The Greatest Redistribution of Income in History

Not only are you fucking stupid, but historically clueless, if you think FDRs policies were in any way economically helpful. Go check the rate of unemployment from the 1920 through the early 1940s to see how the New Deal impacted them, I dare you. Assuming you have the brains to track them on the web.

As for the crybaby whiners complaining about how other people make more money than they do - get off your fucking ass and get a job that pays more, you lazy fucking turds.

I'd be surprised if a lazy, not-so-bright fool like you isn't working in a public union in some city pushing paper back and forth waiting for your pension at age 50... :cuckoo:
Feel free to link to any evidence showing how the WPA increased US unemployment during the 1930s.

Then explain why middle and upper-middle class US families have handed over $12,500 every year since 1980 to the richest 1% of Americans.

1) Complete winger link
2) Show any law where funds are taken from middle and upper-middle class persons to be redistributed to 'the rich'
3) How is something they never earned in the first place taken away from anyone?

You are a fucking idiot.... I would suggest help for your mental illness
Are you really this fucking stupid/ignorant/...?

Follow the money:
So you're claiming government intrusion into business is in no way responsible for outsourcing and unemployment?

I never claimed any position on the question. I've only objected to your arguments as being lacking.

But I would argue that government regulation is only one of many things that any business has to contend with, and that things like outsourcing and unemployment are caused by a multiplicity of factors. Saying that government intrusion is responsible for these things is so overly simplistic that it has no meaning. May as well say that water is responsible for rain.
Government regulation is one thing government can change if they're serious about bringing jobs back to America.

Apparently, they're not.
Feel free to link to any evidence showing how the WPA increased US unemployment during the 1930s.

Then explain why middle and upper-middle class US families have handed over $12,500 every year since 1980 to the richest 1% of Americans.

1) Complete winger link
2) Show any law where funds are taken from middle and upper-middle class persons to be redistributed to 'the rich'
3) How is something they never earned in the first place taken away from anyone?

You are a fucking idiot.... I would suggest help for your mental illness
Are you really this fucking stupid/ignorant/...?

Follow the money:

Again.. you addressed nothing and tried to take it off on another tangent.... You stated that money is taken from the middle class and redistributed to the rich... so

If the rich pay the majority of the taxes, how is the money taken directly from the middle class and given to the rich even with your TARP and Bailout argument? (And I supported neither)

So.. try again.... including #3, asshole
Need - Wiki:

"Something required.

I've always tried to have few needs beyond food, clothing and shelter.
You don't get to decide what other people need, no matter how much you stamp your feet and whine about what's "fair".
Yeah, I do when "other people" crash the US economy, sending millions of real workers onto the unemployment roles and foreclosures through the roof.

Only corn-fed slaves would not object to getting fucked in their fat useless asses like that.

Possibly that explains your position...
You can't even run your own life. What makes you think you can run others'?
That is saying if a corporate entity doesn't like the tax rate it's okay to move its activities to another country in spite of the damage it will cause to the economy of the Nation and the People that hosted and facilitated its growth. Corporations that engage in such betrayal are not motivated by survival but by greed.

I believe one of the U.S. economy's most serious problems today is such treacherous abandonment is tolerated without penalty or a hint of retaliation.

So you want to prevent damage to the economy by forcing companies to stay in country? What if they can't compete and decide to go out of business? Are you going to force them to stay open?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this any thought.
Get a Real Job

"Since the 1980s, corporate raiders have borrowed high-interest 'junk bond' credit to take over companies and make money by stripping assets, cutting back long-term investment, research and development, and paying out depreciation credit to their financiers.

"Financially parasitized companies use corporate income to buy back their stock to support its price – and hence, the value of stock options that financial managers give themselves – and borrow yet more money for stock buybacks or simply to pay out as dividends.

"When the process has run its course, they threaten their work force with bankruptcy that will wipe out its pension benefits if employees do not agree to 'downsize' their claims and replace defined-benefit plans with defined-contribution plans (in which all that employees know is how much they pay in each month, not what they will get in the end).

"By the time this point has been reached, the financial managers have paid themselves outsized salaries and bonuses, and cashed in their stock options – all subsidized by the government’s favorable tax treatment of debt leveraging."

Possibly if you had been forced to compete for a job during the last twenty years this would all be clear to you.

Take your time.

Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street
As of 1 March, I'll be retired from the military and out in the civilian job market. I anticipate zero problems finding a job, thanks to the varied job skills and leadership abilities the military gave me.

