The Issue is Ethnicity, not Race


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Ethnic: a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.

the definition of ethnicity

Why is it that some individuals succeed in this country while others do not? If it was a just a question of race, then virtually no members of an oppressed racial minority should be able to succeed in general society.

The answer is that ethnicity, not race, is a much greater determinate of success. Those who subscribe to the norms of greater society are uniformly more successful than those who do not. Members of any race who glorify illiteracy, single parenthood, drugs, criminal activity, overt sexualization and violence are condemning themselves (and their children) to lives of poverty, resentment and despair. In other words, they will be born, live and die without ever experiencing the freedom to participate in the outside world.

I propose to refer to these people, of any race, as "hoods." They do not respect any of the virtues of successful society and are hell-bent on destroying it in order to justify their dysfunctional existences. Engaging in sophistic debate about who's "fault" this is beside the point: These people are the only ones who can redeem themselves through a change in their own attitudes. Meddling social experimentation and excuses only serve to put off this day of reckoning. The only thing the rest of us can do is to condemn this destructive behavior and disparagingly refer to the people who engage in it as hoods.
Ethnic: a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.

the definition of ethnicity

Why is it that some individuals succeed in this country while others do not? If it was a just a question of race, then virtually no members of an oppressed racial minority should be able to succeed in general society.

The answer is that ethnicity, not race, is a much greater determinate of success. Those who subscribe to the norms of greater society are uniformly more successful than those who do not. Members of any race who glorify illiteracy, single parenthood, drugs, criminal activity, overt sexualization and violence are condemning themselves (and their children) to lives of poverty, resentment and despair. In other words, they will be born, live and die without ever experiencing the freedom to participate in the outside world.

I propose to refer to these people, of any race, as "hoods." They do not respect any of the virtues of successful society and are hell-bent on destroying it in order to justify their dysfunctional existences. Engaging in sophistic debate about who's "fault" this is beside the point: These people are the only ones who can redeem themselves through a change in their own attitudes. Meddling social experimentation and excuses only serve to put off this day of reckoning. The only thing the rest of us can do is to condemn this destructive behavior and disparagingly refer to the people who engage in it as hoods.
It breeds. Well behaved ethnicities don't. And their kids become faggots.
Ethnic: a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.

the definition of ethnicity

Why is it that some individuals succeed in this country while others do not? If it was a just a question of race, then virtually no members of an oppressed racial minority should be able to succeed in general society.

The answer is that ethnicity, not race, is a much greater determinate of success. Those who subscribe to the norms of greater society are uniformly more successful than those who do not. Members of any race who glorify illiteracy, single parenthood, drugs, criminal activity, overt sexualization and violence are condemning themselves (and their children) to lives of poverty, resentment and despair. In other words, they will be born, live and die without ever experiencing the freedom to participate in the outside world.

I propose to refer to these people, of any race, as "hoods." They do not respect any of the virtues of successful society and are hell-bent on destroying it in order to justify their dysfunctional existences. Engaging in sophistic debate about who's "fault" this is beside the point: These people are the only ones who can redeem themselves through a change in their own attitudes. Meddling social experimentation and excuses only serve to put off this day of reckoning. The only thing the rest of us can do is to condemn this destructive behavior and disparagingly refer to the people who engage in it as hoods.

Your initial definition is fatally flawed. Most of your laundry list at the top, and all of what follows it, is about culture, not "ethnicity". Or race either. Lanugage isn't part of that -- you speak whatever language works.

You might like country music or college football; that's got nothing to do with your ethnicity. That college football fan next to you might be Irish-German, while the one on your other side is Korean-Swedish. Different ethnicities, same culture.

Bobby Jindal for example is culturally American but ethnically Indian. Get it?
Your initial definition is fatally flawed. Most of your laundry list at the top, and all of what follows it, is about culture, not "ethnicity". Or race either. Lanugage isn't part of that -- you speak whatever language works.

You logic is fatally flawed. You fail to define "ethnicity" yet attempt to draw spurious distinctions with other terminology you seem to prefer. Your examples are similarly flawed: If practiced illiteracy isn't a part of ethnicity, where does it fit in? As for Bobby Jindal, just what determines his ethnicity? Where he was born? His racial background? His parents' native language?

Please define your terms before criticizing mine.
Your initial definition is fatally flawed. Most of your laundry list at the top, and all of what follows it, is about culture, not "ethnicity". Or race either. Lanugage isn't part of that -- you speak whatever language works.

You logic is fatally flawed. You fail to define "ethnicity" yet attempt to draw spurious distinctions with other terminology you seem to prefer. Your examples are similarly flawed: If practiced illiteracy isn't a part of ethnicity, where does it fit in? As for Bobby Jindal, just what determines his ethnicity? Where he was born? His racial background? His parents' native language?

