The inevitable victory of the Left

Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
It's already over. They're just dragging out the inevitable. The population is becoming more liberal as it becomes more educated and diverse. Support for liberal policies like drug legalization, feminism and abortion, and using words as a first resort rather than drones and bombs is going to keep growing. Support for the conservative positions like racism, sexism, and xenophobia are going to die off with the aging conservative population. I can honestly see a purely liberal America within the next fifty years if demographic trends continue. The main things holding us back from this are the bastions of the Right: the fear mongering conservative media, traditional Christian whitebread society, and religion. Luckily all three of these things are dying at record pace.

Where do people get the idea that Progressives are mass murderers?

He answered Bubba

"the fear mongering conservative media, traditional Christian whitebread society,"
Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.
The left is winning because of infrastructure, science, r&d and education. I am sorry, but the population value all of these very much.

I hate the ideninty politics the left pushes
I hate some of their social idea's.
I hate the racial divesiviness

But standing on a stage and telling the American people that we're going to cut the hell out of everything is a real loser. It isn't a fucking plan and you know it.

The republicans need to support these things, but push their social ideas ;) Certainly, they can also support a more free market angle of it....2008, 2010, 2012 the same shit....that must change or the left is going to beat your ass.
That's the way it's always been. The left is fish belly weak on foreign policy, and with the world getting smaller every day....let's just say anything can happen.
And you are just full of shit. President Obama made sure Bin Laden had justice served up hot. President Bush stated that 'Bin Laden was not a concern of his". Bush cut the drone program until after 9-11. President Obama has taken to fight to the terrorists, irregardless of where they were hiding. Russia, under Putin, has taken land not theirs. Thinking it would have no consequences. Now their economy is in shambles. All the while, our 'Conservatives ' were cheering for Putin. Now, we see that Putin brought a pair of boxing gloves to a chess match. And Russia is paying for that foolishness. And our economy is booming.
Terrorists are butchering Americans and putting it up on youtube. Obama made the admitted mistake of removing American troops from Iraq, before sending them back to Iraq. He ran on bringing the troops home from Afghanistan. He decided to leave 10,000 troops in that country. Putin is still in control of land that is "not theirs."

The idiocy of Bush invading Iraq on the basis of lies that he himself told put us there in the first place. Had we gone into Afghanistan, killed Bin Laden and his henchmen, then left that godforsaken area it stew in it's own juices, both we and they would be better off.
Obama ended that nonsense before he started it again. ISIS. Who knew something like that would happen?

Time: "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time On U.S. Troop Presence." An October 2011 Time article titled "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence," explained that U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was "an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis":

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

AP: SOFA Negotiations Thwarted By Iraqi Government. In October 2011, the Associated Press reported that negotiations for a SOFA were stymied after the Iraqi government refused to grant American troops legal immunity:

Iraq Troop Withdrawal Immunity Issue Scuttled Deal Says Iraq PM
That's the way it's always been. The left is fish belly weak on foreign policy, and with the world getting smaller every day....let's just say anything can happen.
And you are just full of shit. President Obama made sure Bin Laden had justice served up hot. President Bush stated that 'Bin Laden was not a concern of his". Bush cut the drone program until after 9-11. President Obama has taken to fight to the terrorists, irregardless of where they were hiding. Russia, under Putin, has taken land not theirs. Thinking it would have no consequences. Now their economy is in shambles. All the while, our 'Conservatives ' were cheering for Putin. Now, we see that Putin brought a pair of boxing gloves to a chess match. And Russia is paying for that foolishness. And our economy is booming.
Terrorists are butchering Americans and putting it up on youtube. Obama made the admitted mistake of removing American troops from Iraq, before sending them back to Iraq. He ran on bringing the troops home from Afghanistan. He decided to leave 10,000 troops in that country. Putin is still in control of land that is "not theirs."

The idiocy of Bush invading Iraq on the basis of lies that he himself told put us there in the first place. Had we gone into Afghanistan, killed Bin Laden and his henchmen, then left that godforsaken area it stew in it's own juices, both we and they would be better off.
Obama ended that nonsense before he started it again. ISIS. Who knew something like that would happen?

Time: "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time On U.S. Troop Presence." An October 2011 Time article titled "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence," explained that U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was "an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis":

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

AP: SOFA Negotiations Thwarted By Iraqi Government. In October 2011, the Associated Press reported that negotiations for a SOFA were stymied after the Iraqi government refused to grant American troops legal immunity:

Iraq Troop Withdrawal Immunity Issue Scuttled Deal Says Iraq PM
The Obama administration has it's foreign policy dictated to it by some Iraqi and you're bragging about it? Noice.
The left is winning because of infrastructure, science, r&d and education. I am sorry, but the population value all of these very much.

