The Gun Violence Archive lies about mass public shootings in the U.S.

Yup, you see, if you throw the word "public" in there, that somehow makes mass shootings less bad because it's only the darkies, amiright?

We lock up 2 million people. locking people up isn't a solution, it's part of the problem.

No, dipshit......gang shootings are generally confined to tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities...allowed to happen over and over again as a direct result of democrat party policies....

so if you avoid those areas you can avoid getting shot

Mass public shootings are committed by lone actors, targeting a public place....they are extremely rare happening 12 times in 2022

but since gang shootings are avoidable by staying out of democrat voting districts you guys have to lie and mix up the two different types of shooting
The problem with mass incarceration is that it creates a permanent criminal class. You send a kid to jail for a petty offense, leave him in there for months or years awaiting trial because he can't afford bail, extenuate his anti-social tendency by putting him in with hundreds of other anti-social people, and you wonder why he comes out much, much worse?

The rest of the industrialized world doesn't lock up millions of people. They lock up the truly dangerous. They don't let every idiot who wants a gun have one, they have extensive social programs, addiction treatment and mental health programs.

And while we are here arguing over a Single Shooting, a Multiple Shooting or a Mass Public Shooting, and how many people have to die before we worry, they have so few homicides that it barely registers.
The problem with allowing criminals unrestricted allowances for criminal activity is that it creates a permanent class of recidivist criminals.

The allowance for such "petty crimes" as theft, car jacking, breaking and entering, trespassing, etc., and you tend to encourage anti-social behavior. The leftist experiments of defund the police, refuse to charge criminals for crimes, allow entire classes of crimes to go without consequence is a continuing disaster.

As usual, you screech the leftist script of "... the rest of the industrialized world" and the nonsensical "...any idiot who wants a gun..." They're all just scripted talking points that offer no solutions but appeal to the leftist notion that no one is to be burdened with personal responsibility.

While you're arguing over mass shootings / multiple shootings, people continue to arm themselves because leftist policies put dangerous, recidivist criminals on the streets because those criminals have little fear of accountability for their crimes.

It's just a party...

Why does that make it okay?
I wish EVERY mass shooting got attention. Then maybe we might start asking why do we live like this.

Sadly, the news only pays attention when it's nice clean cut white people and there are a lot of them.
That's not a fair assessment. The news does pay attention. They call the criminal gang bangers shooting up a birthday party a "Mass Shooting", which it technically is. But the narrative the MSM are trying to paint is that the gang related shooting is the same as a school, theater, etc., And they are not.

The media shies away from calling it inner city gang related crime, which are much more frequent than a school, mall, shooting. It's intellectually dishonest to group them all into the same boat to push an agenda.
And while we are here arguing over a Single Shooting, a Multiple Shooting or a Mass Public Shooting, and how many people have to die before we worry, they have so few homicides that it barely registers.
What about deaths from car accidents: There were 35,766 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2020. What are we doing to save those lives? (Fatality Facts 2020: State by state)

What about Alcohol and Driving: Every day, about 32 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that's one person every 45 minutes. What are we doing to save those lives.
(Drunk Driving | NHTSA.)

What about opioid deaths: Opioid-involved overdose deaths rose from 21,089 in 2010 to 47,600 in 2017 and remained steady through 2019. This was followed by a significant increase in 2020 with 68,630 reported deaths and again in 2021 with 80,411 reported overdose deaths. What are we doing to save those lives.
(Drug Overdose Death Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse.)

What about tobacco: More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease. What are we doing to save those lives.

The point: MSM and politicians want guns at the forefront because they have made it a political voting machine. We all know it. As a society, why are we not as concerned about all these other "Preventable" deaths? Why is shooting death, which we are all unlikely to be a victim of (your local could put you in greater risk, like Chicago), much more of a concern, than the deaths I mentioned above?
The problem with allowing criminals unrestricted allowances for criminal activity is that it creates a permanent class of recidivist criminals.

