don't have a college degree. Another claimed no knowledge of a particular topic/situation but later claimed first-hand knowledge of it.

8) BONUS TRAIT: Time Constant. Recently discovered, with respect to News Groups, is the response time factor. There are three ways this can be seen to work, especially when the government or other empowered player is involved in a cover up operation:

1) ANY NG posting by a targeted proponent for truth can result in an IMMEDIATE response. The government and other empowered players can afford to pay people to sit there and watch for an opportunity to do some damage. SINCE DISINFO IN A NG ONLY WORKS IF THE READER SEES IT - FAST RESPONSE IS CALLED FOR, or the visitor may be swayed towards truth.

2) When dealing in more direct ways with a disinformationalist, such as email, DELAY IS CALLED FOR - there will usually be a minimum of a 48-72 hour delay. This allows a sit-down team discussion on response strategy for best effect, and even enough time to 'get permission' or instruction from a formal chain of command.

3) In the NG example 1) above, it will often ALSO be seen that bigger guns are drawn and fired after the same 48-72 hours delay - the team approach in play. This is especially true when the targeted truth seeker or their comments are considered more important with respect to potential to reveal truth. Thus, a serious truth sayer will be attacked twice for the same sin.

I close with the first paragraph of the introduction to my unpublished book, Fatal Rebirth:

Truth cannot live on a diet of secrets, withering within entangled lies. Freedom cannot live on a diet of lies, surrendering to the veil of oppression. The human spirit cannot live on a diet of oppression, becoming subservient in the end to the will of evil. God, as truth incarnate, will not long let stand a world devoted to such evil. Therefore, let us have the truth and freedom our spirits require... or let us die seeking these things, for without them, we shall surely and justly perish in an evil world.
Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent
Information warfare” is being waged throughout the cybersphere. Whether they are CENTCOM disinfo government employees or ill-informed know-it-alls, there has been an ugly battle raging on the Internet for the minds of the public. As any 9/11 truth activist who uses the web regularly can tell you, truth obfuscaters are crawling around message boards like locusts, referring to 9/11 truthers as “fringe nutcases,” “ridiculous,” “…fucking conspiracy theorists” and the like, while simultaeously hijacking rational discussions by planting bogus information. And no, jet fuel fires can not melt steel.

Naturally, it is not just information about what really happened on 9/11 that is under attack, the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU).

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress The Truth -The Rules of Disinformation by H. Micheal Sweeney covers their methods in some detail.

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about. And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge. Not because of the misleading information they post, but because arguing with them can lead people to do far more research than they would have done otherwise.
Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent
Information warfare” is being waged throughout the cybersphere. Whether they are CENTCOM disinfo government employees or ill-informed know-it-alls, there has been an ugly battle raging on the Internet for the minds of the public. As any 9/11 truth activist who uses the web regularly can tell you, truth obfuscaters are crawling around message boards like locusts, referring to 9/11 truthers as “fringe nutcases,” “ridiculous,” “…fucking conspiracy theorists” and the like, while simultaeously hijacking rational discussions by planting bogus information. And no, jet fuel fires can not melt steel.

Naturally, it is not just information about what really happened on 9/11 that is under attack, the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU).

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress The Truth -The Rules of Disinformation by H. Micheal Sweeney covers their methods in some detail.

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about. And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge. Not because of the misleading information they post, but because arguing with them can lead people to do far more research than they would have done otherwise.

This description of a disinformation agent describes candycorn-AKA obamaerican to a tee.
btw, last night on CONSPIRACY THEORY WITH JESSE VENTURA,he exposed George Bush sr's role in the kennedy assassination.He brought up information I hadnt heard yet that even that great DVD The Jfk/Bush connection doesnt discuss as well as new infromation on Dick Nixons involvement in it as well I "ALSO" hadnt heard before and exposing the more popular known fact of LBJ's involvement as well.I got it all taped. It also had E HOWARD HUNT a known CIA payroll guy on there confessing on his death bed to his son,that he was in dallas that day and that the CIA proudly pulled the coup off and the codeword that day for the agents pulling it off was THE BIG EVENT.
Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent
Information warfare” is being waged throughout the cybersphere. Whether they are CENTCOM disinfo government employees or ill-informed know-it-alls, there has been an ugly battle raging on the Internet for the minds of the public. As any 9/11 truth activist who uses the web regularly can tell you, truth obfuscaters are crawling around message boards like locusts, referring to 9/11 truthers as “fringe nutcases,” “ridiculous,” “…fucking conspiracy theorists” and the like, while simultaeously hijacking rational discussions by planting bogus information. And no, jet fuel fires can not melt steel.

