The global warming myth


Active Member
Apr 20, 2007
Al gore has ties to bill kkklinton. In all likelyhood, bill kkklinton and al bore fabricated the myth of global warming to ensure that their liberal dynasty would stay intact. let me be the first to say that al gore is going to run and steal the election, and use it as a platform to enact global warming legislation that would ruin america. why you ask is he so involved with it? easy, when the mideast oil runs out, liberals will need a way to assist the mid east terrorists. they cant buy up their oil and give saddam fake food that doesnt get to the people. they will need global warming funds funneled to their close terror buddies.
snowman, what elements of the left do you think have the most to gain from the myth of global warming?
ralph nader and sean hannity are pretty much both liberals to me. neither one is a true conservative. the true conservatives have moved into the mountains, where they are training for the day america is finally overrun totally by the left wing militia.
Al gore has ties to bill kkklinton. In all likelyhood, bill kkklinton and al bore fabricated the myth of global warming to ensure that their liberal dynasty would stay intact. let me be the first to say that al gore is going to run and steal the election, and use it as a platform to enact global warming legislation that would ruin america. why you ask is he so involved with it? easy, when the mideast oil runs out, liberals will need a way to assist the mid east terrorists. they cant buy up their oil and give saddam fake food that doesnt get to the people. they will need global warming funds funneled to their close terror buddies.

What do you think, that Gore and Clinton were chillin one weekend having a barbeque, and Gore says:

Gore: Its hot, you think its hotter today than it was yesterday?

Bill: I think yer too close to the barbeque.

Gore: Maybe, but i need some money, Liberalism is dying and we need to think of a way to carry it on, any ideas?

Bill: well, lets take a hint from a guaranteed money maker, religion. You know why religion is still around?

Gore: No fuckin clue.

Bill: Because it can neither be proved, nor disproved.

Gore: still no fuckin clue.

Bill: Lets just make something up that has evidence to back it up and dismiss it, kind of like an opinion, it cant be wrong if we say its our opinion, its right.

Gore: I dont get it.

Bill: Its ok, I think we can use power point to make it easy for you to understand. This way we can give money to terrorists, My wife says they're our friends.

Gore: You wanna hotdog?

Thats basically what you think?
I apologize, but this is really silly. We know something bad is happening, whether it is called global warming or god is really pissed and raised the temperature. BUT... I dont like the alarmistness of al gore. Are we really all gonna die in 30 years? With that said, we should do everything we can to reduce our dependance on foreign oil, which both democratic and republicans are failing on. Rather then argue this issue. Lets work together to fix it. Surely if their one issue that should NOT be a partisan issue, its our earth.
Let us comprimise, and be reasonable, and we can solve the problem.

Agree with me, or disagree with me?. I welcome dissent lol :p
I have often said that global warming is real, but I argue that it is more cyclical than it is human influenced. That's not to say that we as a species don't contribute to the problem, I am just not convinced that we contribute as much as the alarmists say we do.

That's not to say that we shouldn't consider making some changes. It's only prudent to consider making changes, if for no other reason than to help preserve the environment and make it healthier for humans.

There is plenty of evidence out there to refute the alarmist views that are currently the loudest and most often heard, all one need do is look for it. To listen to only one side of the argument is to limit your understanding of the problem.

Here's an interesting article from Newsweek (or Newsweak, as I like to call it). It's written by Richard Lindzen. He is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at MIT His research is funded exclusively by the U.S. government. He receives no funding from any energy companies.

Why So Gloomy?
By Richard S. Lindzen
Special to Newsweek

April 16, 2007 issue - Judging from the media in recent months, the debate over global warming is now over. There has been a net warming of the earth over the last century and a half, and our greenhouse gas emissions are contributing at some level. Both of these statements are almost certainly true. What of it? Recently many people have said that the earth is facing a crisis requiring urgent action. This statement has nothing to do with science. There is no compelling evidence that the warming trend we've seen will amount to anything close to catastrophe. What most commentators—and many scientists—seem to miss is that the only thing we can say with certainly about climate is that it changes. The earth is always warming or cooling by as much as a few tenths of a degree a year; periods of constant average temperatures are rare. Looking back on the earth's climate history, it's apparent that there's no such thing as an optimal temperature—a climate at which everything is just right. The current alarm rests on the false assumption not only that we live in a perfect world, temperaturewise, but also that our warming forecasts for the year 2040 are somehow more reliable than the weatherman's forecast for next week.