The allowance for such "petty crimes" as theft, car jacking, breaking and entering, trespassing, etc., and you tend to encourage anti-social behavior. The leftist experiments of defund the police, refuse to charge criminals for crimes, allow entire classes of crimes to go without consequence is a continuing disaster.

As usual, you screech the leftist script of "... the rest of the industrialized world" and the nonsensical "...any idiot who wants a gun..." They're all just scripted talking points that offer no solutions but appeal to the leftist notion that no one is to be burdened with personal responsibility.

While you're arguing over mass shootings / multiple shootings, people continue to arm themselves because leftist policies put dangerous, recidivist criminals on the streets because those criminals have little fear of accountability for their crimes.

It's just a party...

The rest of the industrial world murdered 15 million just 6 years, after confiscating and banning guns.......Russia.....25 million, China, 70 million.....and on and on... even Japan during the war murdered close to 3 million innocent that is why when they say "the rest of the industrialized world," I really don't care...........our gun murder number is about 2,460,000 for our entire 246 year history......they have nothing on us.....
No, dipshit......gang shootings are generally confined to tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities...allowed to happen over and over again as a direct result of democrat party policies....

Uh, Sorry, DickTiny, gun murders are up in Jesusland, too.

The allowance for such "petty crimes" as theft, car jacking, breaking and entering, trespassing, etc., and you tend to encourage anti-social behavior. The leftist experiments of defund the police, refuse to charge criminals for crimes, allow entire classes of crimes to go without consequence is a continuing disaster.

Naw, the continuing disaster was that we haven't addressed the underlying causes of crime. Combine that with 50 million new guns being introduced into the mix, and you get exactly the result you should expect.

As usual, you screech the leftist script of "... the rest of the industrialized world" and the nonsensical "...any idiot who wants a gun..." They're all just scripted talking points that offer no solutions but appeal to the leftist notion that no one is to be burdened with personal responsibility.

Yes, please, please avoid the point that what you are doing isn't working and is probably making it worse.

That's not a fair assessment. The news does pay attention. They call the criminal gang bangers shooting up a birthday party a "Mass Shooting", which it technically is. But the narrative the MSM are trying to paint is that the gang related shooting is the same as a school, theater, etc., And they are not.

Well, first thanks for being honest enough to admit that it's still a "mass shooting" when the victims are BIPOC.

The only reason why we treat a school/theater/parade shooting as "worse" is because it's clean cut white people who are the victims. Just like when a pretty white girl gets kidnapped/murdered/goes missing it's treated as a national crisis. Some poor person of color. Meh, just another day in the hood.

The media shies away from calling it inner city gang related crime, which are much more frequent than a school, mall, shooting. It's intellectually dishonest to group them all into the same boat to push an agenda.

Actually, it's the same agenda. It's too damned easy to get a gun if you are someone who has no business owning a gun. Whether you be a gangbanger or a crazy guy who thinks he's the Joker because he's watched too many Batman movies.

The rest of the industrial world murdered 15 million just 6 years, after confiscating and banning guns.......
Yup, they call those "Wars". Wars are nasty and private gun ownership doesn't prevent them. Private gun ownership doesn't prevent dictatorships, either.
The source the anti-gun fanatics use to lie to uninformed Americans about mass public shootings is taken down in this article……..

Mass Shooting’ Semantic F*****y

When muggles read the tweet talking about “mass shootings” they think “random spree shootings.”
Let’s see how the first two lies fit together. First, they index something that has nothing to do with spree killings and instead is a measuring stick for ordinary violent crime.

Next, they don’t bother to start their accounting for that measure during the prohibition era, nor the rise of cocaine in the 1970s, nor the crack epidemic in the 80s and 90s, but instead they only start the clock when the USA was in a historic murder low to ensure that their ginned up measurement is “on the rise.”
I’m also not blind, so when the George Floyd riots happened in 2020, and everyone in major cities started waving “All Cops Are Bastards” signs, I knew that was going to result in reduced police staffing. And…we saw a drop in total police staffing of 1.75% in 2020, and another 1.76% in 2021.