Naturally, it is not just information about what really happened on 9/11 that is under attack, the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU).

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress The Truth -The Rules of Disinformation by H. Micheal Sweeney covers their methods in some detail.

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about. And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge. Not because of the misleading information they post, but because arguing with them can lead people to do far more research than they would have done otherwise.

This description of a disinformation agent describes candycorn-AKA obamaerican to a tee.
btw, last night on CONSPIRACY THEORY WITH JESSE VENTURA,he exposed George Bush sr's role in the kennedy assassination.He brought up information I hadnt heard yet that even that great DVD The Jfk/Bush connection doesnt discuss as well as new infromation on Dick Nixons involvement in it as well I "ALSO" hadnt heard before and exposing the more popular known fact of LBJ's involvement as well.I got it all taped. It also had E HOWARD HUNT a known CIA payroll guy on there confessing on his death bed to his son,that he was in dallas that day and that the CIA proudly pulled the coup off and the codeword that day for the agents pulling it off was THE BIG EVENT.

Trust me, these kooks on here are nothing. There's much worse out there.
Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent
Information warfare” is being waged throughout the cybersphere. Whether they are CENTCOM disinfo government employees or ill-informed know-it-alls, there has been an ugly battle raging on the Internet for the minds of the public. As any 9/11 truth activist who uses the web regularly can tell you, truth obfuscaters are crawling around message boards like locusts, referring to 9/11 truthers as “fringe nutcases,” “ridiculous,” “…fucking conspiracy theorists” and the like, while simultaeously hijacking rational discussions by planting bogus information. And no, jet fuel fires can not melt steel.

Naturally, it is not just information about what really happened on 9/11 that is under attack, the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU).

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress The Truth -The Rules of Disinformation by H. Micheal Sweeney covers their methods in some detail.

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about. And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge. Not because of the misleading information they post, but because arguing with them can lead people to do far more research than they would have done otherwise.

This description of a disinformation agent describes candycorn-AKA obamaerican to a tee.
btw, last night on CONSPIRACY THEORY WITH JESSE VENTURA,he exposed George Bush sr's role in the kennedy assassination.He brought up information I hadnt heard yet that even that great DVD The Jfk/Bush connection doesnt discuss as well as new infromation on Dick Nixons involvement in it as well I "ALSO" hadnt heard before and exposing the more popular known fact of LBJ's involvement as well.I got it all taped. It also had E HOWARD HUNT a known CIA payroll guy on there confessing on his death bed to his son,that he was in dallas that day and that the CIA proudly pulled the coup off and the codeword that day for the agents pulling it off was THE BIG EVENT.

Trust me, these kooks on here are nothing. There's much worse out there.

arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?
This description of a disinformation agent describes candycorn-AKA obamaerican to a tee.
btw, last night on CONSPIRACY THEORY WITH JESSE VENTURA,he exposed George Bush sr's role in the kennedy assassination.He brought up information I hadnt heard yet that even that great DVD The Jfk/Bush connection doesnt discuss as well as new infromation on Dick Nixons involvement in it as well I "ALSO" hadnt heard before and exposing the more popular known fact of LBJ's involvement as well.I got it all taped. It also had E HOWARD HUNT a known CIA payroll guy on there confessing on his death bed to his son,that he was in dallas that day and that the CIA proudly pulled the coup off and the codeword that day for the agents pulling it off was THE BIG EVENT.

Trust me, these kooks on here are nothing. There's much worse out there.

arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?
NO! He knows you're a fucking idiot too.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
This description of a disinformation agent describes candycorn-AKA obamaerican to a tee.
btw, last night on CONSPIRACY THEORY WITH JESSE VENTURA,he exposed George Bush sr's role in the kennedy assassination.He brought up information I hadnt heard yet that even that great DVD The Jfk/Bush connection doesnt discuss as well as new infromation on Dick Nixons involvement in it as well I "ALSO" hadnt heard before and exposing the more popular known fact of LBJ's involvement as well.I got it all taped. It also had E HOWARD HUNT a known CIA payroll guy on there confessing on his death bed to his son,that he was in dallas that day and that the CIA proudly pulled the coup off and the codeword that day for the agents pulling it off was THE BIG EVENT.

Trust me, these kooks on here are nothing. There's much worse out there.

arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?

I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.
Trust me, these kooks on here are nothing. There's much worse out there.

arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?

I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.

Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.
arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?

I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.

Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.

