The Hill's 7 presidential contenders for GOP in 2024: "DeSantis, Pence, Cruz, Haley, Pompeo, Tim Scott, Noem" Trump? no Cotton? no Hawley? what?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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i don't like this list at all, except for the Big Three: DeSantis, Cruz and this points there are dozens of candidates who might run, you can't limit to just 7

i don't like this list at all, except for the Big Three:

Am surprised the poster. BQB above, didn't have Mike Pence on his B3 list;

After all, Mike kinda sorta came through as an American hero during the various testimonies in the 3rd hearing.
Not only courageous and determined in his sense of duty to America and the Constitution, but also as a 'man-in-charge' with his pro-active role in contacting government officials to encourage action to stop the vicious attack on Congress....of which, he was a victim. In fact, he was making those urgent calls to the military, the DOD, etc. while he was sheltering in place and being protected from a mob that would have torn him to pieces.

(ps....all these calls that Pence made to order up our military and such to rescue Congress.....well, Don Trump made none.)

So there is that.
And speaking of Mike Pence and Don Trump.......this morning's Washington Post had reportage on Don Trump's speech yesterday before some gathering of evangelicals.

Here is a taster:

NASHVILLE — Former president Donald Trump used an evangelical conference here to ridicule former vice president Mike Pence for upholding the Constitution on Jan. 6, 2021, choosing an audience that represents Pence’s political base as a venue to attempt to undermine him.

“Mike Pence had a chance to be great. He had a chance to be historic,” Trump said in his first remarks about his onetime governing partner amid Jan. 6 committee hearings revealing the intense pressure Pence withstood in deciding to go forward with his constitutional role certifying the election. “Mike did not have the courage to act.” He added: “Mike was afraid of whatever he was afraid of.”


In contradistinction to Trump's sentiment expressed above ---well, we have that statement by a White House assistant who stated that Trump's notorious Tweet at 2:24 on January 6th, exactly when the Trump mob was violently attacking our Capitol and hunting down Pelosi and Pence.....that Tweet of his excoriating Pence for not breaking the law and trying to de-certify the EC ballots.......well, the assistant stated it was exactly the wrong message....."Like pouring gasoline on a fire.".

So there is that.
Please, no RINOS and no Neo Cons.
We're already talking about 2024?

With 2 1/2 more years of Biden I'm not sure we're going to have a country by then, unless the GOP take the House and Senate and actually do something.
I know we're all anxious to end this fucking nightmare but can we focus on the stuttering shit clown that's burning the country to the ground right now?

biden shower.jpg
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