The hunted becomes the hunter

There is a reason why Hunter Biden is scrambling to pay back taxes NOW and he wasn't before! Now the GOP controls the House and can investigate him and use subpoena's to aid in that investigation. They didn't have that power before.
It’s politically motivated if the political hacks want him to be prosecuted despite little factual evidence.

That’s what’s going on here. You want him prosecuted for something you can’t even explain.
What haven't I explained? You claim that there is no evidence of influence peddling by the Biden's and I've stated repeatedly that there is a mountain of evidence of just that.

The hunted becomes the hunter:

President's drug-and-hooker loving-son plots DEFAMATION suits against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani - and probes repairman who handed in his infamous laptop

10 Dec 2022 ~~ By Andrea Cavallier
  • Allies of Hunter Biden gathered for a private strategy session last September in where they discussed going after his accusers with defamation lawsuits
  • Hunter's attorney and friend Kevin Morris suggested at the meeting that there be lawsuits filed against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani
  • There was also suggestion of a probe into repairman who handed over his laptop
A team is preparing to defend Hunter Biden against an expected onslaught of investigations by House Republicans.
Allies of the president's son gathered for a private strategy session last September in California where they discussed going after Hunter's accusers and critics with defamation lawsuits, according the Washington Post.
Hunter's attorney and friend Kevin Morris suggested at the meeting the suits be filed against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani, along with a probe into the repairman who handed over his laptop.
It comes amid an ongoing investigation into Hunter's finances and allegations of illegal business dealing in China and Ukraine that remain in the public eye as Twitter answers why it suppressed the story about his laptop leak.

Unfortunately, Hunter and is attorney have a big hurdle to overcome.
It's the hard drives, and all the text messages to and from FBI agents and Twitter Executives on the Hunter Laptop fiasco, something that Hunter himself created.
It's not defamation when it's true.
The laptop itself is exculpatory proof that Hunter has no standing in pursuing a defamation case. Then again, if Hunter goes ahead with a defamation case. All the exculpatory facts will come out at the trial and he will be totally exposed in court.
Could anyone defame Hunter more than he has done himself? Hunter has proven time and again to be his own worst enemy.


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What pray tell were the Republicans supposed to do, Marener? They don't control the Justice Department...they didn't control the House or the Senate. How exactly is it that you think they should have brought charges against Hunter Biden?
The Trump DoJ acted corruptly to pursue meritless charges for political reasons in NY.

But here’s the thing. You can’t come up with a specific allegation against Hunter Biden but blame corruption in the FBI because they aren’t going to indict him for the thing you can’t explain.

Isn’t the obvious answer here that there isn’t a case that he sold influence?
What haven't I explained? You claim that there is no evidence of influence peddling by the Biden's and I've stated repeatedly that there is a mountain of evidence of just that.
Yes, you’ve stated repeatedly that there’s a mountain of evidence.

You just refuse to state what that evidence is.

It’s like that kid in junior high that claims he has a hot girlfriend that no one is allowed to meet. It doesn’t exist.
Yes, you’ve stated repeatedly that there’s a mountain of evidence.

You just refuse to state what that evidence is.

It’s like that kid in junior high that claims he has a hot girlfriend that no one is allowed to meet. It doesn’t exist.
The laptop doesn't exist? Tony Bobulinski doesn't exist? The meetings between Hunter's business partners and Joe Biden never happened? If any of that were actually true, Marener then Hunter Biden would WELCOME a Congressional investigation to clear his name! Instead he's throwing millions at the IRS in hopes they don't indict him for tax evasion and threatening defamation suits against anyone who talks about what he's been doing for decades!
Giving the data to Rudy Giuliani isn’t the right thing. It’s the political thing. It’s the thing you do when you want to win elections.

