The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy.....What happened?

FoxNews has spent six years trotting out one "expert " after another declaring that the Obama economy was a failure and what horrible tragedy would befall us if he continues in office

Mitch McConnell's life long dream of becoming Senate Majority Leader has arrived. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history


Leave it to the far left to go overseas and use commentary from other far left sources..

Then again when close to 40% of the work force is out of work, the far left is doing what they set out to do.

Thanks once again for offering an opinion, sans evidence and purely partisan. The facts belie your opinion, but you being willfully(?) ignorant, we can expect more balderdash from you.
Can we expect two more years of legislation passed to repeal health care reform, with no accounting for the consequences; more efforts to make abortion more difficult for poor women, more efforts to put a gun in every home, more costly investigations on Benghazi and the IRS, more voter suppression and more days of vacation for the H. of Rep. and the Senate?
FoxNews has spent six years trotting out one "expert " after another declaring that the Obama economy was a failure and what horrible tragedy would befall us if he continues in office

Mitch McConnell's life long dream of becoming Senate Majority Leader has arrived. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it

McConnell has been bought and paid for by the Special Interests - we can expect a full court press by the Plutocrats who own him.
FoxNews has spent six years trotting out one "expert " after another declaring that the Obama economy was a failure and what horrible tragedy would befall us if he continues in office

Mitch McConnell's life long dream of becoming Senate Majority Leader has arrived. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it

McConnell has been bought and paid for by the Special Interests - we can expect a full court press by the Plutocrats who own him.

I suppose this is poetic justice for those in Kentucky who live from pay check to pay check and supported McConnell.
Since when did the far left start worrying about the economy? The economy is still creaking along but Obamacare is hurting the people that crooked democrats said they would help. The world is upside down to liberals. They whine about corporate wealth and then brag about Obama's bubble economy.
FoxNews has spent six years trotting out one "expert " after another declaring that the Obama economy was a failure and what horrible tragedy would befall us if he continues in office

Mitch McConnell's life long dream of becoming Senate Majority Leader has arrived. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it

McConnell has been bought and paid for by the Special Interests - we can expect a full court press by the Plutocrats who own him.

I suppose this is poetic justice for those in Kentucky who live from pay check to pay check and supported McConnell.

I wouldn't exactly say that. Who voted and who didn't? they get what they deserve though

Lexington KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader

Kentucky turnout strong behind U.S. Senate race

Election Statistics Turnout Statistics

Kentucky voting stats keeper post thread
One reason the economy is as good as it is which is still not great by the way is the repeated delays of the implementation of the employer mandate of Obamacare. That starts happening this year and next funny how that comes into play when he's no longer running for anything.
Republicans claimed every economic disaster imaginable if Obama were elected. They then doubled down and predicted even worse if he were reelected

To a man...they all chanted .......Trainwreck!

Yet the economy is surging and all Republicans can do now is struggle to somehow claim credit for it
Being largely successful in checking Obama's excesses, who can blame them. I can only imagine what the economy would be like today if the Republicans hadn't taken the House in 2010.

You mean all those "Kill Obamacare" bills ended up saving the economy?
One reason the economy is as good as it is which is still not great by the way is the repeated delays of the implementation of the employer mandate of Obamacare. That starts happening this year and next funny how that comes into play when he's no longer running for anything.

Republicans have placed an anchor on our economy. An insistence on austerity in a period of economic slowdown and historicly low interest rates
One reason the economy is as good as it is which is still not great by the way is the repeated delays of the implementation of the employer mandate of Obamacare. That starts happening this year and next funny how that comes into play when he's no longer running for anything.

Republicans have placed an anchor on our economy. An insistence on austerity in a period of economic slowdown and historicly low interest rates

I thought our economy was thriving?
That's all I see from the Libs here.
And all because of Obama our savior.
One reason the economy is as good as it is which is still not great by the way is the repeated delays of the implementation of the employer mandate of Obamacare. That starts happening this year and next funny how that comes into play when he's no longer running for anything.

Republicans have placed an anchor on our economy. An insistence on austerity in a period of economic slowdown and historicly low interest rates
That's quite the accomplishment given they did not control any branch of government for two years only one for four years and two for one day so far. Seems like that says more about Democratic leadership to me.
One reason the economy is as good as it is which is still not great by the way is the repeated delays of the implementation of the employer mandate of Obamacare. That starts happening this year and next funny how that comes into play when he's no longer running for anything.

Republicans have placed an anchor on our economy. An insistence on austerity in a period of economic slowdown and historicly low interest rates
That's quite the accomplishment given they did not control any branch of government for two years only one for four years and two for one day so far. Seems like that says more about Democratic leadership to me.
Not really

They figured out how to use a full time filibuster and block all legislative effort. The worst was forcing austerity during a recession
One reason the economy is as good as it is which is still not great by the way is the repeated delays of the implementation of the employer mandate of Obamacare. That starts happening this year and next funny how that comes into play when he's no longer running for anything.

