The Greatest Political Hoax Ever Pulled Off, and What it Caused!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
If you look in the thread listings, you will see that Political Chic, Monkeys Uncle, and one other poster (sorry, I do not remember the name) all have threads on what the Durham investigation has uncovered, and who they are starting to prosecute. This is NOT a thread about the evidence uncovered, but rather what this hoax caused, and why Conservatives need to make sure they are activated for November!

Do you notice WHEN the Mueller report was released, basically exonerating Trump? April of 19, just a few months after the midterms. Are we surprised as Conservatives? This hoax undoubtedly helped; if not caused the GOP to lose the House in 2018! Americans were told over, and over again that our President was a Russian stooge. The Kremlin helped get him elected, and Vlad the Impaler had him in his back pocket. Do we remember Shifty Shiff on every Leftist media telling everyone he had the goods on Trump; proof positive! How about Creepy Porn lawyer following suit, and the media fawning over him, telling him how much they loved the dude! Many Americans were sold. Why the FBI, CIA, news networks all over cable were reporting the same thing. They had to fend off Russia, so vote for DEMOCRATS!

So that hoax not only gave them the House, it did something else. It gave them the power of the House to impeach the President for whatever they could come up with. And they did it, TWICE! And they had the power how? Because their use of the HOAX gave them that power. It was also a Left narrative to deny Trump as exonerated from the HOAX they created going into the 2020 election. A lesser person of character would never have survived what these Leftists hoaxers put Trump through for 4, damn years.

So, here we are, 5 damn years later, and they are still unraveling what they did. 5 years! But the fact is, the Left is winning if you keep political score. They got the House, tied up our elected President for 4 years, made it much easier to remove him in 2020, all on their HOAX! By my count, that is them winning 3 cycles with a lie, and we are patting ourselves on the back if we win in November on the truth. By my count, that is 3 to 1. Look at that, 3 to 1 on a damn lie, and we have yet to win in November.

A very wise man has said it best--------------> Republicans are NOT the solution to all your problems, but Leftist Democrats are surely the cause of most of them! (end of quote) Look around you at our country and what is going on, and it becomes clear that saying is extremely accurate, and they got a lot of that power from their HOAX to be able to do what they have done! So come November, if you are sick, if you are tired, if you and your wife are having a disagreement, don't let it deter you from voting. If we don't wipe them off the map to the best of our ability politically, they will no longer need HOAXES to get their way, they will just use sheer political power; and you see how that is working out for us currently.

If you read, please get Vision of The Annointed by Thomas Sowell. It is not a long tome, and it explains succintly what the far Left thinks, and how they operate. It is a life changing book, not dry at all, and written by a Black man. I would urge even Democrats to read it. Good luck!
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If you look in the thread listings, you will see that Political Chic, Monkeys Uncle, and one other poster (sorry, I do not remember the name) all have threads on what the Durham investigation has uncovered, and who they are starting to prosecute. This is NOT a thread about the evidence uncovered, but rather what this hoax caused, and why Conservatives need to make sure they are activated for November!

Do you notice WHEN the Mueller report was released, basically exonerating Trump? April of 19, just a few months after the midterms. Are we surprised as Conservatives? This hoax undoubtedly helped; if not caused the GOP to lose the House in 2018! Americans were told over, and over again that our President was a Russian stooge. The Kremlin helped get him elected, and Vlad the Impaler had him in his back pocket. Do we remember Shifty Shiff on every Leftist media telling everyone he had the goods on Trump; proof positive! How about Creepy Porn lawyer following suit, and the media fawning over him, telling him how much they loved the dude! Many Americans were sold. Why the FBI, CIA, news networks all over cable were reporting the same thing. They had to fend off Russia, so vote for DEMOCRATS!

So that hoax not only gave them the House, it did something else. It gave them the power of the House to impeach the President for whatever they could come up with. And they did it, TWICE! And they had the power how? Because their use of the HOAX gave them that power. It was also a Left narrative to deny Trump as exonerated from the HOAX they created going into the 2020 election. A lesser person of character would never have survived what these Leftists hoaxers put Trump through for 4, damn years.

So, here we are, 5 damn years later, and they are still unraveling what they did. 5 years! But the fact is, the Left is winning if you keep political score. They got the House, tied up our elected President for 4 years, made it much easier to remove him in 2020, all on their HOAX! By my count, that is them winning 3 cycles with a lie, and we are patting ourselves on the back if we win in November on the truth. By my count, that is 3 to 1. Look at that, 3 to 1 on a damn lie, and we have yet to win in November.