I repeat: Nobody owes you shit. Get off your ass.
That is saying if a corporate entity doesn't like the tax rate it's okay to move its activities to another country in spite of the damage it will cause to the economy of the Nation and the People that hosted and facilitated its growth. Corporations that engage in such betrayal are not motivated by survival but by greed.

I believe one of the U.S. economy's most serious problems today is such treacherous abandonment is tolerated without penalty or a hint of retaliation.

Are you mentally retarded? Or 3 years old? WTF makes you think that the people who run these corporations somehow "owe" something to the workers who are there BY CHOICE? The only people these companies "owe" anything to is their shareholders, the OWNERS of the companies, and the executives fundamental role is to maximize profits for the shareholders.

That's called basic economics, you might want to try studying it one day.
That's called psychopathic.

Study the nearest mirror.

"psychopath (plural psychopaths)

1. A person with a personality disorder indicated by a pattern of lying, cunning, manipulating, glibness, exploiting, heedlessness, arrogance, delusions of grandeur, sexual promiscuity, low self-control, disregard for morality, lack of acceptance of responsibility, callousness, and lack of empathy and remorse. Such an individual may be especially prone to violent and criminal offenses.

2. A person diagnosed with antisocial or dissocial personality disorder.
3. A person who has no moral conscience.
4. A person who perpetrates especially gruesome or bizarre violent acts."

Corporations ARE persons.
So you want to prevent damage to the economy by forcing companies to stay in country? What if they can't compete and decide to go out of business? Are you going to force them to stay open?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this any thought.
Get a Real Job

"Since the 1980s, corporate raiders have borrowed high-interest 'junk bond' credit to take over companies and make money by stripping assets, cutting back long-term investment, research and development, and paying out depreciation credit to their financiers.

"Financially parasitized companies use corporate income to buy back their stock to support its price – and hence, the value of stock options that financial managers give themselves – and borrow yet more money for stock buybacks or simply to pay out as dividends.

"When the process has run its course, they threaten their work force with bankruptcy that will wipe out its pension benefits if employees do not agree to 'downsize' their claims and replace defined-benefit plans with defined-contribution plans (in which all that employees know is how much they pay in each month, not what they will get in the end).

"By the time this point has been reached, the financial managers have paid themselves outsized salaries and bonuses, and cashed in their stock options – all subsidized by the government’s favorable tax treatment of debt leveraging."

Possibly if you had been forced to compete for a job during the last twenty years this would all be clear to you.

Take your time.

Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street
As of 1 March, I'll be retired from the military and out in the civilian job market. I anticipate zero problems finding a job, thanks to the varied job skills and leadership abilities the military gave me.

I repeat: Nobody owes you shit. Get off your ass.
Repeat this:

Slaves don't lead.
They salute and swallow.

You're no leader.
Get a Real Job

"Since the 1980s, corporate raiders have borrowed high-interest 'junk bond' credit to take over companies and make money by stripping assets, cutting back long-term investment, research and development, and paying out depreciation credit to their financiers.

"Financially parasitized companies use corporate income to buy back their stock to support its price – and hence, the value of stock options that financial managers give themselves – and borrow yet more money for stock buybacks or simply to pay out as dividends.

"When the process has run its course, they threaten their work force with bankruptcy that will wipe out its pension benefits if employees do not agree to 'downsize' their claims and replace defined-benefit plans with defined-contribution plans (in which all that employees know is how much they pay in each month, not what they will get in the end).

"By the time this point has been reached, the financial managers have paid themselves outsized salaries and bonuses, and cashed in their stock options – all subsidized by the government’s favorable tax treatment of debt leveraging."

Possibly if you had been forced to compete for a job during the last twenty years this would all be clear to you.

Take your time.

Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street
As of 1 March, I'll be retired from the military and out in the civilian job market. I anticipate zero problems finding a job, thanks to the varied job skills and leadership abilities the military gave me.

I repeat: Nobody owes you shit. Get off your ass.
Repeat this:

Slaves don't lead.
They salute and swallow.

You're no leader.
And you are, Mr. I Quit the Air Force After Two Weeks Because I Missed Mommy and Then Worked Minimum Wage Jobs The Rest of My Life?

You morons are funny, the way you think merely being liberal is an accomplishment worthy of respect and worth more than real experience. :lol:

You haven't done anything to merit the respect you demand.
1) Complete winger link
2) Show any law where funds are taken from middle and upper-middle class persons to be redistributed to 'the rich'
3) How is something they never earned in the first place taken away from anyone?