Being a gun-adjacent writer, I talk with folks who hang out with cops and they pass the stories back to me. They said in 2020 many of the cops who didn’t quit their jobs simply quit policing in dangerous areas. The fear that they would get caught on YouTube doing their job — and then get fired from their job for doing their job — led them to the conclusion that they should just quit doing their job in areas where they might lose their job for doing it.

Which meant they intentionally reduced or ceased policing entirely in majority black areas. Calls to 911 might just not get answered. Because of ACAB.

There is no doubt in my mind that that’s the largest contributor for the overall rise in crime, including murder, in 2020 and 2021. The numbers predict it. And the gun-controllers are the same people who carried the ACAB flags and burnt buildings in 2020.

Now let’s see how all three of these lies fit together.

The gun-controllers intentionally riot and degrade the police force, which increases crime relative to historic lows, which they map over to “mass shootings,” which they trick people into believing are spree shootings, which they blame on guns.

Uh, Sorry, DickTiny, gun murders are up in Jesusland, too.

Naw, the continuing disaster was that we haven't addressed the underlying causes of crime. Combine that with 50 million new guns being introduced into the mix, and you get exactly the result you should expect.

Yes, please, please avoid the point that what you are doing isn't working and is probably making it worse.

Well, first thanks for being honest enough to admit that it's still a "mass shooting" when the victims are BIPOC.

The only reason why we treat a school/theater/parade shooting as "worse" is because it's clean cut white people who are the victims. Just like when a pretty white girl gets kidnapped/murdered/goes missing it's treated as a national crisis. Some poor person of color. Meh, just another day in the hood.

Actually, it's the same agenda. It's too damned easy to get a gun if you are someone who has no business owning a gun. Whether you be a gangbanger or a crazy guy who thinks he's the Joker because he's watched too many Batman movies.

Yup, they call those "Wars". Wars are nasty and private gun ownership doesn't prevent them. Private gun ownership doesn't prevent dictatorships, either.
Obviously, the left doesn't understand some pretty obvious connections between enabling criminals and increased rates of crimes committed by those criminals. Leftisexuals have this fetish with guns. They obsess on guns, they want to confiscate guns, yet they also want an allowance for criminals to prey upon the public.
You need guns to kill police officers?

Oh, I understand that if you enable any criminal or mentally ill person to get a gun, and they'll commit crimes.
Um, no. Actually you don't understand. Criminals convicted of felonies and many misdemeanor crimes are prevented from owning a legally purchased firearm. People under treatment for a mental illness are typically prevented from purchasing a firearm.

Obviously, not every criminal or mentally ill person acquires a firearm and uses it to commit a crime.

Yours is just a typical, hysterical rant that is common among the leftist gun fetishists.
Well, first thanks for being honest enough to admit that it's still a "mass shooting" when the victims are BIPOC.

The only reason why we treat a school/theater/parade shooting as "worse" is because it's clean cut white people who are the victims. Just like when a pretty white girl gets kidnapped/murdered/goes missing it's treated as a national crisis. Some poor person of color. Meh, just another day in the hood.
What is sad, is that it is "Just another day in the hood". That sentiment speaks to a sub-urban culture of crime that absolutely exists in inner city neighborhoods.
And let's be fair, we absolutely understand that the current mode in the MSM is to point out at any time "white privilege" or when the racist flag can be raised. A recently viewed documentary showcased a serial killer who was taking out hookers in the early-mid 70's. Most of the hookers were white females. The media attention wasn't there like it should have been because the women were hookers. It's wrong, but it has happened. No one denies that. But in today's climate, we are now hyper focused on any and everything that can be pointed out as inequity or unfair due to perceived racial bias. And that hyper focused attention in ON PURPOSE. Why?