I hate the ideninty politics the left pushes
I hate some of their social idea's.
I hate the racial divesiviness

But standing on a stage and telling the American people that we're going to cut the hell out of everything is a real loser. It isn't a fucking plan and you know it.

The republicans need to support these things, but push their social ideas ;) Certainly, they can also support a more free market angle of it....2008, 2010, 2012 the same shit....that must change or the left is going to beat your ass.
That's the way it's always been. The left is fish belly weak on foreign policy, and with the world getting smaller every day....let's just say anything can happen.
And you are just full of shit. President Obama made sure Bin Laden had justice served up hot. President Bush stated that 'Bin Laden was not a concern of his". Bush cut the drone program until after 9-11. President Obama has taken to fight to the terrorists, irregardless of where they were hiding. Russia, under Putin, has taken land not theirs. Thinking it would have no consequences. Now their economy is in shambles. All the while, our 'Conservatives ' were cheering for Putin. Now, we see that Putin brought a pair of boxing gloves to a chess match. And Russia is paying for that foolishness. And our economy is booming.

Righties don't know what to do


In 2008 Bush drove the economy into the ground.

From the ground the economy has only one place to go.

Your idol had NOTHING to do with the recovery.

Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

Change and advancement are the same? lol

And you are just full of shit. President Obama made sure Bin Laden had justice served up hot. President Bush stated that 'Bin Laden was not a concern of his". Bush cut the drone program until after 9-11. President Obama has taken to fight to the terrorists, irregardless of where they were hiding. Russia, under Putin, has taken land not theirs. Thinking it would have no consequences. Now their economy is in shambles. All the while, our 'Conservatives ' were cheering for Putin. Now, we see that Putin brought a pair of boxing gloves to a chess match. And Russia is paying for that foolishness. And our economy is booming.
Terrorists are butchering Americans and putting it up on youtube. Obama made the admitted mistake of removing American troops from Iraq, before sending them back to Iraq. He ran on bringing the troops home from Afghanistan. He decided to leave 10,000 troops in that country. Putin is still in control of land that is "not theirs."

The idiocy of Bush invading Iraq on the basis of lies that he himself told put us there in the first place. Had we gone into Afghanistan, killed Bin Laden and his henchmen, then left that godforsaken area it stew in it's own juices, both we and they would be better off.
Obama ended that nonsense before he started it again. ISIS. Who knew something like that would happen?

Time: "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time On U.S. Troop Presence." An October 2011 Time article titled "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence," explained that U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was "an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis":

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

AP: SOFA Negotiations Thwarted By Iraqi Government. In October 2011, the Associated Press reported that negotiations for a SOFA were stymied after the Iraqi government refused to grant American troops legal immunity:

Iraq Troop Withdrawal Immunity Issue Scuttled Deal Says Iraq PM
The Obama administration has it's foreign policy dictated to it by some Iraqi and you're bragging about it? Noice.

What was he supposed to do in Iraq again? I mean besides attempt to clean up Dubya/GOP's mess, AGAIN?? lol
Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

By definition conservatives want to keep things just the way they are (or make things like the once were). No conservative ever advanced human progress, their job in society is to promote stability, some times this is a good thing, sometimes they set beneficial progress back.
Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

Change and advancement are the same? lol

To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a sweet leap, even for the soft-minded liberal. :)
Terrorists are butchering Americans and putting it up on youtube. Obama made the admitted mistake of removing American troops from Iraq, before sending them back to Iraq. He ran on bringing the troops home from Afghanistan. He decided to leave 10,000 troops in that country. Putin is still in control of land that is "not theirs."

The idiocy of Bush invading Iraq on the basis of lies that he himself told put us there in the first place. Had we gone into Afghanistan, killed Bin Laden and his henchmen, then left that godforsaken area it stew in it's own juices, both we and they would be better off.
Obama ended that nonsense before he started it again. ISIS. Who knew something like that would happen?

Time: "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time On U.S. Troop Presence." An October 2011 Time article titled "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence," explained that U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was "an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis":

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

AP: SOFA Negotiations Thwarted By Iraqi Government. In October 2011, the Associated Press reported that negotiations for a SOFA were stymied after the Iraqi government refused to grant American troops legal immunity:

Iraq Troop Withdrawal Immunity Issue Scuttled Deal Says Iraq PM
The Obama administration has it's foreign policy dictated to it by some Iraqi and you're bragging about it? Noice.

What was he supposed to do in Iraq again? I mean besides attempt to clean up Dubya/GOP's mess, AGAIN?? lol
Do what he did, I guess. End it before he started it again. lol.
Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

Change and advancement are the same? lol


Excuse me again dingle berry

Hitler and FDR admired each other handy work.

FDR adopted Hitlers "Social Security"

So shut the fuck up.

Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

By definition conservatives want to keep things just the way they are. No conservative ever advanced human progress, their job in society is to promote stability, some times this is a good thing, sometimes they set beneficial progress back.
Conservatives want to conserve what works. Progressives want to shout the same slogans they have for the last 50 years. To take credit for the advancement of civilization by a single political party is simply bizarre.
The left is winning because of infrastructure, science, r&d and education. I am sorry, but the population value all of these very much.

I hate the ideninty politics the left pushes
I hate some of their social idea's.
I hate the racial divesiviness

But standing on a stage and telling the American people that we're going to cut the hell out of everything is a real loser. It isn't a fucking plan and you know it.

The republicans need to support these things, but push their social ideas ;) Certainly, they can also support a more free market angle of it....2008, 2010, 2012 the same shit....that must change or the left is going to beat your ass.
That's the way it's always been. The left is fish belly weak on foreign policy, and with the world getting smaller every day....let's just say anything can happen.
And you are just full of shit. President Obama made sure Bin Laden had justice served up hot. President Bush stated that 'Bin Laden was not a concern of his". Bush cut the drone program until after 9-11. President Obama has taken to fight to the terrorists, irregardless of where they were hiding. Russia, under Putin, has taken land not theirs. Thinking it would have no consequences. Now their economy is in shambles. All the while, our 'Conservatives ' were cheering for Putin. Now, we see that Putin brought a pair of boxing gloves to a chess match. And Russia is paying for that foolishness. And our economy is booming.

Righties don't know what to do


In 2008 Bush drove the economy into the ground.

From the ground the economy has only one place to go.

Your idol had NOTHING to do with the recovery.


Weird, 7 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and 4 million PRIVATE sector jobs were created? BEFORE Dubya's big meltdown, you know as he cheered on the Banksters who created a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE that fed the 7 years of Dubya's pathetic 4 million jobs????

Since Obamacares was passed, that 'job killer, 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs have been created

December 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush Vanity Fair
Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

Change and advancement are the same? lol


Excuse me again dingle berry

Hitler and FDR admired each other handy work.

FDR adopted Hitlers "Social Security"

So shut the fuck up.


Hitler? Oh you meant conservative Otto von Bismarck

Germany became the first nation in the world to adopt an old-age social insurance program in 1889, designed by Germany's Chancellor,....

Social Security History
Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

Change and advancement are the same? lol

To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a sweet leap, even for the soft-minded liberal. :)
It's a fact. For every great step mankind ever made there were always those who fought it. Who were those people who insisted the earth was the center of the universe or derided Pasteur for suggesting germs caused disease or still call Darwin a fraud? They were conservatives.
Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

By definition conservatives want to keep things just the way they are. No conservative ever advanced human progress, their job in society is to promote stability, some times this is a good thing, sometimes they set beneficial progress back.
Conservatives want to conserve what works. Progressives want to shout the same slogans they have for the last 50 years. To take credit for the advancement of civilization by a single political party is simply bizarre.

Political party? Conservative or progressive party? lol

IDEOLOGY, right wingers are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history.
The idiocy of Bush invading Iraq on the basis of lies that he himself told put us there in the first place. Had we gone into Afghanistan, killed Bin Laden and his henchmen, then left that godforsaken area it stew in it's own juices, both we and they would be better off.
Obama ended that nonsense before he started it again. ISIS. Who knew something like that would happen?

Time: "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time On U.S. Troop Presence." An October 2011 Time article titled "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence," explained that U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was "an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis":

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

AP: SOFA Negotiations Thwarted By Iraqi Government. In October 2011, the Associated Press reported that negotiations for a SOFA were stymied after the Iraqi government refused to grant American troops legal immunity:

Iraq Troop Withdrawal Immunity Issue Scuttled Deal Says Iraq PM
The Obama administration has it's foreign policy dictated to it by some Iraqi and you're bragging about it? Noice.

What was he supposed to do in Iraq again? I mean besides attempt to clean up Dubya/GOP's mess, AGAIN?? lol
Do what he did, I guess. End it before he started it again. lol.

He did that? lol
Liberalism always wins in the long run otherwise we would still be living in caves and worshiping animals. For every advance mankind has ever made there have always been the fearful, overly cautious element that will fight change even at the cost of their lives.

Neanderthals lived on this planet for 200,000 years and never invented a damned thing beyond stone tools or moved beyond their narrow hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Recent DNA analysis suggests that as much as 20% of our genetic make-up is Neanderthal from interbreeding with these evolutionary dead-ends, recent polling suggests that truly stubborn, hard-core, pathological conservatives make up 20% of the population, Coincidence?
Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

By definition conservatives want to keep things just the way they are. No conservative ever advanced human progress, their job in society is to promote stability, some times this is a good thing, sometimes they set beneficial progress back.
Conservatives want to conserve what works. Progressives want to shout the same slogans they have for the last 50 years. To take credit for the advancement of civilization by a single political party is simply bizarre.
I am talking about human nature here, some people are conservative and some people want a better world for their children.

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