Too bad Rudy is incompetent and fumbled the ball.
This is why I think it was just run of the mill disinformation. The professional fixers in the GOP were not all-in for the blob in 2020 so he had to rely on this farcical laptop repair guy gambit. The moment that the President's personal attorney ended up with this "evidence", any slight tether it had to credibility floated away.
This is why I think it was just run of the mill disinformation. The professional fixers in the GOP were not all-in for the blob in 2020 so he had to rely on this farcical laptop repair guy gambit. The moment that the President's personal attorney ended up with this "evidence", any slight tether it had to credibility floated away.
You do realize that not even liberal media outlets are claiming the lap top isn't authentic...right, Candy? Yet YOU'RE still here claiming it's "disinformation"? So which is it? Are you simply "slow" or really stubborn?
You do realize that not even liberal media outlets are claiming the lap top isn't authentic...right, Candy?
I don't see much coverage of this manufactured "scandal" at all.
Yet YOU'RE still here claiming it's "disinformation"? So which is it? Are you simply "slow" or really stubborn?

Let say that Rahm Emanuel (when he was Obama's Chief of Staff) produced something he called Donald Trump Jr's laptop that he got from a repair guy who says he made copies of it because the repair guy wasn't happy with the performance of the police.

You'd buy that, right?

Make us all laugh and say that you would. You can't lose any more credibility because you've had none to start with.
I don't see much coverage of this manufactured "scandal" at all.


Let say that Rahm Emanuel (when he was Obama's Chief of Staff) produced something he called Donald Trump Jr's laptop that he got from a repair guy who says he made copies of it because the repair guy wasn't happy with the performance of the police.

You'd buy that, right?

Make us all laugh and say that you would. You can't lose any more credibility because you've had none to start with.
If the repair shop guy had Donald Jr's signature on the work order...the lap top had Donald Jr's videos on it...had his photos on it...had emails on it that other people corroborated that they sent to him...and that Donald Trump Jr didn't deny it was his? OF COURSE I'D BUY THAT! You'd have to be an idiot NOT to!

The reason you don't see much coverage of this scandal is that the Main Stream Media doesn't want to admit that they were 100% wrong when they pushed the "Russian disinformation" story before the election! Duh?
If the repair shop guy had Donald Jr's signature on the work order...the lap top had Donald Jr's videos on it...had his photos on it...had emails on it that other people corroborated that they sent to him...and that Donald Trump Jr didn't deny it was his? OF COURSE I'D BUY THAT! You'd have to be an idiot NOT to!
Pure comedy. would not question how a nondescript laptop repair guy with a small store in a strip mall just happened to have a copy of this laptop delivered to someone who represents the President?

Again, thanks for falling on the sword and your blind devotion to the blob. It is incredibly humorous to watch this. It will be even more hilarious when you also chunk the blob under the bus and back one of his rivals.
The reason you don't see much coverage of this scandal is that the Main Stream Media doesn't want to admit that they were 100% wrong when they pushed the "Russian disinformation" story before the election! Duh?
Wow, that must be frustrating for you. Nobody believes you on this. Nobody believes you on the insurrection attempt. Nobody believes you on voter fraud. Nobody believes anything you say...on anything.
Pure comedy. would not question how a nondescript laptop repair guy with a small store in a strip mall just happened to have a copy of this laptop delivered to someone who represents the President?

Again, thanks for falling on the sword and your blind devotion to the blob. It is incredibly humorous to watch this. It will be even more hilarious when you also chunk the blob under the bus and back one of his rivals.

Wow, that must be frustrating for you. Nobody believes you on this. Nobody believes you on the insurrection attempt. Nobody believes you on voter fraud. Nobody believes anything you say...on anything.

"USMB Prestige Award​

70% Like to Post ratio has earned you a USMB Prestige Award. Congrats!"

Hmmmm...I've got a 70% Like to Post ratio, Candy. How is THAT possible if nobody believes anything I say? Duh?
Do YOU have one of those, Candy? :)
Pure comedy. would not question how a nondescript laptop repair guy with a small store in a strip mall just happened to have a copy of this laptop delivered to someone who represents the President?

Again, thanks for falling on the sword and your blind devotion to the blob. It is incredibly humorous to watch this. It will be even more hilarious when you also chunk the blob under the bus and back one of his rivals.