Actually, it's the same agenda. It's too damned easy to get a gun if you are someone who has no business owning a gun. Whether you be a gangbanger or a crazy guy who thinks he's the Joker because he's watched too many Batman movies.

Two things. Criminals illegally obtain their guns, no amount of background checks is going to stop them. No amount of legislation will stop that, nothing the president is going to do will stop that, agreed?

The second guy, who watched batman too many times. Yes, he can go and pass a background check and buy a gun and do bad things. That scenario, is statistically very very small. That is the same chance we take everyday in getting in a car and someone having a bad day and going left-of-center and using YOU to commit their suicide. That person may have been driving for 20+ years, they have a mental breakdown that no one sees coming, and tragedy. No amount of planning, risk assessment, or laws can prepare and fix that.
Leftisexuals have this fetish with guns. They obsess on guns, they want to confiscate guns, yet they also want an allowance for criminals to prey upon the public.

They want to confiscate guns from law-abiding human beings, specifically to make those human beings into easier prey for subhuman criminal shit.

I challenge you to try to find anything in any of what Incel Joe has ever written on the subject, that is not entirely consistent with this motive. He's on the side of criminals, and against the side of human beings, as he reveals with almost every word he ever writes relevant to the subject.
Uh, Sorry, DickTiny, gun murders are up in Jesusland, too.

Naw, the continuing disaster was that we haven't addressed the underlying causes of crime. Combine that with 50 million new guns being introduced into the mix, and you get exactly the result you should expect.

Yes, please, please avoid the point that what you are doing isn't working and is probably making it worse.

Well, first thanks for being honest enough to admit that it's still a "mass shooting" when the victims are BIPOC.

The only reason why we treat a school/theater/parade shooting as "worse" is because it's clean cut white people who are the victims. Just like when a pretty white girl gets kidnapped/murdered/goes missing it's treated as a national crisis. Some poor person of color. Meh, just another day in the hood.

Actually, it's the same agenda. It's too damned easy to get a gun if you are someone who has no business owning a gun. Whether you be a gangbanger or a crazy guy who thinks he's the Joker because he's watched too many Batman movies.

Yup, they call those "Wars". Wars are nasty and private gun ownership doesn't prevent them. Private gun ownership doesn't prevent dictatorships, either.

YEah.....we told you about those too........


The No. 1 state on Third Way’s list is Mississippi. Sure enough, the statewide vote in the 2020 election was for Trump. But within the state, Hinds County residents voted for Joe Biden, 3 to 1. Mississippi’s biggest city, Jackson, is in Hinds County. You know where this is going.
Reporting on Jackson last year, CNN declared it “one of the deadliest U.S. cities.”

