The horrifc video of what went on in the Capital building on January 6th. TikTok

Not even seeing is believing for these people.

Right back at you. There are dozens of videos of horrendous violence that happened on January 6. One Tik Tok video does not tell the story, and I highly doubt the video was even shot on January 6, at the very least, it was shot very early. But you keep that head of yours stuck right up your ass. Bless your heart.
Right back at you. There are dozens of videos of horrendous violence that happened on January 6. One Tik Tok video does not tell the story, and I highly doubt the video was even shot on January 6, at the very least, it was shot very early. But you keep that head of yours stuck right up your ass. Bless your heart.
Ahhhhh!!!! Pearl Harbor!!!!

You lying loser
Right back at you. There are dozens of videos of horrendous violence that happened on January 6. One Tik Tok video does not tell the story, and I highly doubt the video was even shot on January 6, at the very least, it was shot very early. But you keep that head of yours stuck right up your ass. Bless your heart.
Waah waah waah those wavy flags hurt me when the wind blew one in my face waaaahhhhh!
Right back at you. There are dozens of videos of horrendous violence that happened on January 6. One Tik Tok video does not tell the story, and I highly doubt the video was even shot on January 6, at the very least, it was shot very early. But you keep that head of yours stuck right up your ass. Bless your heart.

They were going to hang members of congress! There was a real gallows and everything!

Yes, they say it was the worst attack on the country since Pearl Harbor.

The horror!!!!!


Only the stupidest of the very stupid would believe that this an accurate portrayal of what happened that day

Right back at you. There are dozens of videos of horrendous violence that happened on January 6. One Tik Tok video does not tell the story, and I highly doubt the video was even shot on January 6, at the very least, it was shot very early. But you keep that head of yours stuck right up your ass. Bless your heart.
The Hammer and Sickel crowd follows their government edicts. No matter how many seats Repubs win or anything else in 2022, you stole that election. For that is an imbecile administration in there now.

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