The Great 2020 Mystery...Where did Biden Get 10 million More Votes Than Obama?

Trumpybear is obviously one of the most hated president of all times. Republicans and Democrats alike hate his guts. Republican's voted Republican down ballot after selecting Biden. It's obvious. Tumpyfucknuts sucks. The extra votes came from the Republican never trumpsters.

If you believe the polls, this is not the case at all. Very few true Republicans would vote for a former Obama ANYTHING running with a Socialist left-wing nut from San Francisco.
The election is a poll. A record 83 million people voted against him. 47% who voted, voted for him. Roughly the same as his job approval rating.

Sure, a valid election is a poll. We do not have that.
Of course we do. Want proof? You have zero proof of massive voter fraud. Had there been actual proof, Impeached Trump might have won a lawsuit by now other than just the one he won which let poll watchers get as close as 6 feet to the counters.
The party that is responsible for the theft of the 2020 presidential election is now going to be quick
to get our in front, proclaiming themselves the party of election security.

That's the party that has fought tooth and nail against voter i.d. cards and for voting by mail,
the most easy way to defraud method of voting. The bastards never stop trying to undermine
the nation.

I was watching OAN's coverage of Rudy and a Colonel testify to their state representatives in Arizona. If you can dig up that testimony, it's really worth your time. While I don't understand all the tech stuff, you can follow enough of it to understand what might have taken place.

What he said is that Dominion and the software they used was by design to get a desired outcome. Hugo Chavez invested a lot of money into the software to win his election. His analysis found that the machines were hooked up to the internet. Examining the software, they found malware that would allow somebody to steal passwords to get into the system. He also found that the votes were uploaded to Germany. While we can subpoena our machines and software for tampering, you can't do that in another country because we have no authority there.

Why are we using technology that can be compromised, and likely was given the results of this election?
I was watching OAN's coverage of Rudy and a Colonel testify to their state representatives in Arizona.
Great! Hope you enjoyed the show. Arizona certified Biden’s win today. I’m sure the timing of Rudy’s shitshow was just a coincidence.
Well now Impeached Trump can petition them to perform a recount -- which like other states, will prove there was no fraud when the recount figures match the electronic tallies.
Well now Impeached Trump can petition them to perform a recount -- which like other states, will prove there was no fraud when the recount figures match the electronic tallies.
Insanity is counting the votes over and over and expecting a different result.
It’s paying 3 mil for a recount to find 89 more votes for your opponent and then suggesting there be yet another recount.

HITF do these Delusional Trumpers not see this?
Don't ever underestimate the boundaries of their ignorance. :eusa_naughty:

So says the imbeciles that voted for Biden/Harris. The Democrats are nothing if not ignorant and naive with a touch of utter stupidity mixed in.
Oh, no, not the pre-K equivalent of I know you are but what am I? How can we recover from that?


Look, we are smarter and richer on average than you. It is just something you must come to terms with. You vote with the party of extremes...extremely poor, extremely rich and extremely criminal.
When I said your personal dislike, I meant the fact that you dislike Biden as a candidate doesn't mean that millions of people couldn't like him just fine as a candidate.

I would ask who in their right mind would vote for Trump? He's a narcissistic con man, the "You're Fired!" reality show guy who thought he could make a buck creating a school and selling steaks. He has no filter between his brain and his mouth, he's alienated a bunch of our usual allies while praising strongmen and authoritarians. The country has gone ever deeper into debt under his administration. The majority of his time seems to be spent on Twitter. Trump is something like a 70+ year old teenager in the White House, with the constant concern about what he might do to screw things up on a whim. Who in their right mind would vote for this and more?

Both candidates are horrible in my opinion. Unlike you, however, I can accept that a whole lot of people have a different opinion about the pros and cons of each candidate than I do.

Most everything you listed is personal, not what kind of job he's done or will do. The problem in this country is people no longer vote for representatives on their ability, they use the same criteria to vote for a President that they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. Forget policy or goals. Who cares about that anymore? Let the country go to hell, but take pride that you elected the nicer guy.

