The Great 2020 Mystery...Where did Biden Get 10 million More Votes Than Obama?

The state Supreme Court has every right to interpret the state Constitution. The state legislature cannot overrule the Constitution. Worth noting the federal courts overruled the state legislatures in matters concerning segregation. The courts should be expanding the right to vote.

Everybody has the right to vote today. This has nothing to do with the Constitution. This has to do with changing laws on the bench which is unconstitutional.
Biden did not win.
Welp, the entire adult world has bad news for you.

Which part of Biden did not win do you have trouble with?

Stolen election is a stolen election. The standard we have in this country would not be accepted by us anywhere else. Yet because the winner happens to be an establishment super shill, we are supposed to accept an illegitimate president? That is even more reason not to.
Which part of Biden did not win do you have trouble with?
Probably the part where he did win, and the entire world is laughing at you morons.

He didn't win shit. He stole an election, or rather, had some very evil people steal it for him. They want their pay back if he gets in.

The voting standards used in this election were completely unacceptable to any thinking being - all safety checks removed. And now the democrats are fighting hard to prevent any checks of signature matches - because they know very well what would be revealed.
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

A lot of people see this for what it is and will declare out right war before they allow it to stand. It will end with biden and his cronies being hung on White House grounds. To think for a second this fraud will play out is madness. Bided life won't be worth a shit with everyone and their brother gunning for him including his own security detail.. You don't fuck with America.
Biden did not win.

As for the votes, combination of mass fraud and illegal ballots not being thrown out.
Explains why you're going to pop an aneurysm as Biden is sworn in on inauguration day.


That is not going to happen - no one here will care about Biden's bullshit party enough to even comment.

He will get absolutely blasted for starting new wars and the likely worst track record of any American president - including the incapability of taking care of basic tasks which leads to his eventual replacement. Let's hope Trump prevails.
The state Supreme Court has every right to interpret the state Constitution. The state legislature cannot overrule the Constitution. Worth noting the federal courts overruled the state legislatures in matters concerning segregation. The courts should be expanding the right to vote.

Everybody has the right to vote today. This has nothing to do with the Constitution. This has to do with changing laws on the bench which is unconstitutional.

Who says it is unconstitutional. State courts have a right to interpret state Constitutions.
He's the President. He isn't going to drag his posse to the polls just to vote in person. That accomplishes nothing. And I seriously doubt he mailed in that ballot. He had one of his aids take it directly to the polls or election board. This mail in ballot system was nothing but a disaster allowing your commie party to cheat the presidency.

Again, if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for us.

Very unlikely. I'm sure Rudy checked all that out before making the claim.

This would be the guy who was pulling his dick out of his pants when alone in a room with Borat's fake daughter?


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