The Idiot

Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'

“The only court-packing is going on right now. It’s going on with the Republicans,” Biden told reporters Saturday in Delaware. “It’s not constitutional what they’re doing. We should be focused on what’s happening right now.”

Article II, Section 2.


Come on, Man: Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'

If I'm not mistaken, isn't this like the 29th time a Justice has been nominated and confirmed during an election year?

Dims are SO FULL OF SHIT their eyes are brown. They'll lie and say anything, then their media prints it.
If Joe wins, we’ll be exchanging one idiot for another.

What a country!
Maybe but the pos leaving is also a thief
Joe is far worse than a thief. He’s a mass murderer.
Gipp you lost me You're now in BRI territory
Oh c’mon man. Joe voted for every war in his long career. Voted for every increase in the war budget. Voted for the Patriot Act and every reauthorization. Trump’s a crazed warmonger, but nowhere near as bad as senile Joe.
Plz 'splain how a "crazed warmonger" can bring the light of peace to end five thousand years of hostilities in several important Middle East countries. And President Trump garnered 3 Nobel Peace nominations from 3 different countries around the world for this wonderful effort. Thx.
You’re not informed. Trump is supporting the Saudi genocide in Yemen. It’s instructive that the MSM that hates him, refuses to report on this horrible atrocity.
He has tried to incite the Iranians to war several times, including cold blooded murder of their greatest general. He has imposed outrageous and harmful economic sanctions on Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela. He tried a coup in Venezuela and has caused terrible suffering for the people. He arbitrarily terminated arms treaties with Russia and Iran. We still have troops stationed all over the world including Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

However, he’s still better on war than his two war criminal predecessors and crazy Joe Biden.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Sigh. Projection. The right wingers like to take their actions and project on to others. It’s ok. I know you know the truth but just don’t care.

Does that whole "I'm going to dodge responding by just asserting that you really agree with me" bullshit actually work on anyone with a three-digit IQ?
Don’t know. No one on this site has 3 digits in their IQ. All you did was say nanny nanny boo boo you did it first. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?. Oh I know.... No you did it.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

You cocksuckers started the whole thing.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Sigh. Projection. The right wingers like to take their actions and project on to others. It’s ok. I know you know the truth but just don’t care.

Does that whole "I'm going to dodge responding by just asserting that you really agree with me" bullshit actually work on anyone with a three-digit IQ?
Don’t know. No one on this site has 3 digits in their IQ. All you did was say nanny nanny boo boo you did it first. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?. Oh I know.... No you did it.
Arrogant much? I've seen less patronization in high society balls in European palaces than in your posts, doll. :rolleyes-41:
When you have to lie to make your point, you've proven that you have no point, but are too big a pussy to admit it. Your craven surrender is noted, and your castrated corpse is consigned to the mass grave.

When folks put words in my mouth here, I call them out. Very simple enough for them to quote me. It's called put up or shut up. I've noticed a few here, when they don't have a leg to stand on, will resort to character attack. I never took a stance one way or another for the Senate to approve Garland's appointment. Not back in 2016 and I hold no opinion on it now. My beef is when our elected officials play politics and neglect their Constitutional responsibilities. I don't agree with Biden advocating it now just as I didn't take to it back then.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

You cocksuckers started the whole thing.
Obama was blocked from appointing judges after the republicans and Mitch took over the senate in 2014. His approvals went from 90% to 28%. Trump likes to point out that Obama left him empty judge seats. Other presidents like Reagan, Bush and Clinton were in the same situation, but didn't experience that kind of blockage from the opposing party. I wonder why? Oh yea, Republicans hadn’t decided to work the edges of the constitution for political advantage instead of serving America yet. No wonder the dems are mad and they gonna F you up.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Sigh. Projection. The right wingers like to take their actions and project on to others. It’s ok. I know you know the truth but just don’t care.

Does that whole "I'm going to dodge responding by just asserting that you really agree with me" bullshit actually work on anyone with a three-digit IQ?
Don’t know. No one on this site has 3 digits in their IQ. All you did was say nanny nanny boo boo you did it first. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?. Oh I know.... No you did it.
Arrogant much? I've seen less patronization in high society balls in European palaces than in your posts, doll. :rolleyes-41:
Me arrogant? You just dropped jet setting in Europe with the elite monarchy at high society balls. :)
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Sigh. Projection. The right wingers like to take their actions and project on to others. It’s ok. I know you know the truth but just don’t care.