Imagine what a failure we'd be if our industry used the same criteria to hire employees. You have an applicant that has an outstanding work record, energetic beyond his age, his heart is more in his work than the money you are going to pay him, but he has a harsh personality. So you hire a person who is a nice guy, but not nearly as many accomplishments.

Well......if you and I had competing companies, and I hired employees based on their abilities instead of personalities and you did the opposite, guess what? I'm putting your company out of business.

You seem to have completely missed the point. The point is that just because you feel a certain way about something, in this case the presidential candidates, doesn't mean other people are going to feel the same way. Your argument about why the election must have been fraudulent seems to boil down to you not being able to believe that so many people would be willing to vote for Biden. Whatever their reasons (preferring Biden's policy choices, liking Biden's personality, disliking Trump's personality, thinking Trump's policies are bad for the country), many millions of people appear to have voted for Biden.

You may dismiss things like the coronavirus and the effect it's had on the economy as not Trump's fault, but presidents usually get too much credit and blame for the state of things in the country. In this case, regardless of who is actually at fault, I think there is a wide perception that the bad state of the country is Trump's fault.

Before you start explaining why the coronavirus and economy are not Trump's fault, it doesn't matter. I'm just talking about perception. In elections, perception > reality. That's always been the case.
When I said your personal dislike, I meant the fact that you dislike Biden as a candidate doesn't mean that millions of people couldn't like him just fine as a candidate.

I would ask who in their right mind would vote for Trump? He's a narcissistic con man, the "You're Fired!" reality show guy who thought he could make a buck creating a school and selling steaks. He has no filter between his brain and his mouth, he's alienated a bunch of our usual allies while praising strongmen and authoritarians. The country has gone ever deeper into debt under his administration. The majority of his time seems to be spent on Twitter. Trump is something like a 70+ year old teenager in the White House, with the constant concern about what he might do to screw things up on a whim. Who in their right mind would vote for this and more?

Both candidates are horrible in my opinion. Unlike you, however, I can accept that a whole lot of people have a different opinion about the pros and cons of each candidate than I do.

Most everything you listed is personal, not what kind of job he's done or will do. The problem in this country is people no longer vote for representatives on their ability, they use the same criteria to vote for a President that they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. Forget policy or goals. Who cares about that anymore? Let the country go to hell, but take pride that you elected the nicer guy.

Imagine what a failure we'd be if our industry used the same criteria to hire employees. You have an applicant that has an outstanding work record, energetic beyond his age, his heart is more in his work than the money you are going to pay him, but he has a harsh personality. So you hire a person who is a nice guy, but not nearly as many accomplishments.

Well......if you and I had competing companies, and I hired employees based on their abilities instead of personalities and you did the opposite, guess what? I'm putting your company out of business.

You seem to have completely missed the point. The point is that just because you feel a certain way about something, in this case the presidential candidates, doesn't mean other people are going to feel the same way. Your argument about why the election must have been fraudulent seems to boil down to you not being able to believe that so many people would be willing to vote for Biden. Whatever their reasons (preferring Biden's policy choices, liking Biden's personality, disliking Trump's personality, thinking Trump's policies are bad for the country), many millions of people appear to have voted for Biden.

You may dismiss things like the coronavirus and the effect it's had on the economy as not Trump's fault, but presidents usually get too much credit and blame for the state of things in the country. In this case, regardless of who is actually at fault, I think there is a wide perception that the bad state of the country is Trump's fault.

Before you start explaining why the coronavirus and economy are not Trump's fault, it doesn't matter. I'm just talking about perception. In elections, perception > reality. That's always been the case.
no actually it's based on the number of fraudulent claims made at the polling centers that showed errors out the wahzoo.
When I said your personal dislike, I meant the fact that you dislike Biden as a candidate doesn't mean that millions of people couldn't like him just fine as a candidate.

I would ask who in their right mind would vote for Trump? He's a narcissistic con man, the "You're Fired!" reality show guy who thought he could make a buck creating a school and selling steaks. He has no filter between his brain and his mouth, he's alienated a bunch of our usual allies while praising strongmen and authoritarians. The country has gone ever deeper into debt under his administration. The majority of his time seems to be spent on Twitter. Trump is something like a 70+ year old teenager in the White House, with the constant concern about what he might do to screw things up on a whim. Who in their right mind would vote for this and more?