A very wise man has said it best--------------> Republicans are NOT the solution to all your problems, but Leftist Democrats are surely the cause of most of them! (end of quote) Look around you at our country and what is going on, and it becomes clear that saying is extremely accurate, and they got a lot of that power from their HOAX to be able to do what they have done! So come November, if you are sick, if you are tired, if you and your wife are having a disagreement, don't let it deter you from voting. If we don't wipe them off the map to the best of our ability politically, they will no longer need HOAXES to get their way, they will just use sheer political power; and you see how that is working out for us currently.

If you read, please get Vision of The Annointed by Thomas Sowell. It is not a long tome, and it explains succintly what the far Left thinks, and how they operate. Good luck!
Man, you spilled the beans, dude.
Yep, time to get busy, while bearing in mind what happened, and serve-up your revenge cold on the dems.

Even more than congress the big prize available in November is going to be PA's state house. Winning PA will pay huge dividends in 2024.....I just hope the right-leaning there are up to the task to see it through.
Yep, time to get busy, while bearing in mind what happened, and serve-up your revenge cold on the dems.

Even more than congress the big prize available in November is going to be PA's state house. Winning PA will pay huge dividends in 2024.....I just hope the right-leaning there are up to the task to see it through.

Me also!
The Democratic party is a lying corrupt regime that has no respect for the will of the people when they lose the election.

Want a steal you can prove today? Point at the 2018 mid term elections! The Left lied, and lied, and lied more to give voters misinformation to sway their votes. The outcome of this action has been devastating for the appearance of free, and fair elections. Everything that happened from 2018 mid terms going forward to impeachment 1, impeachment 2, and even possibly to Trump losing the election in 2020 is tied to this lie.

To this day, the power the Left has today is totally tied to this HOAX, and if Conservatives, Independents, and Moderate Democrats do not rebuke this misuse of power in November, we are in deeper doo than even we believe!
If you look in the thread listings, you will see that Political Chic, Monkeys Uncle, and one other poster (sorry, I do not remember the name) all have threads on what the Durham investigation has uncovered, and who they are starting to prosecute. This is NOT a thread about the evidence uncovered, but rather what this hoax caused, and why Conservatives need to make sure they are activated for November!

Do you notice WHEN the Mueller report was released, basically exonerating Trump? April of 19, just a few months after the midterms. Are we surprised as Conservatives? This hoax undoubtedly helped; if not caused the GOP to lose the House in 2018! Americans were told over, and over again that our President was a Russian stooge. The Kremlin helped get him elected, and Vlad the Impaler had him in his back pocket. Do we remember Shifty Shiff on every Leftist media telling everyone he had the goods on Trump; proof positive! How about Creepy Porn lawyer following suit, and the media fawning over him, telling him how much they loved the dude! Many Americans were sold. Why the FBI, CIA, news networks all over cable were reporting the same thing. They had to fend off Russia, so vote for DEMOCRATS!

So that hoax not only gave them the House, it did something else. It gave them the power of the House to impeach the President for whatever they could come up with. And they did it, TWICE! And they had the power how? Because their use of the HOAX gave them that power. It was also a Left narrative to deny Trump as exonerated from the HOAX they created going into the 2020 election. A lesser person of character would never have survived what these Leftists hoaxers put Trump through for 4, damn years.

So, here we are, 5 damn years later, and they are still unraveling what they did. 5 years! But the fact is, the Left is winning if you keep political score. They got the House, tied up our elected President for 4 years, made it much easier to remove him in 2020, all on their HOAX! By my count, that is them winning 3 cycles with a lie, and we are patting ourselves on the back if we win in November on the truth. By my count, that is 3 to 1. Look at that, 3 to 1 on a damn lie, and we have yet to win in November.

A very wise man has said it best--------------> Republicans are NOT the solution to all your problems, but Leftist Democrats are surely the cause of most of them! (end of quote) Look around you at our country and what is going on, and it becomes clear that saying is extremely accurate, and they got a lot of that power from their HOAX to be able to do what they have done! So come November, if you are sick, if you are tired, if you and your wife are having a disagreement, don't let it deter you from voting. If we don't wipe them off the map to the best of our ability politically, they will no longer need HOAXES to get their way, they will just use sheer political power; and you see how that is working out for us currently.

If you read, please get Vision of The Annointed by Thomas Sowell. It is not a long tome, and it explains succintly what the far Left thinks, and how they operate. It is a life changing book, not dry at all, and written by a Black man. I would urge even Democrats to read it. Good luck!
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Hey, new idea! I think it was a RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY with all that phony Hunter-laptop crap! I betcha if we investigate it, and who the BIG GUY is, we will find out that China-China-China was all fabricated, and it was probably the Ole Trump who planted all of this stuff himself! Hey, maybe the GOP was in on it.

