Will Romney's racketeering lawsuit damage his chances of running?



I doubt it. Republicans don't really hold their leaders to any meaningful standard as long as he hates Obama and gays and blacks and, well, you know.

What do you think?
I doubt it will make a difference. Interesting enough, one of my relatives lost a fortune when etoys' bankruptcy.
How is that indictment against Scott Walker coming? This is the same thing.
The BIG MONEY spoiler.... perhaps Jeb and Mit can have a duel, see which one can suffocate the other with hundred dollar bills!

I doubt it. Republicans don't really hold their leaders to any meaningful standard as long as he hates Obama and gays and blacks and, well, you know.

What do you think?

The plaintiff is a wacko who admitted he failed english so I seriously doubt he had any loses related to Bain, so I see a dismissal for lack of standing in his near future.
nothing will keep that moron in the garage. His chances of winning anything speak for themselves.

just pretend the GOP will nominate him again, he does.
Last time around, 47% of the population voted for him even though he was on video talking about how he went to China to buy a factory there. If he were to run against a minority or a woman, those people would probably still vote for him.

The trick for the GOP will be to get enough swing votes, which they can't do with Romney, or Santorum, or Canuck Cruz.
Romney lost to bland yawn who? McCain because of the whole Mormon thing. There aren't enough conservatives willing to ignore his religion. I know, I am southern and most of my family is conservative. The Baptists in the family just couldn't vote Mormon. Now this? Morman with a kick of mobster? Not going to happen.

America, can we get some fresh meat? I think we can all agree things aren't working.
Romney lost to bland yawn who? McCain because of the whole Mormon thing. There aren't enough conservatives willing to ignore his religion. I know, I am southern and most of my family is conservative. The Baptists in the family just couldn't vote Mormon. Now this? Morman with a kick of mobster? Not going to happen.

America, can we get some fresh meat? I think we can all agree things aren't working.

What if the fresh meat is a bit fatty?
Romney lost to bland yawn who? McCain because of the whole Mormon thing. There aren't enough conservatives willing to ignore his religion. I know, I am southern and most of my family is conservative. The Baptists in the family just couldn't vote Mormon. Now this? Morman with a kick of mobster? Not going to happen.

America, can we get some fresh meat? I think we can all agree things aren't working.

What if the fresh meat is a bit fatty?

I'd say a fatty leader would better reflect our people. He/she could promote a lose weight with America something or other, a positive news segment for a change. Win win.
Mitt's whole rational for saying he is interested is to fuck with Jeb Bush, who he holds a grudge against for staying neutral in the 2012 Florida Primary.

And while the sight of two entitled rich assholes doing this...:meow: is amusing, it doesn't solve the GOP's problem of not being able to reach out to women, minorities and working folks.
Hello everyone, I'm the guy suing THE guy for Racketeering.

There are several new lieces out, already, in 2015. (FireDogLake "unending eToys", CrooksandLiars "Romney Slapped Racketeering" and Addicting Info "What's GOP Romney Hiding")

He's done too much to pist in comments..just please stay tuned.
I doubt it will make a difference. Interesting enough, one of my relatives lost a fortune when etoys' bankruptcy.

And we can still get that back. Tbe eToys bankruptcy was a sham.

They just recently closed the cases.

Dont give up on me getting him into court..yet...
I doubt it. Republicans don't really hold their leaders to any meaningful standard as long as he hates Obama and gays and blacks and, well, you know.

What do you think?

The plaintiff is a wacko who admitted he failed english so I seriously doubt he had any loses related to Bain, so I see a dismissal for lack of standing in his near future.

Your backing defending a RICO boss and I'M the one you say is wacked?


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