Both candidates are horrible in my opinion. Unlike you, however, I can accept that a whole lot of people have a different opinion about the pros and cons of each candidate than I do.

Most everything you listed is personal, not what kind of job he's done or will do. The problem in this country is people no longer vote for representatives on their ability, they use the same criteria to vote for a President that they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. Forget policy or goals. Who cares about that anymore? Let the country go to hell, but take pride that you elected the nicer guy.

Imagine what a failure we'd be if our industry used the same criteria to hire employees. You have an applicant that has an outstanding work record, energetic beyond his age, his heart is more in his work than the money you are going to pay him, but he has a harsh personality. So you hire a person who is a nice guy, but not nearly as many accomplishments.

Well......if you and I had competing companies, and I hired employees based on their abilities instead of personalities and you did the opposite, guess what? I'm putting your company out of business.

You seem to have completely missed the point. The point is that just because you feel a certain way about something, in this case the presidential candidates, doesn't mean other people are going to feel the same way. Your argument about why the election must have been fraudulent seems to boil down to you not being able to believe that so many people would be willing to vote for Biden. Whatever their reasons (preferring Biden's policy choices, liking Biden's personality, disliking Trump's personality, thinking Trump's policies are bad for the country), many millions of people appear to have voted for Biden.

You may dismiss things like the coronavirus and the effect it's had on the economy as not Trump's fault, but presidents usually get too much credit and blame for the state of things in the country. In this case, regardless of who is actually at fault, I think there is a wide perception that the bad state of the country is Trump's fault.

Before you start explaining why the coronavirus and economy are not Trump's fault, it doesn't matter. I'm just talking about perception. In elections, perception > reality. That's always been the case.
no actually it's based on the number of fraudulent claims made at the polling centers that showed errors out the wahzoo.
When I said your personal dislike, I meant the fact that you dislike Biden as a candidate doesn't mean that millions of people couldn't like him just fine as a candidate.

I would ask who in their right mind would vote for Trump? He's a narcissistic con man, the "You're Fired!" reality show guy who thought he could make a buck creating a school and selling steaks. He has no filter between his brain and his mouth, he's alienated a bunch of our usual allies while praising strongmen and authoritarians. The country has gone ever deeper into debt under his administration. The majority of his time seems to be spent on Twitter. Trump is something like a 70+ year old teenager in the White House, with the constant concern about what he might do to screw things up on a whim. Who in their right mind would vote for this and more?

Both candidates are horrible in my opinion. Unlike you, however, I can accept that a whole lot of people have a different opinion about the pros and cons of each candidate than I do.

Most everything you listed is personal, not what kind of job he's done or will do. The problem in this country is people no longer vote for representatives on their ability, they use the same criteria to vote for a President that they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. Forget policy or goals. Who cares about that anymore? Let the country go to hell, but take pride that you elected the nicer guy.

Imagine what a failure we'd be if our industry used the same criteria to hire employees. You have an applicant that has an outstanding work record, energetic beyond his age, his heart is more in his work than the money you are going to pay him, but he has a harsh personality. So you hire a person who is a nice guy, but not nearly as many accomplishments.

Well......if you and I had competing companies, and I hired employees based on their abilities instead of personalities and you did the opposite, guess what? I'm putting your company out of business.

You seem to have completely missed the point. The point is that just because you feel a certain way about something, in this case the presidential candidates, doesn't mean other people are going to feel the same way. Your argument about why the election must have been fraudulent seems to boil down to you not being able to believe that so many people would be willing to vote for Biden. Whatever their reasons (preferring Biden's policy choices, liking Biden's personality, disliking Trump's personality, thinking Trump's policies are bad for the country), many millions of people appear to have voted for Biden.

You may dismiss things like the coronavirus and the effect it's had on the economy as not Trump's fault, but presidents usually get too much credit and blame for the state of things in the country. In this case, regardless of who is actually at fault, I think there is a wide perception that the bad state of the country is Trump's fault.

