The girls are back in town.

They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Why do you want the House and Senate to choose our president rather than the people?
Why do you think phantom votes are people?
Why are you satisfied with corruption and the undermining of the essence of the electoral process?
Why do you want the House and Senate to choose our president rather than the people?
Why you want Dominion and democrat party operatives to choose our president rather than the people?

They aren’t. I know it’s hard, but let’s stick to evidence based theories.

Are you ok with people voter for a president or do you prefer legislatures selecting them?
Lots of evidence of democrat fraud and theft whether you are brave or honest enough to admit it or not.
Allegations that didn’t pass the court of law test or the evidentiary test.
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Why do you want the House and Senate to choose our president rather than the people?
Why do you think phantom votes are people?
Why are you satisfied with corruption and the undermining of the essence of the electoral process?
Project much?
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Slim chance in hell that Congress will select the next president. The states have certified their election totals and the EC has already voted the VP counting them is a mere formality of protocol nothing will change even with the loser trying to flip the script...

It happened in 1876, when dueling electors in three states were deadlocked until a deal was brokered days before Inauguration Day.

Never say something can't happen. This is 2020 and stranger things already have.
Yet, there are no states with a deadlock they have all certified their tallies from the election and the EC has voted for all of the states and the DC......But Trump wants you to continue to sent in your money so he can loose with money from suckers.

Nope. At least three states have elected alternative electors, last I counted. Possibly more.
They have no legal standing.
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Slim chance in hell that Congress will select the next president. The states have certified their election totals and the EC has already voted the VP counting them is a mere formality of protocol nothing will change even with the loser trying to flip the script...

It happened in 1876, when dueling electors in three states were deadlocked until a deal was brokered days before Inauguration Day.

Never say something can't happen. This is 2020 and stranger things already have.
Yet, there are no states with a deadlock they have all certified their tallies from the election and the EC has voted for all of the states and the DC......But Trump wants you to continue to sent in your money so he can loose with money from suckers.

Nope. At least three states have elected alternative electors, last I counted. Possibly more.
They have no legal standing.
Where in the Constitution does it say that ?
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Slim chance in hell that Congress will select the next president. The states have certified their election totals and the EC has already voted the VP counting them is a mere formality of protocol nothing will change even with the loser trying to flip the script...

It happened in 1876, when dueling electors in three states were deadlocked until a deal was brokered days before Inauguration Day.

Never say something can't happen. This is 2020 and stranger things already have.
Yet, there are no states with a deadlock they have all certified their tallies from the election and the EC has voted for all of the states and the DC......But Trump wants you to continue to sent in your money so he can loose with money from suckers.

Nope. At least three states have elected alternative electors, last I counted. Possibly more.
They have no legal standing.
Where in the Constitution does it say that ?
the law that details the EC.. Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution and The Electoral Count Act of 1887 Pub.L. 49–90, 24 Stat. 373 is a United States federal law establishing procedures for the counting of electoral votes by Congress following a presidential election
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Slim chance in hell that Congress will select the next president. The states have certified their election totals and the EC has already voted the VP counting them is a mere formality of protocol nothing will change even with the loser trying to flip the script...

It happened in 1876, when dueling electors in three states were deadlocked until a deal was brokered days before Inauguration Day.

Never say something can't happen. This is 2020 and stranger things already have.
Yet, there are no states with a deadlock they have all certified their tallies from the election and the EC has voted for all of the states and the DC......But Trump wants you to continue to sent in your money so he can loose with money from suckers.

Nope. At least three states have elected alternative electors, last I counted. Possibly more.
That is a nothing burger. The election has been certified and the EC has voted. It is a done deal...

Not according to the Electoral Count Act of 1887. The election has only been "certified" by the states. It still have to go through Congress, where you might just get an unpleasant surprise.

Electoral Count Act - Wikipedia
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Why do you want the House and Senate to choose our president rather than the people?
Why do you think phantom votes are people?
Why are you satisfied with corruption and the undermining of the essence of the electoral process?
Project much?
Logic, stats and probability. The last time any incumbents increased their vote total as much or more than Trump did they won in major landslides.
ChiComTrump has no relationship to grace in defeat.
What could possibly give you cause to refer to Trump as ChiComTrump...what kind of poisonous Kool-Aid are you drinking?....
Recent global trade history shows you to be so far off as to be laughable.....nothing to say about the Bidens and China I guess...
I thought you would be more leveled than that....but you are just another misguided sheep that hates a man just because its the in thing to do....symbolism over substance is an wasted way to live....
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Why do you want the House and Senate to choose our president rather than the people?
Why do you think phantom votes are people?
Why are you satisfied with corruption and the undermining of the essence of the electoral process?
Project much?
Logic, stats and probability. The last time any incumbents increased their vote total as much or more than Trump did they won in major landslides.
FDR’s increase in votes in 1936 compared to 1932 was about 5% higher than trump’s increase was this year. Comparable.
FDR won the electoral vote in 1936 by 523 — 8.
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Why do you want the House and Senate to choose our president rather than the people?
Because the people didn't chose-------bloomberg, soros, and the chinese did...
Why do you want the House and Senate to choose our president rather than the people?

Speaking only for myself:
Because the sitting House and Senate members are ALIVE and known to be American Citizens (OK, some questions around NYC) and properly registered to vote. I don't trust a "majority" that may well consist of moldering corpses, illegals and phantom votes created by custom-programmed software.

Before you ask....

In my precinct the zombie voters included:

George Allen
Rebecca Shapiro
Rosa Bush (her married name, actual parents weren't that clever)
Robert Gervais
Ernest Way
Clement Goddu
Elmer Straub

I gotta say that whoever "voted" them chose recently deceased and avoided using the names of prominent people whose names would be readily recognized.

Then there were the 19 people whose address was that of a 26 foot trailer. I believe all but two of them either had long since sold off and moved away; maybe rented at one time or possibly were't people; only figments.
Last edited:
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?
Why do you want the House and Senate to choose our president rather than the people?
The people didn't decide this time. You want to tell me Biden got more votes than Obama? Lol, he only got media at his rallies.
ChiComTrump has no relationship to grace in defeat.
You know who has been bitching and whining the last four years, right?

Your remark gets instant admission into the Irony Hall of Infamy.

Ya. Trump.
No. Uneducated idiots like like you who kept yelling “Russia Russia Russia” with no proof. Just like your stupidity of calling Trump a ChiComm. No basis in reality. No surprise.

Strange. For one, I've made no mention of Russia, for another, that you think you have any capacity to judge what has a basis in reality :lol:
They won't be counted on the sixth...

They don't have to be counted. If only one Senator and one Congressman disagrees with the count, it goes into a debate. If it can't be worked out, the delegates in the House and Senate, led by Mike Pence, choose the President.

Don't confuse the number of delegates with the number of Senators and Congressmen, those two different things. The Republicans also have a majority of delegates in both houses, so you can see how that's going too work.

Why the hell do you think Mitch McConnell is practically begging his Senators not to contest the slate?

Only if all the republicans vote to throw out the electoral votes. That will not happen.
Maybe if they're threatened like the Liberals threaten judges by burning down business areas.

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