Every jury of even the dumbest crack heads would reject your claim that Oswald fired the fatal shot.

Not only refutable but refuted and proven false

There is no reasonable interpretation of any image to support a claim that Oswald shot Kennedy.

You have been proven wrong and your stupidity is absolute evidence that you know you are wrong and beaten.

But in the in end, that's the evidence they base their government delusions on...the lack of evidence.

You have no case, no evidence and no proof. There is a gun in the video and a shot taken. Even with the worst of imaginations, you can see the gun.

Greer had the only shot

There is tons of evidence to support these claims and in fact no evidence the government's conclusions are anything but nonsense.

Declaring the government was correct is all you people have. You have produced no evidence of any kind.

You have failed to offer a shred of evidence and are beaten.

Oswald fired no shots including the final head shot.
arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?

I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.

Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.

The evidence proves the opposite OF YOUR DELUSIONS...OSWALD IS INNOCENT.:tongue:
arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?

I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.

Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.

Wrong again.

Physical evidence proves Oswald was there with nothing and was framed all evidence points to Greer's guilt.
arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?

I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.

Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.

There is evidence it is faked and in fact it is a very FAKE reflection which is NOT seen in any films EXCEPT THE Z film.
arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?

I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.

Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.

Wrong you never needed to provide evidence of anything because you are a dumb troll who's been mocked to death but continue because your obessesion over powers you. You made no argument except that your argument has no merit.

film, witnesses , and physical evidence supports the claim that Greer fired and all evidence supports it.

the films refute it the photographs refute it the witnesses refute it the autopsy refutes that OSWALD WAS INVOLVED.

You have nothing.
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arent you going tot alk about the more important part of my post that I mentioned about Jesse Ventura's show exposing Bush and Nixons connections?

I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.

Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.

All of the evidence refutes that Oswald was involved.

The film does show a gun and gun fire.

witnesses saw Greer with a gun.

No evidence supports your claim against Oswald.
I did not crack the Da Vinci Code here. It's totally obvious that Greer fired the fatal shot.

The fake reflection causes the headshot by working in perfect sync with the fake blood mist.

In the nix film the headshot happens at the exact moment Greer's arm goes over his right shoulder which mirrors the altered zapruder film. It's that easy in a cartoon sort of way because that's exactly what the zfilm is, a cartoon of the driver shooting Kennedy.

case closed
Ive seen plenty of History Channel and Discovery Channel shows take on this subject and every single one of them came to the same conclusion as the Warren Commission... that Oswald fired all 3 shots from the book depository building. In fact, its an impossibility these bullets came from anywhere else, because the placement of the wounds they suffered matches up perfectly with the tragectory of bullets fired from that window. End of story.
I didn't see the show but saw the google goof clip on connecting the dots. Of course, after proving Greer killed Kennedy all that stuff becomes more credible.

Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.

Every jury of even the dumbest crack heads would reject your claim that Oswald fired the fatal shot.

Not only refutable but refuted and proven false

There is no reasonable interpretation of any image to support a claim that Oswald shot Kennedy.

You have been proven wrong and your stupidity is absolute evidence that you know you are wrong and beaten.

But in the in end, that's the evidence they base their government delusions on...the lack of evidence.

You have no case, no evidence and no proof. There is a gun in the video and a shot taken. Even with the worst of imaginations, you can see the gun.

Greer had the only shot

There is tons of evidence to support these claims and in fact no evidence the government's conclusions are anything but nonsense.

Declaring the government was correct is all you people have. You have produced no evidence of any kind.

You have failed to offer a shred of evidence and are beaten.

Oswald fired no shots including the final head shot.

It entertains me greatly that you think you matter; it's very quaint.

The facts are this; if a gunshot had been fired in the car, it would have deafened the occupants. The occupants could hear quite well. So you've got nothing except an insatiable appetite to look like a damn fool.

Your interpretation of videos is amusing.

Again, please take rimjob with you over to that website. They love morons.
Take rimjob with you over to please. Good place for both of you.

Every jury of even the dumbest crack heads would reject your claim that Oswald fired the fatal shot.

Not only refutable but refuted and proven false

There is no reasonable interpretation of any image to support a claim that Oswald shot Kennedy.

You have been proven wrong and your stupidity is absolute evidence that you know you are wrong and beaten.

But in the in end, that's the evidence they base their government delusions on...the lack of evidence.

You have no case, no evidence and no proof. There is a gun in the video and a shot taken. Even with the worst of imaginations, you can see the gun.

