The Great Reset has begun

Because you will keep voting for your beloved Repub party no matter what they do, and they know this.

Both sides count on the fact that their faithful are too brainwashed to ever not vote for them no matter how bad they are.
The gop's tax cut was a debacle because they did NOTHING about soc sec and medicare .... and flailed for two years with Trump's demand to repeal obamacare with no replacement or plan. I'm not really seeing any reason to take the gop seriously as a governing party, and that's pretty grim imo.

The dems sort of assumed the center in terms of deficits by default with Slick, and Obama's last term was no that horrible in that at least the debt/gnp didn't grow AS MUCH (faint praise) and he was seeking a debt deal but while McConnell Might have played, the House was led by the Freedom Caucus, and any debt deal has to include taxes.

But the dems failed pretty spectacularly with BerniesBullshitBudgetBuster plan.

I'd note though that IF RUSSIA WAS NOT RUNNING AMUCK IN UKRAINE, INFLATION WOULD NOT BE MUCH ABOVE GNP GROWTH AND .... wait for it... wait for it ..... deficits are projected to stabilize even as the econ grows. Inflation eats away at the real value of debt; STABLE yearly deficits are actually lower in terms of gnp BECAUSE Most Growth is still not taxed so GNP grows more the deficts in total dollars ... PROVIDED that interest rates remain historically low.

We don't have stagflation so much as PRICEANDGRWOTH Inflation. And people will find ways to drive less, and the oil price increase due to Putin's misadventure will slow down .. even though OPEC is going to raise prices over pre-pandemic levels.

So, despite the partisan spear chucker OP ... things could be worse. LOL

I'd be much more sanquine if Romney, Portman, Kasich .... OR RUBIO OR TIM SCOTT were running, but we'll see.
Can't help but feel that the Great Reset has begun.

The economy of the world was once based upon the US dollar. However, the US is increasingly inflating the dollar into oblivion due to the massive debt it has incurred. The only real way to manage the debt now is the inflate the dollar, and no, you won't be able to keep up with the inflation. If you try, the great casino, known as the US federal government, will take everything you have.

Secondly, the world sees how governments work now when it comes to freezing assets of truckers or even Putin. Everyone once trusted the dollar in terms of its value and accessibility, but now the US has shown the world that it can arbitrarily freeze assets of people on a political whim, so other forms of currency must be found like crypto.

As for yourself, assets that governments are unable to inflate away seem to be the best option like crypto or silver/gold, etc. Soon the IMF will probably impose a world currency anyway, and probably outlaw all other forms of currency. That would be my guess. But until then, what to do?

Then welcome the digital mark of the beast, blah, blah, blah.

The US dollar has not been inflated as much as other currencies have. We are the cleanest dirty shirt in a pile of dirty shirts.

The Great Reset actually has to do with debt overload. The entire global financial system is buckling under debt. At some point, there is going to be a worldwide default.

And then all hell will break loose.
Although I truly believe Trump did not want to sign those bills, he still did it and I cannot overlook that shit.
Horseshit. Trump submitted the largest spending bill in the history of the universe. He also wanted a bigger stimulus bill than even the Democrats wanted.

Trump is the self-anointed "King of Debt", and he lived up to that name.

Why the FUCK does the rube herd pretend he isn't the biggest spender in the history of the United States? That's a seriously fucked up delusion.

Jesus, you idiots have been so hoaxed. It's the perfect con. The rubes don't even know they've been had.

"He's spent all that money against his will!" :crybaby:

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

Trump says he now wants bigger stimulus than Democrats offering


45 & 47th...

Never pin anything to Trump suggesting fiscal stability or even consistent for policy (beyond trying to line his own pockets)

But Trump aside .... there's been danger for the dollar as the reserve currency since ... W at least.

But the dollar is actually stronger. Not to give Biden credit. But what would be the reserve currency. The yuan? Set by the chinese govt. The euro?

Trump should nominate Tom Brady as his successor instead.

That will drive all the lefties completely insane AND piss on Roger Goodell at the same time. It's a two-for....

Funny, if Russia owned Trump, why didn’t they invade Ukraine when Trump was President?


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Trump should nominate Tom Brady as his successor instead.

That will drive all the lefties completely insane AND piss on Roger Goodell at the same time. It's a two-for....
I imagine a quarterback would make a better president than the game show host did.
As for yourself, assets that governments are unable to inflate away seem to be the best option like crypto or silver/gold, etc.
Crypto is more volatile than the price of natural gas. Only a fool would consider it the best option.
Funny, if Russia owned Trump, why didn’t they invade Ukraine when Trump was President?
Putin wasn't ready. He assumed Trump would be re-elected.

He didn't invade Georgia during Bush's first term, either.

He didn't invade Crimea during Obama's first term.

And his timeline was thrown off by the ejection of his puppet Yanukovych's from Ukraine in 2014.

Plus low oil prices were making it difficult to stockpile $630 billion of foreign reserves.

It had fuck-wall to do with being afraid of Trump. Putin is not afraid of Trump in the least. He knows Trump licks his balls and wants a Trump Tower Moscow. That's why Putin interfered in our 2016 election to give Trump a leg up.

Trump has been trying to build a Trump Tower Moscow since the 80s. Putin has led Trump to bleev his Tower is closer than ever. Trump wants it baaaaaad.
Since 911 and the US is struggling, I've said and millions of us said it....The US should have stayed neutral in the middle east. Not to legitimize what happened on 911. But it was very obvious the US is gonna exhaust its resources trying to win against third of the world population to justify Israel's occupation and war crimes. Look what happened after 911....trillions lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia and other places and for what?

Time for the US to scale back, bring back soldiers from the middle east and other parts of the world and take care of its own first. Most of the homeless in my town are veterans that ended up with PTSDs and drug problems.
Since 911 and the US is struggling, I've said and millions of us said it....The US should have stayed neutral in the middle east. Not to legitimize what happened on 911. But it was very obvious the US is gonna exhaust its resources trying to win against third of the world population to justify Israel's occupation and war crimes. Look what happened after 911....trillions lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia and other places and for what?

Time for the US to scale back, bring back soldiers from the middle east and other parts of the world and take care of its own first. Most of the homeless in my town are veterans that ended up with PTSDs and drug problems.

The US is scaling back. Biden is the great scale back... and he's doing a fine job of it too.

Putin wasn't ready. He assumed Trump would be re-elected.

He didn't invade Georgia during Bush's first term, either.

He didn't invade Crimea during Obama's first term.

And his timeline was thrown off by the ejection of his puppet Yanukovych's from Ukraine in 2014.

Plus low oil prices were making it difficult to stockpile $630 billion of foreign reserves.

It had fuck-wall to do with being afraid of Trump. Putin is not afraid of Trump in the least. He knows Trump licks his balls and wants a Trump Tower Moscow. That's why Putin interfered in our 2016 election to give Trump a leg up.

Trump has been trying to build a Trump Tower Moscow since the 80s. Putin has led Trump to bleev his Tower is closer than ever. Trump wants it baaaaaad.
You have no idea of what Putin thinks which is why you fail so easily and often... much like ()biden does. He goes in when the going is easier. This is a fundamental in conflict...

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