What a political coup it would be for you Leftists to bring this to the forefront! It would bring the GOP to it's knees instantly, and give you at the very least, 2 more cycles; more than likely 3 or 4 of pure political domination.

So how about it Leftists, lets all clamor for an investigation to prove that Trump was behind it all. Poor, poor Hunter.

Want me to create a petition you can sign-) We will call it---------->Trump tries to screw Biden, and it was really him who had a deal with China-China-China, lol.

Speak up, lets screw Trump, hehehehehehehehehe, you phony baloneys!
Hey, new idea! I think it was a RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY with all that phony Hunter-laptop crap! I betcha if we investigate it, and who the BIG GUY is, we will find out that China-China-China was all fabricated, and it was probably the Ole Trump who planted all of this stuff himself! Hey, maybe the GOP was in on it.

What a political coup it would be for you Leftists to bring this to the forefront! It would bring the GOP to it's knees instantly, and give you at the very least, 2 more cycles; more than likely 3 or 4 of pure political domination.

So how about it Leftists, lets all clamor for an investigation to prove that Trump was behind it all. Poor, poor Hunter.

Want me to create a petition you can sign-) We will call it---------->Trump tries to screw Biden, and it was really him who had a deal with China-China-China, lol.

Speak up, lets screw Trump, hehehehehehehehehe, you phony baloneys!
Are you that stupid? Are you being supervised? You could hurt yourself.
I wonder if you fully grasp scope of the treachery, or perhaps you are a bit overwhelmed by that scope, what Obama/Clinton did,(which by the way was also unleashed upon Bibi in Israel), against candidate Trump, and then president Trump, was the greatest act of treason in the United States since Benedict Arnold swapped blue for red, and it was not just perpetrated by democrats, it clearly involved Mitch Mcconnell, Paul Ryan, Kevin MaCarthy, Jeff Sessions, Lindsey Graham, along with SS, DOJ/FBI, The FISA court, CIA/NSA, the national security council, the pentagon, all of them, oh, and let us not forget virtually the entire US media apparatus, all of which is owned either by communist China, or billionaires totally devoted to China, and last but not nearly least, an entirely fraudulent Special Council investigation where obviously the Special Council and his team, were all in on the treason from the gate!

Those servers are very closely monitored by computer experts in SS, and FBI, which is precisely why Hillary Clinton bypassed them altogether while at Foggy Bottom, and used a home brewed system of her own, yet those SS/FBI experts managed not to notice they'd been hacked into? Currently, the traitor in the white house, who was not lawfully elected, continues the treason on behalf of China, and those billionaires, by refusing to enforce nations southern border, allowing in at least 5-million illegals in one year(based upon two million known entries and 200,000 - 400,000 monthly not detected at all, entries). Knowing what you now know, that Trump told everyone of you the truth about being spied upon, both during and after his successful campaign, now ask yourself a simple question, who benefited the most from this???

China did, along with all of the tech/industrial billionaires who had sunk trillions into Chinese economy, whilst simultaneously all but abandoning the USA. Look back at what Biden, who states again and again that he is the most successful first year president in history at every opportunity, did upon usurping the presidency, every decision, and every EO he issued, were deliberate missile attacks upon the United States and her economy, every fucking one of them, Consider just a few of them, his very first act as president was to kill American energy independence, he intentionally boondoggled Afghanistan, where he very intentionally abandoned thousands of American citizens and some 70,000 close Afghani allies to Taliban, while also handing Taliban & China some 90-billion dollars in American war hardware, importantly, do keep in mind this was all executed by Biden absent tipping off our Nato allies what was coming, making them all, scramble and make terrible last minute sacrificial decisions upon exiting Afghanistan!

That latter, was very intentional, I believe he was deliberately endeavoring to fracture Nato alliance to benefit China, just as he did when for the first time in the entire history of the United States, our oldest ally on earth, the French, were forced to withdraw their ambassadors due being deliberately undercut by Biden in Australian submarine deal already underway between France & Australia! All of this, connects back in direct line to what Obama/Clinton set in motion against Trump, and all of the actors within it, know exactly what the objective is, as they all have from the very first, that is just how big Durhams filing truly is!
You are helping destroy the country. I am not going to thank you.
By wanting them to try and tie China-China-China and the Hunter laptop to Trump? I am lost, lol. Why are you so afraid?

Tis not me protecting Leftists from what they did to Trump, nor is it I who refuses to delve into the possibility that Trump fabricated the whole Hunter laptop fiasco. Actually, it is you!

And I am trying to destroy the country? Whatcha smoking, and can others have some for the weekend, lol!
By wanting them to try and tie China-China-China and the Hunter laptop to Trump? I am lost, lol. Why are you so afraid?