Greer had the only shot

There is tons of evidence to support these claims and in fact no evidence the government's conclusions are anything but nonsense.

Declaring the government was correct is all you people have. You have produced no evidence of any kind.

You have failed to offer a shred of evidence and are beaten.

Oswald fired no shots including the final head shot.

It entertains me greatly that you think you matter; it's very quaint.

The facts are this; if a gunshot had been fired in the car, it would have deafened the occupants. The occupants could hear quite well. So you've got nothing except an insatiable appetite to look like a damn fool.

The difference was this silly fucking Goon fired a gun right next to his left ear. What a complete idiot.

Mr. GREER - The second one didn't sound any different much than the first one but I kind of got, by turning around, I don't know whether I got a little concussion of it, maybe when it hit something or not, I may have gotten a little concussion that made me think there was something different to it. But so far as the noise is concerned, I haven't got any memory of any difference in them at all.

Your interpretation of videos is amusing.

Again, please take rimjob with you over to that website. They love morons.

It entertains me greatly that you think you matter; it's very quaint.

The facts are this; if a gunshot had been fired in the car, it would have deafened the occupants. The occupants could hear quite well. So you've got nothing except an insatiable appetite to look like a damn fool.

The difference was this silly fucking Goon fired a gun right next to his left ear. What a complete idiot.

Mr. GREER - The second one didn't sound any different much than the first one but I kind of got, by turning around, I don't know whether I got a little concussion of it, maybe when it hit something or not, I may have gotten a little concussion that made me think there was something different to it. But so far as the noise is concerned, I haven't got any memory of any difference in them at all.

Your interpretation of videos is amusing.

It entertains me greatly that you think you matter; it's very quaint.

The facts are this; if a gunshot had been fired in the car, it would have deafened the occupants. The occupants could hear quite well. So you've got nothing except an insatiable appetite to look like a damn fool.

Your interpretation of videos is amusing.
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Every jury of even the dumbest crack heads would reject your claim that Oswald fired the fatal shot.

Not only refutable but refuted and proven false

There is no reasonable interpretation of any image to support a claim that Oswald shot Kennedy.

You have been proven wrong and your stupidity is absolute evidence that you know you are wrong and beaten.

But in the in end, that's the evidence they base their government delusions on...the lack of evidence.

You have no case, no evidence and no proof. There is a gun in the video and a shot taken. Even with the worst of imaginations, you can see the gun.

Greer had the only shot

There is tons of evidence to support these claims and in fact no evidence the government's conclusions are anything but nonsense.

Declaring the government was correct is all you people have. You have produced no evidence of any kind.

You have failed to offer a shred of evidence and are beaten.

Oswald fired no shots including the final head shot.

It entertains me greatly that you think you matter; it's very quaint.

The facts are this; if a gunshot had been fired in the car, it would have deafened the occupants. The occupants could hear quite well. So you've got nothing except an insatiable appetite to look like a damn fool.

The difference was this silly fucking Goon fired a gun right next to his left ear. What a complete idiot.

Mr. GREER - The second one didn't sound any different much than the first one but I kind of got, by turning around, I don't know whether I got a little concussion of it, maybe when it hit something or not, I may have gotten a little concussion that made me think there was something different to it. But so far as the noise is concerned, I haven't got any memory of any difference in them at all.

Your interpretation of videos is amusing.

Again, please take rimjob with you over to that website. They love morons.

It entertains me greatly that you think you matter; it's very quaint.

The facts are this; if a gunshot had been fired in the car, it would have deafened the occupants. The occupants could hear quite well. So you've got nothing except an insatiable appetite to look like a damn fool.

The difference was this silly fucking Goon fired a gun right next to his left ear. What a complete idiot.

Mr. GREER - The second one didn't sound any different much than the first one but I kind of got, by turning around, I don't know whether I got a little concussion of it, maybe when it hit something or not, I may have gotten a little concussion that made me think there was something different to it. But so far as the noise is concerned, I haven't got any memory of any difference in them at all.

Your interpretation of videos is amusing.

It entertains me greatly that you think you matter; it's very quaint.

The facts are this; if a gunshot had been fired in the car, it would have deafened the occupants. The occupants could hear quite well. So you've got nothing except an insatiable appetite to look like a damn fool.

Maybe one of the morons over at can teach you how to quote someone properly; especially when they are head and shoulders smarter than you. Try again loser.
If candyass had an ounce of any relevant info on this case he would post it. The most important thing proven is Greer killed Kennedy, the grassy knoll is the lie in this case and Oswald being involved in this case has been the running joke since the 60's.

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