You are a fucking idiot.... I would suggest help for your mental illness
Are you really this fucking stupid/ignorant/...?

Follow the money:

Again.. you addressed nothing and tried to take it off on another tangent.... You stated that money is taken from the middle class and redistributed to the rich... so

If the rich pay the majority of the taxes, how is the money taken directly from the middle class and given to the rich even with your TARP and Bailout argument? (And I supported neither)

So.. try again.... including #3, asshole
"Thanks largely to the $13 trillion Wall Street bailout – while keeping the debt overhead in place for America’s 'bottom 98%' – this happy 2% of the population now receives an estimated three quarters (~75%) of the returns to wealth (interest, dividends, rent and capital gains).

"This is nearly double what it received a generation ago.

"The rest of the population is being squeezed, and foreclosures are rising."

"Extending the Bush tax cuts for "another two years" will also transfer money or services from the bottom 98% of the population to the lucky 2%:

"...Congressional economists estimate that extending the tax cuts to the top 2% will cost $700 to $750 billion over the next decade or so.

"'How are we going to go out and borrow $700 billion?' Mr. Obama asked Steve Croft on his Sixty Minutes interview on CBS last week.

"It was a rhetorical question.

"The President has appointed a bipartisan commission (right-wingers on both sides of the aisle) to 'cure' the federal budget deficit by cutting back social spending – to pay yet more bailouts to the economy’s financial wreckers.

"The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform might better be called the New Class War Commission to Scale Back Social Security and Medicare Payments to Labor in Order to Leave more Tax Revenue Available to Give Away to the Super-Rich.

"A longer title than the Deficit-Reduction Commission used by media friendlies, but sometimes it takes more words to get to the heart of matters."

Re: #3 What is it exactly the lower 98% of Americans have not earned?

Their Social Security benefits?
As of 1 March, I'll be retired from the military and out in the civilian job market. I anticipate zero problems finding a job, thanks to the varied job skills and leadership abilities the military gave me.

I repeat: Nobody owes you shit. Get off your ass.
Repeat this:

Slaves don't lead.
They salute and swallow.

You're no leader.
And you are, Mr. I Quit the Air Force After Two Weeks Because I Missed Mommy and Then Worked Minimum Wage Jobs The Rest of My Life?

You morons are funny, the way you think merely being liberal is an accomplishment worthy of respect and worth more than real experience. :lol:

You haven't done anything to merit the respect you demand.
You slaves think enabling others to kill and maim children for a paycheck is patriotic.

How much would Wall Street have to pay you to kill one of your children?

Which one would you choose, Sophie?
Repeat this:

Slaves don't lead.
They salute and swallow.

You're no leader.
And you are, Mr. I Quit the Air Force After Two Weeks Because I Missed Mommy and Then Worked Minimum Wage Jobs The Rest of My Life?

You morons are funny, the way you think merely being liberal is an accomplishment worthy of respect and worth more than real experience. :lol:

You haven't done anything to merit the respect you demand.
You slaves think enabling others to kill and maim children for a paycheck is patriotic.

How much would Wall Street have to pay you to kill one of your children?

Which one would you choose, Sophie?
You want to pretend you're superior, but you have nothing to back it up.

Run along, failure.
"In the political theater exhibited last December where 13 months of unemployment extensions were linked to continuing tax breaks for the rich, a significant issue was left out of the drama, though it directly impacts the lives of millions. That is the fate of those who have become known as the 99ers.

"The 99ers are those who have not been able to find a job, though they have exhausted all their employment benefits. The number of people applying for unemployment benefits peaked from November 2008 to May 2009. Ninety-nine weeks later those still unemployed had exhausted their benefits and disappeared from the official unemployment statistics. They no longer have a social safety net to land in and crawl out of.

"Their numbers and continuing growth are staggering, and their desperate situation effects all working class Americans -- employed and unemployed. The fact that their fate was left unaddressed last December, while the economic top one percent were allowed hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks, says a lot about the political priorities of those who set policy in this country and whose voices they listen to.

"Long-term joblessness has been an especially pronounced problem in the Great Recession. Those out of work for longer than six months make up 45.9 percent of all those unemployed. Those out of work for over a year make up 23 percent. This situation is not improving. For every job there are still a minimum of five workers competing to get it. According to the Federal Reserve's extended forecast, the unemployment rate in 2011 will not go below nine percent, and in 2012 it will remain at eight percent or higher."

The Forgotten...

The gap between the rich and the rest will continue to widen as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat.

FLUSH the DC Toilet in 2012!

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