The mayor of Jackson is Chokwe Antar Lumumba, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jody Owens, a Democrat.
No. 2 on the list is Louisiana. Trump won that state, too. But on the more local level, he lost Orleans, the parish that contains New Orleans, the state’s most populous city. Residents there went for Biden almost 8 to 1.
“New Orleans had the highest homicide rate of any major city so far this year, with about 41 homicides per 100,000 residents.”— The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 16, 2022
The mayor of New Orleans is LaToya Cantrell, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jason Williams, also a Democrat.
No. 3 on the list is Kentucky, another red state that voted to elect Trump. But Kentucky’s biggest city Louisville is in Jefferson County and 60 percent of those voters supported Biden.
This is from Kentucky-based think tank Pegasus Institute in August: “In the last decade, the city of Louisville has seen unprecedented increases in shootings and homicides. 2020 became Louisville’s deadliest year on record, and 2021 have proven to continue that trend.” The organization reported last year that Louisville’s homicide rate was competing with the likes of Chicago and Philadelphia.
The mayor of Louisville is Greg Fischer, a Democrat. The district attorney is Thomas B. Wine. He is also a Democrat.
Next is Alabama at No. 4, another 2020 red state. But Biden won the most votes in the most populous county, also called Jefferson. He won 56 percent to Trump’s 43. Within Jefferson is the city of Birmingham, which has the third-highest murder ratein all of the U.S.
The mayor of Birmingham is Randall Woodfin. He’s a Democrat, just like the district attorney, Danny Carr.
In slot No. 5 is Missouri. Again, a Trump state. And again, with the county containing its biggest city, St. Louis, going for Biden, 61 percent to Trump’s 37. St. Louis has the fourth-highest murder rate in the country.
Mayor: Tishaura Jones, Democrat.
County prosecuting attorney: Wesley Bell, same.
No. 6 is South Carolina. Trump won that state, but Charleston County, with the city of North Charleston, went for Biden with 56 percent of the vote. North Charleston has the highest murder rate in the state.
Finally, here we have a city with a mayor, Keith Summey, from the Republican Party. The county solicitor — Charleston does not have a district attorney — is Scarlett Wilson, also a Republican.
Not that we’re keeping score, but that brings the number on this list of Republicans who might feasibly be held accountable for raging crime in their cities to a grand total of two. For Democrats, it’s so far 10.
The next two states on Third Way’s report, New Mexico and Georgia, went blue in 2020, so we’ll skip those.
No. 9 is Arkansas, which was red. But again, Pulaski County, with the state’s biggest city of Little Rock, went blue with 60 percent of voters choosing Biden. That city reportedly has one of the highest violent crime rates in the state. The mayor of Little Rock is Frank Scott, a Democrat. The county prosecutor, Larry Jegley, is a Democrat as well.
Lastly, at No. 10, is Tennessee. Another red state with a major blue county that went for Biden. That county here would be Shelby, with 64 percent of the vote going to the president. In Shelby is the city of Memphis, which, according to The New York Times, “is often ranked among the nation’s most violent cities.”
The mayor of Memphis is Jim Strickland, a Democrat. Steve Mulroy, a Democrat, is the recently-elected district attorney.

To recap, of the eight red states listed in Third Way’s report as being among the top 10 with the highest murder rate, the cities where all that murder is happening are run almost exclusively by Democrats. All but one had a Democrat mayor. And all but one had a Democrat responsible for pursuing criminal prosecutions.

The Left's Funny New Lie: It's The 'Red States' With More Crime!
Uh, Sorry, DickTiny, gun murders are up in Jesusland, too.

Naw, the continuing disaster was that we haven't addressed the underlying causes of crime. Combine that with 50 million new guns being introduced into the mix, and you get exactly the result you should expect.

Yes, please, please avoid the point that what you are doing isn't working and is probably making it worse.

Well, first thanks for being honest enough to admit that it's still a "mass shooting" when the victims are BIPOC.

The only reason why we treat a school/theater/parade shooting as "worse" is because it's clean cut white people who are the victims. Just like when a pretty white girl gets kidnapped/murdered/goes missing it's treated as a national crisis. Some poor person of color. Meh, just another day in the hood.

Actually, it's the same agenda. It's too damned easy to get a gun if you are someone who has no business owning a gun. Whether you be a gangbanger or a crazy guy who thinks he's the Joker because he's watched too many Batman movies.

Yup, they call those "Wars". Wars are nasty and private gun ownership doesn't prevent them. Private gun ownership doesn't prevent dictatorships, either.

The reasons you assholes treat school shootings as "worse," is because most all murder occurs in cities the democrat party has under total control.....and you already have the black vote to over you don't care if young black males are dying....but when a school shooting can use fear to stampede everyone not trapped in a democrat party crap hole to give you more power.....

So you cover school shootings, the rarest of rare events......24/7 while completely ignoring the deaths of young black males in democrat party controlled cities.....because you already have the black vote no matter how badly you idiots run things, so you don't have to care about them.
Um, no. Actually you don't understand. Criminals convicted of felonies and many misdemeanor crimes are prevented from owning a legally purchased firearm. People under treatment for a mental illness are typically prevented from purchasing a firearm.

