The greatest threat to America?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Some say Russia --the more astute say China.

I say low i.q.

We are living in a rapidly advancing technological age and those nations with a high average i.q. have a big advantage in such a age as we witness developing all around us at an ever increasing pace.

So where does America rank with its average i.q. compared to other nations?...number l6. other words there are l5 other nations with a higher average i.q. than America.

So why does America have such a low average i.q.?
The only threat regarding "i.q." is those that have what measures as superior using it against their fellow human beings.
^^^ I second that. Sadly one person's definition of the word may not match another person's definition of the word.

God bless you always!!!

Some say Russia --the more astute say China.

I say low i.q.

We are living in a rapidly advancing technological age and those nations with a high average i.q. have a big advantage in such a age as we witness developing all around us at an ever increasing pace.

So where does America rank with its average i.q. compared to other nations?...number l6. other words there are l5 other nations with a higher average i.q. than America.

So why does America have such a low average i.q.?
That's easy-illegal aliens. Our culture is being raped-language, work ethic, population, young girls, laws-Trump was right-bad people from the south of our border working their worst intentions upon us.
Some say Russia --the more astute say China.

I say low i.q.

We are living in a rapidly advancing technological age and those nations with a high average i.q. have a big advantage in such a age as we witness developing all around us at an ever increasing pace.

So where does America rank with its average i.q. compared to other nations?...number l6. other words there are l5 other nations with a higher average i.q. than America.

So why does America have such a low average i.q.?
That's easy-illegal aliens. Our culture is being raped-language, work ethic, population, young girls, laws-Trump was right-bad people from the south of our border working their worst intentions upon us.

Finally....someone on the right track....mexicans are good people, i actually like people for the most part, hard working, humble but unfortunately low i.q.'s. ---we have let far too many of them come up here.

The other big minority....are even lower regarding their i.q. levels. Not even to mention we give preferential treatment in our legal immigrant quotas to other low i.q. individuals.

Thus we are exacerbating the problem and hence our low national i.q. average.

IQ and the Wealth of Nations is a 2002 book by psychologist Richard Lynn and political scientist Tatu Vanhanen.[1] The authors argue that differences in national income (in the form of per capita gross domestic product) are correlated with differences in the average national intelligence quotient (IQ). They further argue that differences in average national IQs constitute one important factor, but not the only one, contributing to differences in national wealth and rates of economic growth.
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The only threat regarding "i.q." is those that have what measures as superior using it against their fellow human beings.

Can anyone say............ass backwards?

Anyhow.........could you explain what you mean by 'what measures as superior'?

Whilst at it tell us of a case in the history of the world where a quote 'superior' people have used their supposed superiority against another people?

On the other hand look at what low i.q. people have done.....we simply need to look at our problem with violence and crime (recognizing all the suffering it causes)and recognize who is responsible for most of that and how low their i.q. is.

Look at the retarded policies and philosophy of communism which has caused so much suffering in the world and continues to do so......such stupidity is even advocated by the tards in this nation...they attempt to disguise it by calling it 'socialism' ...which is still a very retarded system even in its mildest forms.

Look at the low. i.q. German Nazi party and the suffering they inflicted on the world. is not intelligence we should fear...but ignorance....that led to the dark ages long ago and it could happen again.

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