"The hits just keep on commin'"


Jun 3, 2007

The US House of Representatives defied a White House veto threat Thursday and passed a bill requiring US soldiers spend an equal amount of time at home as in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The move was the latest bid by the Democratic-led Congress to tie President George W. Bush's hands on war policy, and enforce troops reductions in Iraq.

The bill, which passed by a vote of 229 to 194, would ensure that soldiers could not be deployed to either war, unless they had enjoyed a rest period equal to the length of their previous deployment.

What a way to fight a war....The Dim's just become dimmer.....
Maybe the Dim's can unionize the troops and Hillary can be their President.....:eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall:

The US House of Representatives defied a White House veto threat Thursday and passed a bill requiring US soldiers spend an equal amount of time at home as in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The move was the latest bid by the Democratic-led Congress to tie President George W. Bush's hands on war policy, and enforce troops reductions in Iraq.

The bill, which passed by a vote of 229 to 194, would ensure that soldiers could not be deployed to either war, unless they had enjoyed a rest period equal to the length of their previous deployment.

What a way to fight a war....The Dim's just become dimmer.....
Maybe the Dim's can unionize the troops and Hillary can be their President.....:eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall:

if you are going to misspell it, why not use a "u" instead of an "o" to at least make it like like a poor attempt at humor instead of just another poor attempt at feigning an intellect?
if you are going to misspell it, why not use a "u" instead of an "o" to at least make it like like a poor attempt at humor instead of just another poor attempt at feigning an intellect?

thought provoking as always MM. You could make a lot of money if you had a dime for everytime you attacked the poster instead of the subject of the post.
thought provoking as always MM. You could make a lot of money if you had a dime for everytime you attacked the poster instead of the subject of the post.

physician, heal thyself.

this guy and I go way back. five years from now, I'll say the same thing about you
It must be sad to realize you're gonna be as stupid 5 years from now as you are today.....It warms my little heart to see that others see you for what you are...

The US House of Representatives defied a White House veto threat Thursday and passed a bill requiring US soldiers spend an equal amount of time at home as in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The move was the latest bid by the Democratic-led Congress to tie President George W. Bush's hands on war policy, and enforce troops reductions in Iraq.

The bill, which passed by a vote of 229 to 194, would ensure that soldiers could not be deployed to either war, unless they had enjoyed a rest period equal to the length of their previous deployment.

What a way to fight a war....The Dim's just become dimmer.....
Maybe the Dim's can unionize the troops and Hillary can be their President.....:eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall:

So you are for continuing to send soldiers on their 3rd and 4th deployments, exhausted, displaying signs of PTSD? I don't get you guys who hate the troops. Losing this war wasn't their fault it was Bush's.

I bet you're one of those guys who would spit on them if you got the chance huh?
So you are for continuing to send soldiers on their 3rd and 4th deployments, exhausted, displaying signs of PTSD? I don't get you guys who hate the troops. Losing this war wasn't their fault it was Bush's.

I bet you're one of those guys who would spit on them if you got the chance huh?

Except we have not lost and we can't lose unless liberals get their way and yank the plug.

Is it not funny that in ww2 our soldiers were in for the duration, no rotation at all. Now we rightly provide them a period outside combat and you think that someone that VOLUNTEERED to join the military should be promised a set time to NOT do their primary job?

You want longer down time, support and demand we increase the military by 100 percent, return our military to the size it was in 1988. Active duty increase NOT national Guard increase or reserve.

As usual just as we are seeing positive results the liberals are demanding we cut and run. 1968 was the same as was 1975. Democrats since going liberal are idiots when it comes to combat and winning.

Now what we have is an occupation.

Who do you "win" an occupation?
Except we have not lost and we can't lose unless liberals get their way and yank the plug.

Is it not funny that in ww2 our soldiers were in for the duration, no rotation at all. Now we rightly provide them a period outside combat and you think that someone that VOLUNTEERED to join the military should be promised a set time to NOT do their primary job?

You want longer down time, support and demand we increase the military by 100 percent, return our military to the size it was in 1988. Active duty increase NOT national Guard increase or reserve.

As usual just as we are seeing positive results the liberals are demanding we cut and run. 1968 was the same as was 1975. Democrats since going liberal are idiots when it comes to combat and winning.

There was a draft in WWII. If the Iraqi war is as important as WWII why is the burden of fighting it falling on such a small percentage of the population?

If Iraq is the new WWII, instituting the draft is our moral imperative.

But maybe it's not as important. Maybe you know that if you try it, Suzy and Jimmy Middle class ain't going, and their parents will burn down Washington DC and step over your dead body to get there.

Maybe you are a disingenious shit waiving your pom poms and rah rahing in my face.

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