Um, yeah, and it would be nice if those laws were enforced other than, "not at all."

What is sad, is that it is "Just another day in the hood". That sentiment speaks to a sub-urban culture of crime that absolutely exists in inner city neighborhoods.
And let's be fair, we absolutely understand that the current mode in the MSM is to point out at any time "white privilege" or when the racist flag can be raised. A recently viewed documentary showcased a serial killer who was taking out hookers in the early-mid 70's. Most of the hookers were white females. The media attention wasn't there like it should have been because the women were hookers. It's wrong, but it has happened. No one denies that. But in today's climate, we are now hyper focused on any and everything that can be pointed out as inequity or unfair due to perceived racial bias. And that hyper focused attention in ON PURPOSE. Why?

Oh, I agree, the police don't protect everyone equally... But still, someone like that girl who got left out in the desert became a national story while other people... not so much.

White Women in Peril... it still sells. It's the problem with news as entertainment.

Two things. Criminals illegally obtain their guns, no amount of background checks is going to stop them. No amount of legislation will stop that, nothing the president is going to do will stop that, agreed?

Nope, don't agree with that at all. If you make it hard to get guns, hold gun sellers accountable, the guns to the criminal element will dry up. It's why you don't have these kinds of problems in Europe or Japan.

The second guy, who watched batman too many times. Yes, he can go and pass a background check and buy a gun and do bad things. That scenario, is statistically very very small. That is the same chance we take everyday in getting in a car and someone having a bad day and going left-of-center and using YOU to commit their suicide. That person may have been driving for 20+ years, they have a mental breakdown that no one sees coming, and tragedy. No amount of planning, risk assessment, or laws can prepare and fix that.

Again, bullshit.

Two things happen when we have a mass shooting like that.
1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was crazy for years.
2) He had no problem getting a gun anyway.

Take Joker Holmes. He was in the midst of a psychological breakdown. His family knew it. His university was in the process of disenrolling him. Yet he had no problem walking into a gun store, getting an AR-15 and a 100 round magazine.
The reasons you assholes treat school shootings as "worse," is because most all murder occurs in cities the democrat party has under total control.....and you already have the black vote to over you don't care if young black males are dying....but when a school shooting can use fear to stampede everyone not trapped in a democrat party crap hole to give you more power.....

quite the contrary, school shootings are the only time white people give a shit. It's not about "stampeding them".

We had a solution to young black males dying.. let cities that want to ban guns ban them. And you guys went running to Scalia whining, "But the Founding Slave Rapists Said we could have guns!"

YEah.....we told you about those too........
Yes, you are a master of obfuscation. But there are just as many poor white people in Jesusland as there are poor black people in the urban settings, per capita.

So here's a solution. Make guns so ridiculously expensive only the rich can afford them.

hey want to confiscate guns from law-abiding human beings, specifically to make those human beings into easier prey for subhuman criminal shit.

Except most people are murdered by people they know, not total strangers, Mormon Bob. You know, like that Mormon who slaughtered his entire family because he lost his job.

"Come on, Kids, we're going to the Celestial Heaven".
Um, yeah, and it would be nice if those laws were enforced other than, "not at all."

Oh, I agree, the police don't protect everyone equally... But still, someone like that girl who got left out in the desert became a national story while other people... not so much.

White Women in Peril... it still sells. It's the problem with news as entertainment.

Nope, don't agree with that at all. If you make it hard to get guns, hold gun sellers accountable, the guns to the criminal element will dry up. It's why you don't have these kinds of problems in Europe or Japan.

Again, bullshit.

Two things happen when we have a mass shooting like that.
1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was crazy for years.
2) He had no problem getting a gun anyway.