Please define your terms before criticizing mine.

His parents are Indian. That cannot make him "ethnically Norwegian". Think about it.

That has absolutely ZERO to do with "illiteracy". Literacy or illiteracy is a function of opportunities to learn to read and write, which is simply completely unrelated to whether one is Indian or Nordic or Korean. To suggest that one ethnic group is illiterate while another is not, is absurd. They have no relation to each other whatsoever.

Ergo, definition fatally flawed. And I'm completely entitled to criticize your misdefinition since --- YOU BROUGHT IT UP. :banghead:
Ethnic: a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.

the definition of ethnicity

Why is it that some individuals succeed in this country while others do not? If it was a just a question of race, then virtually no members of an oppressed racial minority should be able to succeed in general society.

The answer is that ethnicity, not race, is a much greater determinate of success. Those who subscribe to the norms of greater society are uniformly more successful than those who do not. Members of any race who glorify illiteracy, single parenthood, drugs, criminal activity, overt sexualization and violence are condemning themselves (and their children) to lives of poverty, resentment and despair. In other words, they will be born, live and die without ever experiencing the freedom to participate in the outside world.

I propose to refer to these people, of any race, as "hoods." They do not respect any of the virtues of successful society and are hell-bent on destroying it in order to justify their dysfunctional existences. Engaging in sophistic debate about who's "fault" this is beside the point: These people are the only ones who can redeem themselves through a change in their own attitudes. Meddling social experimentation and excuses only serve to put off this day of reckoning. The only thing the rest of us can do is to condemn this destructive behavior and disparagingly refer to the people who engage in it as hoods.
That post is pretty much bullshit because people that are not hoods still have a harder obstacle course to navigate due to the white racist system set up in this country. While its not impossible to overcome it there is no reason one should have to overcome it.
His parents are Indian. That cannot make him "ethnically Norwegian". Think about it.

That has absolutely ZERO to do with "illiteracy". Literacy or illiteracy is a function of opportunities to learn to read and write, which is simply completely unrelated to whether one is Indian or Nordic or Korean. To suggest that one ethnic group is illiterate while another is not, is absurd. They have no relation to each other whatsoever.

Ergo, definition fatally flawed. And I'm completely entitled to criticize your misdefinition since --- YOU BROUGHT IT UP. :banghead:

Try a little higher order thinking: (Pick one or more answers and explain how that fits into your definitions.)

1. "His parents are Indian." What does that mean in terms of ethnicity?

a. They were born in India;
b. They are racially Indian;
c. They speak an Indian language;
d. They practice an Indian religion; and/or
e. They prefer Indian food/clothing.

2. Practiced Illiteracy in this country means a deliberate disdain for standard written or spoken English in favor of a smaller vocabulary of mispronounced/misspelled/vulgar words.

3. You are not (intellectually) entitled to criticize my "misdefinition" without supplying ONE OF YOUR OWN..
That post is pretty much bullshit because people that are not hoods still have a harder obstacle course to navigate due to the white racist system set up in this country. While its not impossible to overcome it there is no reason one should have to overcome it.

What (white racist) obstacles have you had to overcome? Please be specific.
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His parents are Indian. That cannot make him "ethnically Norwegian". Think about it.

That has absolutely ZERO to do with "illiteracy". Literacy or illiteracy is a function of opportunities to learn to read and write, which is simply completely unrelated to whether one is Indian or Nordic or Korean. To suggest that one ethnic group is illiterate while another is not, is absurd. They have no relation to each other whatsoever.

Ergo, definition fatally flawed. And I'm completely entitled to criticize your misdefinition since --- YOU BROUGHT IT UP. :banghead:

Try a little higher order thinking: (Pick one or more answers and explain how that fits into your definitions.)

1. "His parents are Indian." What does that mean in terms of ethnicity?

a. They were born in India;
b. They are racially Indian;
c. They speak an Indian language;
d. They practice an Indian religion; and/or
e. They prefer Indian food/clothing.

It means B.

A is an irrelevant circumstance; D and E are cultural aspects, and C is language, which is unrelated to any of the others.

2. Practiced Illiteracy in this country means a deliberate disdain for standard written or spoken English in favor of a smaller vocabulary of mispronounced/misspelled/vulgar words.

You're apparently either talking about dialects or jargon, or else something related to my sigline. Either way they have nothing to do with "ethnicity". What kind of phrases a Bobby Jindal might prefer, or what kind of misspellings he might be prone to, have Zero to do with his "ethnicity".

3. You are not (intellectually) entitled to criticize my "misdefinition" without supplying ONE OF YOUR OWN..

The fuck I ain't; I'm an Anglophone. The term is ALREADY DEFINED. What I noted is that you're significantly deviating from it.

