The GOP of the 21st Century is so all over the place, Dante thought it would be a public service to

31 governors, most state legislature and the House and Senate. The GOP is indeed all over the place.

and growing at every election, but the lame stream media downplays this as much as possible, the MSM/LSM hates Republicans and Conservatism as much as we despise their "HATE AMERICA" first crowd. :up:


It is common knowledge that it is the conservatives that actually hate America while wrapping themselves in the flag... (huge pile of :bsflag: )
You hate the government you elect, (more :bsflag:)

You hate any american who is not like yourselves, ( :lmao: ) from this i gather, you love all Conservatives and Republicans)

The measure of patriotism is 'will you look after your fellow american if he falls?' (WRONG!!)

Conservatives have a let them die attitude (PROVE it, or you are lying.)

It was conservatives who booed a american soldier when he was gay in the 2012 primaries (when he was gay? you are saying he is no longer a qweer, :lmao: )

A society is judge on how it treats its weakest and most vulnerable, (ooooh really!!, you libercratscum talk a good line but fail to live up to your words, the "war on poverty" started in the 1960's, there has been 4, FOUR demoRAT regimes since then and poverty is worse now than back then.) the conservatives like you don't want to look after them, (and you libertards do??? ha ha ha :lmao:) you call it stealing. (LIE!!)

You don't want to support a stronger society, an American society but want individualism. (and exactly what is wrong with being an individual? you filthy liberfools want socialism)

So don't say 'HATE AMERICA', you are the one trying make America weak. (what a fucking joke, who for the past 7 SEVEN years has made America weaker? certainly not me you fucking liberfool, it is that fucking illegal alien mulatto muslime presidunce you love so much, get back to me after you have had a brain transplant.., one from a monkey will be better than the one you now have.., or do you.., :lmao: )

ooooh lord, where do i start.., you have proven to me that you are the America HATER because you fail to capitalize America, then you ramble on with one lie after another, you liberfool shit-for-brains have done anything BUT improve Americas good standing in the face of the world as it once was.

now run along sonny boy, and go back to making mud pies with the rest of your scumbag libertards.
A society should be judged on it's strength, not it's weakness. As long as Democrats champion weakness and government dependency, the GOP will be all over the place.
Believe me, we want to cut off Red Conservative states from the trough and stop right wingers from so much welfare and food stamps, I think they would rather starve than work. They won't even go to school.
Good, let's cut back on welfare and food stamps. We can be bi-partisan on this.
Why? White right wingers aren't being discriminated against. They have a kind of determined ignorance. Look at you.
Why not? Let's clamp down on entitlements and really show those Red state parasiites!

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