Take Joker Holmes. He was in the midst of a psychological breakdown. His family knew it. His university was in the process of disenrolling him. Yet he had no problem walking into a gun store, getting an AR-15 and a 100 round magazine. have criminals in Europe using fully automatic military rifles as their weapon of choice...and grenades....and in Japan, they have a police have been told this over and over and ignore it every time....
quite the contrary, school shootings are the only time white people give a shit. It's not about "stampeding them".

We had a solution to young black males dying.. let cities that want to ban guns ban them. And you guys went running to Scalia whining, "But the Founding Slave Rapists Said we could have guns!"

Yes, you are a master of obfuscation. But there are just as many poor white people in Jesusland as there are poor black people in the urban settings, per capita.

So here's a solution. Make guns so ridiculously expensive only the rich can afford them.

Except most people are murdered by people they know, not total strangers, Mormon Bob. You know, like that Mormon who slaughtered his entire family because he lost his job.

"Come on, Kids, we're going to the Celestial Heaven".

No, it is exactly about stampeding them......since democrats don't care about young black male deaths in the cities they control...since they already have 95% of the black the democrats in the press ignore the slaughter in democrat party controlled cities, and exploit the rarest of rare events, mass public shootings, 24/7 so they can stampede uninformed people into giving the democrats more power and money.

As to "Founding slave rapists?"

You vote for the democrat party.....the political party founded by "slave rapists," and the party that is the party of slave rapists vote for that moron.

Yes....murdered by people they know.....the guy in the rival gang trying to take their drug idiot.
Um, yeah, and it would be nice if those laws were enforced other than, "not at all."

Oh, I agree, the police don't protect everyone equally... But still, someone like that girl who got left out in the desert became a national story while other people... not so much.

White Women in Peril... it still sells. It's the problem with news as entertainment.

Nope, don't agree with that at all. If you make it hard to get guns, hold gun sellers accountable, the guns to the criminal element will dry up. It's why you don't have these kinds of problems in Europe or Japan.

Again, bullshit.

Two things happen when we have a mass shooting like that.
1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was crazy for years.
2) He had no problem getting a gun anyway.

Take Joker Holmes. He was in the midst of a psychological breakdown. His family knew it. His university was in the process of disenrolling him. Yet he had no problem walking into a gun store, getting an AR-15 and a 100 round magazine.

Yes.....people knew the guy was trouble, and your God...government, failed to stop him. His shrink knew he had issues, his family knew he had issues, his school knew he had issues........and they all failed to help him......that isn't a gun problem, that is a mental health problem.......and now more people are beginning to understand this...

So of the 12 mass public shooters out of a country of over 350 million, it is now becoming easier to identify these at risk people....and maybe get them help before they cause destruction... have criminals in Europe using fully automatic military rifles as their weapon of choice...and grenades....and in Japan, they have a police have been told this over and over and ignore it every time....

Those incidents are so incredibly rare to be meaningless.
Japan isn't a police state, we are.
We lock up 2 million people and the police gun down children in the street.
Japan locks up 49,000 people and it's considered a scandal if cops even pull their guns from their holsters.

No, it is exactly about stampeding them......since democrats don't care about young black male deaths in the cities they control...since they already have 95% of the black the democrats in the press ignore the slaughter in democrat party controlled cities, and exploit the rarest of rare events, mass public shootings, 24/7 so they can stampede uninformed people into giving the democrats more power and money.

Uh, here's the thing. These events aren't rare, they happen much too often.
After 9/11, we put a bunch of security measures in place to make air travel safe, even though hijackings are much rarer than mass shootings.

We still have to take off our shoes because 20 years ago, some nitwit lit his shoes on fire. We still have to undergo body scans because some idiot put C-4 in his underwear.

But after each mass shooting at a school, a theater, or a parade, we get the usual "thoughts and prayers" bullshit. Because the Founding slave rapists decided that crazy people have a right to military grade weapons because Militias or something.

As to "Founding slave rapists?"
Click, click, whirr... standard rant about Democrats... click whirr... Seriously, man get some new material.

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