This isn't a new word you just invented. We already have it. You don't get to "roll your own". You can't just go on a message board and declare that henceforth some chosen term means something completely different like some royal fiat.
His parents are Indian. That cannot make him "ethnically Norwegian". Think about it.

That has absolutely ZERO to do with "illiteracy". Literacy or illiteracy is a function of opportunities to learn to read and write, which is simply completely unrelated to whether one is Indian or Nordic or Korean. To suggest that one ethnic group is illiterate while another is not, is absurd. They have no relation to each other whatsoever.

Ergo, definition fatally flawed. And I'm completely entitled to criticize your misdefinition since --- YOU BROUGHT IT UP. :banghead:

Try a little higher order thinking: (Pick one or more answers and explain how that fits into your definitions.)

1. "His parents are Indian." What does that mean in terms of ethnicity?

a. They were born in India;
b. They are racially Indian;
c. They speak an Indian language;
d. They practice an Indian religion; and/or
e. They prefer Indian food/clothing.

It means B.

A is an irrelevant circumstance; D and E are cultural aspects, and C is language, which is unrelated to any of the others.

2. Practiced Illiteracy in this country means a deliberate disdain for standard written or spoken English in favor of a smaller vocabulary of mispronounced/misspelled/vulgar words.

You're apparently either talking about dialects or jargon, or else something related to my sigline. Either way they have nothing to do with "ethnicity". What kind of phrases a Bobby Jindal might prefer, or what kind of misspellings he might be prone to, have Zero to do with his "ethnicity".

3. You are not (intellectually) entitled to criticize my "misdefinition" without supplying ONE OF YOUR OWN..

The fuck I ain't; I'm an Anglophone. The term is ALREADY DEFINED. What I noted is that you're significantly deviating from it.

This isn't a new word you just invented. We already have it. You don't get to "roll your own". You can't just go on a message board and declare that henceforth some chosen term means something completely different like some royal fiat.

LOL, you just defined "ethnic" as racial (see 1.b. above). Try finding that in a dictionary.
His parents are Indian. That cannot make him "ethnically Norwegian". Think about it.

That has absolutely ZERO to do with "illiteracy". Literacy or illiteracy is a function of opportunities to learn to read and write, which is simply completely unrelated to whether one is Indian or Nordic or Korean. To suggest that one ethnic group is illiterate while another is not, is absurd. They have no relation to each other whatsoever.

Ergo, definition fatally flawed. And I'm completely entitled to criticize your misdefinition since --- YOU BROUGHT IT UP. :banghead:

Try a little higher order thinking: (Pick one or more answers and explain how that fits into your definitions.)

1. "His parents are Indian." What does that mean in terms of ethnicity?

a. They were born in India;
b. They are racially Indian;
c. They speak an Indian language;
d. They practice an Indian religion; and/or
e. They prefer Indian food/clothing.

It means B.

A is an irrelevant circumstance; D and E are cultural aspects, and C is language, which is unrelated to any of the others.

2. Practiced Illiteracy in this country means a deliberate disdain for standard written or spoken English in favor of a smaller vocabulary of mispronounced/misspelled/vulgar words.

You're apparently either talking about dialects or jargon, or else something related to my sigline. Either way they have nothing to do with "ethnicity". What kind of phrases a Bobby Jindal might prefer, or what kind of misspellings he might be prone to, have Zero to do with his "ethnicity".

3. You are not (intellectually) entitled to criticize my "misdefinition" without supplying ONE OF YOUR OWN..

The fuck I ain't; I'm an Anglophone. The term is ALREADY DEFINED. What I noted is that you're significantly deviating from it.

This isn't a new word you just invented. We already have it. You don't get to "roll your own". You can't just go on a message board and declare that henceforth some chosen term means something completely different like some royal fiat.

LOL, you just defined "ethnic" as racial (see 1.b. above). Try finding that in a dictionary.

Uh... okay...

Full Definition of ETHNIC
: heathen
a : of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background <ethnic minorities> <ethnic enclaves>

b : being a member of a specified ethnic group <an ethnic German>

c : of, relating to, or characteristic of ethnics <ethnic neighborhoods> <ethnic foods>

Examples of ETHNIC
  1. The U.S. has a wide variety of ethnic groups made up of immigrants or their descendants.
  2. <children who were raised in a home where there was a strong ethnic consciousness>
racial, ethnical, tribal
Related to ETHNICITY

nationality, nation, race
(Merriam Webster)

It appears by this bizarre term "practiced illiteracy" you're trying to make the case that when somebody uses a dialect, slang or jargon you don't like, it's because they're "ethnically (racially) inferior".