A warmer climate could prove to be more beneficial than the one we have now. Much of the alarm over climate change is based on ignorance of what is normal for weather and climate. There is no evidence, for instance, that extreme weather events are increasing in any systematic way, according to scientists at the U.S. National Hurricane Center, the World Meteorological Organization and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (which released the second part of this year's report earlier this month). Indeed, meteorological theory holds that, outside the tropics, weather in a warming world should be less variable, which might be a good thing.

In many other respects, the ill effects of warming are overblown. Sea levels, for example, have been increasing since the end of the last ice age. When you look at recent centuries in perspective, ignoring short-term fluctuations, the rate of sea-level rise has been relatively uniform (less than a couple of millimeters a year). There's even some evidence that the rate was higher in the first half of the twentieth century than in the second half. Overall, the risk of sea-level rise from global warming is less at almost any given location than that from other causes, such as tectonic motions of the earth's surface.

Many of the most alarming studies rely on long-range predictions using inherently untrustworthy climate models, similar to those that cannot accurately forecast the weather a week from now. Interpretations of these studies rarely consider that the impact of carbon on temperature goes down—not up—the more carbon accumulates in the atmosphere. Even if emissions were the sole cause of the recent temperature rise—a dubious proposition—future increases wouldn't be as steep as the climb in emissions.

Indeed, one overlooked mystery is why temperatures are not already higher. Various models predict that a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere will raise the world's average temperature by as little as 1.5 degrees Celsius or as much as 4.5 degrees. The important thing about doubled CO2 (or any other greenhouse gas) is its "forcing"—its contribution to warming. At present, the greenhouse forcing is already about three-quarters of what one would get from a doubling of CO2. But average temperatures rose only about 0.6 degrees since the beginning of the industrial era, and the change hasn't been uniform—warming has largely occurred during the periods from 1919 to 1940 and from 1976 to 1998, with cooling in between. Researchers have been unable to explain this discrepancy.

Modelers claim to have simulated the warming and cooling that occurred before 1976 by choosing among various guesses as to what effect poorly observed volcanoes and unmeasured output from the sun have had. These factors, they claim, don't explain the warming of about 0.4 degrees C between 1976 and 1998. Climate modelers assume the cause must be greenhouse-gas emissions because they have no other explanation. This is a poor substitute for evidence, and simulation hardly constitutes explanation. Ten years ago climate modelers also couldn't account for the warming that occurred from about 1050 to 1300. They tried to expunge the medieval warm period from the observational record—an effort that is now generally discredited. The models have also severely underestimated short-term variability El Niño and the Intraseasonal Oscillation. Such phenomena illustrate the ability of the complex and turbulent climate system to vary significantly with no external cause whatever, and to do so over many years, even centuries.

I apologize, but this is really silly. We know something bad is happening, whether it is called global warming or god is really pissed and raised the temperature. BUT... I dont like the alarmistness of al gore. Are we really all gonna die in 30 years? With that said, we should do everything we can to reduce our dependance on foreign oil, which both democratic and republicans are failing on. Rather then argue this issue. Lets work together to fix it. Surely if their one issue that should NOT be a partisan issue, its our earth.
Let us comprimise, and be reasonable, and we can solve the problem.

Agree with me, or disagree with me?. I welcome dissent lol :p

I agree and disagree. :razz:

Actaully, there seems to be an arguement for not doing anything, the earth is going to do what it wishes whether we contribute or not.

Its either going to get hotter or colder. we ether need winter coats, or find water underground.

I want to help, and its a gut reaction for alot of people to say, "dont tell me what to do" but to sit by and do nothing is just lazy.

There will alwas be opposition to change. Always.

I guess that we need to adapt to what the world throws at us, as unbelievable as it is for some people, its hard for alot to accept or even understand the ecosystem.

Everything is connected, Everything.

The earth will react to whatever we do, one way or another.

Some will be right and some may be wrong, one way alot of people are going to suffer, the other way, not so much.
ralph nader and sean hannity are pretty much both liberals to me. neither one is a true conservative. the true conservatives have moved into the mountains, where they are training for the day america is finally overrun totally by the left wing militia.

and watching them come down out of the mountains will be HIGH comedy! I can hardly wait!
Al gore has ties to bill kkklinton. In all likelyhood, bill kkklinton and al bore fabricated the myth of global warming to ensure that their liberal dynasty would stay intact. let me be the first to say that al gore is going to run and steal the election, and use it as a platform to enact global warming legislation that would ruin america. why you ask is he so involved with it? easy, when the mideast oil runs out, liberals will need a way to assist the mid east terrorists. they cant buy up their oil and give saddam fake food that doesnt get to the people. they will need global warming funds funneled to their close terror buddies.

Did someone go to Freeperville and forget to close the door behind them when they came back here? This is series! This is hugh1! This is moran attack! We're screwn!!

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