Does that whole "I'm going to dodge responding by just asserting that you really agree with me" bullshit actually work on anyone with a three-digit IQ?
Don’t know. No one on this site has 3 digits in their IQ. All you did was say nanny nanny boo boo you did it first. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?. Oh I know.... No you did it.
Arrogant much? I've seen less patronization in high society balls in European palaces than in your posts, doll. :rolleyes-41:
Me arrogant? You just dropped jet setting in Europe with the elite monarchy at high society balls. :)
Haven't been to one since my husband died 5 years ago, doll. And he was ill for 7 or 8 years before passing. We worked hard for 30 years before going to the EU using our savings. I worked 80 hours a week, sugar. Most men don't do that. That's why visiting foreign ports was so interesting for me, and I will treasure every minute and the wonderful people we met over there, not to mention the Big Apple, Niagra Falls, and half the zoos and butterfly gardens and aviaries in the USA. :woohoo:
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

You cocksuckers started the whole thing.
Obama was blocked from appointing judges after the republicans and Mitch took over the senate in 2014. His approvals went from 90% to 28%. Trump likes to point out that Obama left him empty judge seats. Other presidents like Reagan, Bush and Clinton were in the same situation, but didn't experience that kind of blockage from the opposing party. I wonder why? Oh yea, Republicans hadn’t decided to work the edges of the constitution for political advantage instead of serving America yet. No wonder the dems are mad and they gonna F you up.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

You cocksuckers started the whole thing.
Obama was blocked from appointing judges after the republicans and Mitch took over the senate in 2014. His approvals went from 90% to 28%. Trump likes to point out that Obama left him empty judge seats. Other presidents like Reagan, Bush and Clinton were in the same situation, but didn't experience that kind of blockage from the opposing party. I wonder why? Oh yea, Republicans hadn’t decided to work the edges of the constitution for political advantage instead of serving America yet. No wonder the dems are mad and they gonna F you up.

Harry Ried nuked the fillibuster when it came to judicial appointments.

Can't help that.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Sigh. Projection. The right wingers like to take their actions and project on to others. It’s ok. I know you know the truth but just don’t care.

Does that whole "I'm going to dodge responding by just asserting that you really agree with me" bullshit actually work on anyone with a three-digit IQ?
Don’t know. No one on this site has 3 digits in their IQ. All you did was say nanny nanny boo boo you did it first. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?. Oh I know.... No you did it.
Arrogant much? I've seen less patronization in high society balls in European palaces than in your posts, doll. :rolleyes-41:
Me arrogant? You just dropped jet setting in Europe with the elite monarchy at high society balls. :)
Haven't been to one since my husband died 5 years ago, doll. And he was ill for 7 or 8 years before passing. We worked hard for 30 years before going to the EU using our savings. I worked 80 hours a week, sugar. Most men don't do that. That's why visiting foreign ports was so interesting for me, and I will treasure every minute and the wonderful people we met over there, not to mention the Big Apple, Niagra Falls, and half the zoos and butterfly gardens and aviaries in the USA. :woohoo:
Nice that you got over there and traveled before he passed. I’m a big fan of traveling and finding new experiences. London and Hong Kong are my two favorites outside US. NYC and San Fran are my favs in US.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

You cocksuckers started the whole thing.
Obama was blocked from appointing judges after the republicans and Mitch took over the senate in 2014. His approvals went from 90% to 28%. Trump likes to point out that Obama left him empty judge seats. Other presidents like Reagan, Bush and Clinton were in the same situation, but didn't experience that kind of blockage from the opposing party. I wonder why? Oh yea, Republicans hadn’t decided to work the edges of the constitution for political advantage instead of serving America yet. No wonder the dems are mad and they gonna F you up.

Harry Ried nuked the fillibuster when it came to judicial appointments.

Can't help that.
Yea. I’m not gonna say that wasn’t dumb.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?
Forcing the DNC to throw another temper tantrum when they lose.............

You are getting your asses kicked..........we are just throwing salt..........Reid did his crap and your side laughed..........ENJOY THE CROW DINNER.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?
Forcing the DNC to throw another temper tantrum when they lose.............

You are getting your asses kicked..........we are just throwing salt..........Reid did his crap and your side laughed..........ENJOY THE CROW DINNER.
Wont eat it. Just will box it up and serve it with a side of corned beef court-packing!
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?
Forcing the DNC to throw another temper tantrum when they lose.............

You are getting your asses kicked..........we are just throwing salt..........Reid did his crap and your side laughed..........ENJOY THE CROW DINNER.
Wont eat it. Just will box it up and serve it with a side of corned beef court-packing!
You will lose there too.................Checks and balances will still Karma your ass.
Republicans are upholding their constitutional duty..... now that it suits them, as oppose to 2016. Just as the Democrats would have played it with similar belly-aching from the other side.

You clearly misunderstand what the Senate's Constitutional duty is (big shocker). They upheld it in 2016, as well, by refusing a nomination they didn't like. Perhaps you could rub both of your brain cells together and tell us what you think the point of having the Senate confirm Justices is if they're Constitutionally obligated to approve them all, as you seem to believe.

Are you misrepresenting what occurred in 2016 intentionally or is it a case of innocent lack of knowledge?

Biden is claiming he can work across the isle to get things why didn't he do that when he was VP?
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?
Forcing the DNC to throw another temper tantrum when they lose.............

You are getting your asses kicked..........we are just throwing salt..........Reid did his crap and your side laughed..........ENJOY THE CROW DINNER.
Wont eat it. Just will box it up and serve it with a side of corned beef court-packing!
You will lose there too.................Checks and balances will still Karma your ass.
Once we pack the courts win the senate with the help of the media we are gonna give 9M people citizenship who will love us then make DC and PR states. Dems Forever! Suck it.

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