Wow, that must be frustrating for you. Nobody believes you on this. Nobody believes you on the insurrection attempt. Nobody believes you on voter fraud. Nobody believes anything you say...on anything.
As for why the laptop would have been brought to THAT particular location? It's in Wilmington, Delaware about a fifteen minute drive from Joe Biden's home and a fifteen minute drive from the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children! Duh?

"USMB Prestige Award​

70% Like to Post ratio has earned you a USMB Prestige Award. Congrats!"

Hmmmm...I've got a 70% Like to Post ratio, Candy. How is THAT possible if nobody believes anything I say? Duh?
Do YOU have one of those, Candy? :)
Oh the message board gave you an award. Wow.... I guess you'll put that in your memoirs there, right Hemingway?

This was even funnier than you saying you'd fully believe the Trump Jr. laptop fable.
As for why the laptop would have been brought to THAT particular location? It's in Wilmington, Delaware about a fifteen minute drive from Joe Biden's home and a fifteen minute drive from the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children! Duh?
Meanwhile back in reality....Hunter lives in California.

Another swing and a miss there. You're batting zero slugger.
The laptop doesn't exist? Tony Bobulinski doesn't exist? The meetings between Hunter's business partners and Joe Biden never happened? If any of that were actually true, Marener then Hunter Biden would WELCOME a Congressional investigation to clear his name! Instead he's throwing millions at the IRS in hopes they don't indict him for tax evasion and threatening defamation suits against anyone who talks about what he's been doing for decades!
The laptop exists. What was in it that is evidence?
Bobulinski exists. What did he say that is evidence?
The meetings might have existed. That’s not a crime.

I’m still waiting to hear about this mountain of evidence. All you have are vague allusions to things that may or may not be evidence.

The hunted becomes the hunter:

President's drug-and-hooker loving-son plots DEFAMATION suits against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani - and probes repairman who handed in his infamous laptop

10 Dec 2022 ~~ By Andrea Cavallier
  • Allies of Hunter Biden gathered for a private strategy session last September in where they discussed going after his accusers with defamation lawsuits
  • Hunter's attorney and friend Kevin Morris suggested at the meeting that there be lawsuits filed against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani
  • There was also suggestion of a probe into repairman who handed over his laptop
A team is preparing to defend Hunter Biden against an expected onslaught of investigations by House Republicans.
Allies of the president's son gathered for a private strategy session last September in California where they discussed going after Hunter's accusers and critics with defamation lawsuits, according the Washington Post.
Hunter's attorney and friend Kevin Morris suggested at the meeting the suits be filed against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani, along with a probe into the repairman who handed over his laptop.
It comes amid an ongoing investigation into Hunter's finances and allegations of illegal business dealing in China and Ukraine that remain in the public eye as Twitter answers why it suppressed the story about his laptop leak.

Unfortunately, Hunter and is attorney have a big hurdle to overcome.
It's the hard drives, and all the text messages to and from FBI agents and Twitter Executives on the Hunter Laptop fiasco, something that Hunter himself created.
It's not defamation when it's true.
The laptop itself is exculpatory proof that Hunter has no standing in pursuing a defamation case. Then again, if Hunter goes ahead with a defamation case. All the exculpatory facts will come out at the trial and he will be totally exposed in court.
Could anyone defame Hunter more than he has done himself? Hunter has proven time and again to be his own worst enemy.
Well imagine all the slander made up about Trump. Geeze.
Oh the message board gave you an award. Wow.... I guess you'll put that in your memoirs there, right Hemingway?

This was even funnier than you saying you'd fully believe the Trump Jr. laptop fable.
You're the one that claimed nobody believes anything I say, Candy. I simply pointed out that I get a whole lot of "likes" here. YOU have that award? I'm guessing that's a big fat no which means most people don't believe anything that YOU say! :)
The laptop exists. What was in it that is evidence?
Bobulinski exists. What did he say that is evidence?
The meetings might have existed. That’s not a crime.

I’m still waiting to hear about this mountain of evidence. All you have are vague allusions to things that may or may not be evidence.
Bobulinski has testified the "Big Guy" got a 10% cut, Marener and Bobulinski says the "Big Guy" is none other than Joe Biden! That's damning evidence.

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