Before you start explaining why the coronavirus and economy are not Trump's fault, it doesn't matter. I'm just talking about perception. In elections, perception > reality. That's always been the case.
no actually it's based on the number of fraudulent claims made at the polling centers that showed errors out the wahzoo.
no actually it's based on the number of fraudulent claims made at the polling centers that showed errors out the wahzoo.
It surprises no one
Except people with high school educations and higher.

devoted fanatics do NOT understand an increased voter turnout for this election
Joe just has that MAGNETIC PERSONALITY that just draws people out of the woodwork!
Even dead and non-existent people!

View attachment 421516

  • Joe Biden -1984: 0% of the voters.
  • Joe Biden -1988: 0.1% of the voters.
  • Joe Biden -2008: 1.4% of the voters.
  • Joe Biden -2020: 74% of the voters?

View attachment 421533

Joe Biden, the kind of candidate no one actually likes or wants,
he just kinda sticks around like gum to your shoe.

Man oh man, BDS has already started to set in on the TrumpTards and Biden isn't even in office yet.

Mad King George, however, is wandering around the White House muttering, "I won. I won. I won" and losing every lawsuit he's filed.
He's so goddamn mad he's probably willing to sell classified intel to Putin since he's so deep in debt.
That's going to affect idiots like you just as it will us.
You're one dumb mo'fo'..
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Answer: Republicans disgusted with the Pig-in-Chief who is responsible for over 200,000 deaths and plays golf while the hospitals are overflowing with people dying every minute now. Every single minute someone dies from COVID.
Answer: Republicans disgusted with the Pig-in-Chief who is responsible for over 200,000 deaths and plays golf while the hospitals are overflowing with people dying every minute now. Every single minute someone dies from COVID.

Yeah, he's responsible for 200,000 deaths. Let me ask: Is DumBama responsible for the over 200,000 deaths of people who died from the flu during his two terms?
Answer: Republicans disgusted with the Pig-in-Chief who is responsible for over 200,000 deaths and plays golf while the hospitals are overflowing with people dying every minute now. Every single minute someone dies from COVID.

Yeah, he's responsible for 200,000 deaths. Let me ask: Is DumBama responsible for the over 200,000 deaths of people who died from the flu during his two terms?
Sure, if you can show what Obama did to hide the dangers of the flu, inform the public to ignore health officials on how to reduce risk of contracting it, promote medicines that do little, if anything, dismantle the federal pandemic team, promote super-spreader events, etc...
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Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Answer: Republicans disgusted with the Pig-in-Chief who is responsible for over 200,000 deaths and plays golf while the hospitals are overflowing with people dying every minute now. Every single minute someone dies from COVID.

China and you can’t prove more than 8000 deaths a day that’s been the ongoing average deaths per day since 2017. But son, don’t let facts bind you up
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Pretty easy. Trump passed off enough people eery one showed up to vote including a bunch of Republicans that realize what a piece of trash.
Yeah, he's responsible for 200,000 deaths. Let me ask: Is DumBama responsible for the over 200,000 deaths of people who died from the flu during his two terms?
Yeah, the flu kills about 25,000 people a year. Trumps covid will kill about 300,000 a year. More than 10 times the flu.
Mad King George, however, is wandering around the White House muttering, "I won. I won. I won" and losing every lawsuit he's filed.
He's so goddamn mad he's probably willing to sell classified intel to Putin since he's so deep in debt.
That's going to affect idiots like you just as it will us.
You're one dumb mo'fo'..
Believe it or not, but there is no law prohibiting a president (or ex-president) from disclosing classified information.
Yeah, the flu kills about 25,000 people a year. Trumps covid will kill about 300,000 a year. More than 10 times the flu.

You didn't answer the question. Is Obama responsible for those deaths or not?
Dumbfuck, no one's blamed Impeached Trump for any flu deaths. Not one. So why would snooze blame Obama for flu deaths?

This just in --- good news and bad news, Rumpbots....

Member how Rump has been talking about getting 74 million votes? With today's updated count, he's actually crossed that threshold. No need to round up any more.

Course, Biden hit that nark a coupla weeks ago but still.

The other good nooz --- member how we mentioned Biden beat Rump by six million votes? That;s no longer true. It's seven million now.

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