Tis not me protecting Leftists from what they did to Trump, nor is it I who refuses to delve into the possibility that Trump fabricated the whole Hunter laptop fiasco. Actually, it is you!

And I am trying to destroy the country? Whatcha smoking, and can others have some for the weekend, lol!
Stop talking out of your ass, you look like a fool.
I wonder if you fully grasp scope of the treachery, or perhaps you are a bit overwhelmed by that scope, what Obama/Clinton did,(which by the way was also unleashed upon Bibi in Israel), against candidate Trump, and then president Trump, was the greatest act of treason in the United States since Benedict Arnold swapped blue for red, and it was not just perpetrated by democrats, it clearly involved Mitch Mcconnell, Paul Ryan, Kevin MaCarthy, Jeff Sessions, Lindsey Graham, along with SS, DOJ/FBI, The FISA court, CIA/NSA, the national security council, the pentagon, all of them, oh, and let us not forget virtually the entire US media apparatus, all of which is owned either by communist China, or billionaires totally devoted to China, and last but not nearly least, an entirely fraudulent Special Council investigation where obviously the Special Council and his team, were all in on the treason from the gate!

Those servers are very closely monitored by computer experts in SS, and FBI, which is precisely why Hillary Clinton bypassed them altogether while at Foggy Bottom, and used a home brewed system of her own, yet those SS/FBI experts managed not to notice they'd been hacked into? Currently, the traitor in the white house, who was not lawfully elected, continues the treason on behalf of China, and those billionaires, by refusing to enforce nations southern border, allowing in at least 5-million illegals in one year(based upon two million known entries and 200,000 - 400,000 monthly not detected at all, entries). Knowing what you now know, that Trump told everyone of you the truth about being spied upon, both during and after his successful campaign, now ask yourself a simple question, who benefited the most from this???

China did, along with all of the tech/industrial billionaires who had sunk trillions into Chinese economy, whilst simultaneously all but abandoning the USA. Look back at what Biden, who states again and again that he is the most successful first year president in history at every opportunity, did upon usurping the presidency, every decision, and every EO he issued, were deliberate missile attacks upon the United States and her economy, every fucking one of them, Consider just a few of them, his very first act as president was to kill American energy independence, he intentionally boondoggled Afghanistan, where he very intentionally abandoned thousands of American citizens and some 70,000 close Afghani allies to Taliban, while also handing Taliban & China some 90-billion dollars in American war hardware, importantly, do keep in mind this was all executed by Biden absent tipping off our Nato allies what was coming, making them all, scramble and make terrible last minute sacrificial decisions upon exiting Afghanistan!

That latter, was very intentional, I believe he was deliberately endeavoring to fracture Nato alliance to benefit China, just as he did when for the first time in the entire history of the United States, our oldest ally on earth, the French, were forced to withdraw their ambassadors due being deliberately undercut by Biden in Australian submarine deal already underway between France & Australia! All of this, connects back in direct line to what Obama/Clinton set in motion against Trump, and all of the actors within it, know exactly what the objective is, as they all have from the very first, that is just how big Durhams filing truly is!

Death Ninja, I can see in hindsight, your assertions of how these decisions have hurt us tremendously are a valid point; one which I will not even try to debate. You have pointed them out, and anyone who tries to refute them is fighting a losing battle on facts. (although, it would not surprise me if Leftists try)

But, your reasoning behind it is a stretch, with facts not yet in evidence. I am not suggesting they are not true, or that they are false, but rather as of this time, we have to guess the reasoning for what happened. It all could be as you say, partially what you say with a mix of incompetence, or total incompetence. Any of the choices for Americans is not good.

Whatever conclusion we draw that caused this, we as patriotic Americans have to fix it, if we still can. For my children, and grandchildren, I hope and pray it is still fixable. All your take does, is expand what we have to look into if we get total control of congress back, and look they should. It is not my position, or your position on what/why they did it, but rather that these crooks did it at all. No reason or excuse they did it is acceptable, so let us insure we throw these Leftists out on their rearends come November!
Stop talking out of your ass, you look like a fool.

Explain! Why not investigate it all? Don't you want to know? Isn't your government responsible to you? Who controls whom? Do we as voters control the government, or rather, once elected, do they control us?
The greatest hoax of all time was the 10 year long flimflam operation by the GOP and Donald Trump saying they were going to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Thanks to this hoax, Obamacare now has eternal life, or at least until UHC is enacted, which the hoax has also made inevitable.

This deception was so successful, the rubes to this very day STILL do not know they were deliberately lied to.

The perfect con: When the mark doesn't know he's been conned.
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