Republicans have placed an anchor on our economy. An insistence on austerity in a period of economic slowdown and historicly low interest rates

I thought our economy was thriving?
That's all I see from the Libs here.
And all because of Obama our savior.
Compared to the predictions of economic Armageddon by Republicans......this is an economic paradise
If the economy is so good, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
If the economy is so bad, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
They have noticed, and have been noticing for a long time now.
An economy that's been in that's been in the dumps for several year which finally shows an slight uptick is apparently proof of success. The American public dumbed down, but how long can you run on that? November of 2014 was when people who weren't on food stamps finally made that realization.

What should we do to get people off of food stamps?

Increase wages you say?
If the economy is so good, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
If the economy is so bad, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
They have noticed, and have been noticing for a long time now.
An economy that's been in that's been in the dumps for several year which finally shows an slight uptick is apparently proof of success. The American public dumbed down, but how long can you run on that? November of 2014 was when people who weren't on food stamps finally made that realization.

What should we do to get people off of food stamps?

Increase wages you say?
We can get people off the food stamp program by providing self-supporting opportunities that cover all education and skill levels. We can put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. We can end our dependency on cheap foreign imports, severely punish off-shore job out-sourcing, severely punish the importing of labor, and severely punish anyone that hires an illegal immigrant. We can re-write our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, so that they become fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade agreements and policies. We can put pro-America representatives in government.

Wages will take care of themselves. Fair competition for good employees raise wages. Right now we have an employers' job market. Employers have so many qualified people looking for work, they don't have to pay top dollar for good employees. But, if we had an employees' job market, like back in the 50's and 60's, wages would go up because employers had rather have the good employees instead of letting their competition have them.
If the economy is so good, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
If the economy is so bad, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
They have noticed, and have been noticing for a long time now.
An economy that's been in that's been in the dumps for several year which finally shows an slight uptick is apparently proof of success. The American public dumbed down, but how long can you run on that? November of 2014 was when people who weren't on food stamps finally made that realization.

What should we do to get people off of food stamps?

Increase wages you say?
We can get people off the food stamp program by providing self-supporting opportunities that cover all education and skill levels. We can put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. We can end our dependency on cheap foreign imports, severely punish off-shore job out-sourcing, severely punish the importing of labor, and severely punish anyone that hires an illegal immigrant. We can re-write our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, so that they become fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade agreements and policies. We can put pro-America representatives in government.

Wages will take care of themselves. Fair competition for good employees raise wages. Right now we have an employers' job market. Employers have so many qualified people looking for work, they don't have to pay top dollar for good employees. But, if we had an employees' job market, like back in the 50's and 60's, wages would go up because employers had rather have the good employees instead of letting their competition have them.

I agree. You have some valid suggestions

But supply side economics will not provide the answer
If the economy is so bad, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
They have noticed, and have been noticing for a long time now.
An economy that's been in that's been in the dumps for several year which finally shows an slight uptick is apparently proof of success. The American public dumbed down, but how long can you run on that? November of 2014 was when people who weren't on food stamps finally made that realization.

What should we do to get people off of food stamps?

Increase wages you say?
We can get people off the food stamp program by providing self-supporting opportunities that cover all education and skill levels. We can put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. We can end our dependency on cheap foreign imports, severely punish off-shore job out-sourcing, severely punish the importing of labor, and severely punish anyone that hires an illegal immigrant. We can re-write our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, so that they become fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade agreements and policies. We can put pro-America representatives in government.

Wages will take care of themselves. Fair competition for good employees raise wages. Right now we have an employers' job market. Employers have so many qualified people looking for work, they don't have to pay top dollar for good employees. But, if we had an employees' job market, like back in the 50's and 60's, wages would go up because employers had rather have the good employees instead of letting their competition have them.

I agree. You have some valid suggestions

But supply side economics will not provide the answer
I really don't see how. Maybe you could explain it to me so I can understand how it can help us.
Since when did the far left start worrying about the economy? The economy is still creaking along but Obamacare is hurting the people that crooked democrats said they would help. The world is upside down to liberals. They whine about corporate wealth and then brag about Obama's bubble economy.

Exactly how is the PPACA hurting people? As sure as you are in your opinion, you must have some evidence to prove this allegation, and ability to name the "crooked democrats".

Failure to include this critical information makes your post one more iniquitous and perfidious idiot-gram and does nothing to prove you should be believed in anything you post.
The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history

This is the point where most conservatives start chanting......Fail

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