If that's what you're trying to say, go ahead.... make my day.
It appears by this bizarre term "practiced illiteracy" you're trying to make the case that when somebody uses a dialect, slang or jargon you don't like, it's because they're "ethnically (racially) inferior".

LOL, I was wondering how long it would take you to play the race card...
That post is pretty much bullshit because people that are not hoods still have a harder obstacle course to navigate due to the white racist system set up in this country. While its not impossible to overcome it there is no reason one should have to overcome it.

What (white racist) obstacles have you had to overcome? Please be specific.
Do you have point to this or is it you just couldnt come up with something intelligent to say in response?
It appears by this bizarre term "practiced illiteracy" you're trying to make the case that when somebody uses a dialect, slang or jargon you don't like, it's because they're "ethnically (racially) inferior".

LOL, I was wondering how long it would take you to play the race card...

Hey, I'm going by your description of your own point. It's back in post 1.
So that IS what you're saying? You're actually suggesting that language is racial?
Hey, I'm going by your description of your own point. It's back in post 1.
So that IS what you're saying? You're actually suggesting that language is racial?

No, I am suggesting that language is part of ethnicity.

Ethnicity vs Race - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

"The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language."
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That post is pretty much bullshit because people that are not hoods still have a harder obstacle course to navigate due to the white racist system set up in this country. While its not impossible to overcome it there is no reason one should have to overcome it.

What (white racist) obstacles have you had to overcome? Please be specific.
Do you have point to this or is it you just couldnt come up with something intelligent to say in response?

My point is clearly stated in my OP: Ethnicity is a greater obstacle to success than race. You countered that the greater obstacle was overcoming the "white racist system set up in this country." Since you portray yourself as a successful Black person, I asked you to describe the "white racist" obstacles that you have overcome. Your failure to answer this question suggests that other (nonracial) factors have been the principal determinants of your success.
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Hey, I'm going by your description of your own point. It's back in post 1.
So that IS what you're saying? You're actually suggesting that language is racial?

No, I am suggesting that language is part of ethnicity.

Ethnicity vs Race - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

"The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language."

And I'm telling you (again) that language is irrelevant to any of that.

We learn our first language from our peers around us, and then we adapt as we prefer from more peers we emulate, from media, and from our own education and reading. NONE of which has squat to do with "ethnicity".

For example, a guy I worked for in New Orleans is trilingual -- he can speak French, he can speak perfect "standard English", and he can speak Yat. I've heard him do all three. Just depends on the needs of the time. His ethnicity is completely irrelevant to that. One of my co-workers in the same office is trilingual too -- she speaks perfect English, perfect classical (European) French, and -- I assume it's perfect since it's her first language -- Haitian Creole. None of those have anything to do with her ethnicity either. I might add these two people are of totally different ethnicities.
Hey, I'm going by your description of your own point. It's back in post 1.
So that IS what you're saying? You're actually suggesting that language is racial?

No, I am suggesting that language is part of ethnicity.

Ethnicity vs Race - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

"The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language."

And I'm telling you (again) that language is irrelevant to any of that.

We learn our first language from our peers around us, and then we adapt as we prefer from more peers we emulate, from media, and from our own education and reading. NONE of which has squat to do with "ethnicity".

For example, a guy I worked for in New Orleans is trilingual -- he can speak French, he can speak perfect "standard English", and he can speak Yat. I've heard him do all three. Just depends on the needs of the time. His ethnicity is completely irrelevant to that. One of my co-workers in the same office is trilingual too -- she speaks perfect English, perfect classical (European) French, and -- I assume it's perfect since it's her first language -- Haitian Creole. None of those have anything to do with her ethnicity either. I might add these two people are of totally different ethnicities.

Tell that to your "bitches" and "ho's."
Hey, I'm going by your description of your own point. It's back in post 1.
So that IS what you're saying? You're actually suggesting that language is racial?

No, I am suggesting that language is part of ethnicity.

Ethnicity vs Race - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

"The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language."

And I'm telling you (again) that language is irrelevant to any of that.

We learn our first language from our peers around us, and then we adapt as we prefer from more peers we emulate, from media, and from our own education and reading. NONE of which has squat to do with "ethnicity".

For example, a guy I worked for in New Orleans is trilingual -- he can speak French, he can speak perfect "standard English", and he can speak Yat. I've heard him do all three. Just depends on the needs of the time. His ethnicity is completely irrelevant to that. One of my co-workers in the same office is trilingual too -- she speaks perfect English, perfect classical (European) French, and -- I assume it's perfect since it's her first language -- Haitian Creole. None of those have anything to do with her ethnicity either. I might add these two people are of totally different ethnicities.

Tell that to your "bitches" and "ho's."

I uh, don't have any "bitches and ho is". Speaking of language -- learn one.

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