The gay cake thingy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

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I can go along with that if the cake for the gay people is somehow different than cakes for straight people. For example, if the cake is decorated in rainbow colors to symbolize gay pride, that would be a no go. if the wedding cake was not made any different than a wedding cake for a straight couple wedding, then i don't see the big deal. If the baker is suppose to attend and/or serve at the gay wedding. that's a no go. If the baker does not have any involvement at the actual wedding, then I don't see a big deal.

The old lady that just bought the cupcakes may be taking then to a swinger's orgy for all the baker knows.
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Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?

I'll go with that.
Judgement in the bible is reserved for one 'person' and none of them lives on Earth, according to the bible.

I can see this guy when 'he gets to heaven' - "Hey god I'm glad to be here, can I bake you a cake?" "Oh yes you, I remember you, I'm sorry we don't serve anyone that rejects any of my children. You do remember me saying all humanity are my children yes? Did you think I was kidding? Or lying? Or that you are free to change what I said? Or that you were free to pick and choose out of my book what you follow and what you don't? And what of my son? He said "what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me.", remember? You claimed to be his follower but you ignored the very reason I sent him to Earth, to bring all of my children here to live in eternity in glory. You decided on your own which of my children were worthy and which weren't? Really? You and those like you do not follow my son and shall not be called by his name. You claim his name on your lips but reject his heart in your heart. You can leave now."
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Why would the gay couple go to a baker that did not want their business in the first place? Seems the gay couple was just looking for a court judgement
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Not at all. For example, before one hires an artist, both client and artist must agree to the project. Would you be in favor of insisting an artist depict a nude woman if it was against his conscience to do so? Especially when the artist offered to depict a woman clothed instead?
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So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Not at all. For example, before one hires an artist, both client and artist must agree to the project. Would you be in favor of insisting an artist depict a nude woman if it was against his conscience to do so? Especially when the artist offered to depict a woman clothed instead?
That quote belongs to Rightwinger, not me.
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Service could be declined for a gay wedding regarding all these things. Again, the issue is participating in a ceremony that the religious person sees as an abomination to God.

As for being a "good" business man, however, declining service means declining money. They also run the risk of people boycotting them. Therefore, to hold to ones religious beliefs would mean taking a huge risk.
The Left should decide once and for all, is it legal to oppose gay sex? For example, should churches be allowed to refuse a gay wedding?

If not, you may as well round up all the Bibles and have a big wiener roast and burn them, Nazi style. Then either have all Christians recant or fine them or lock them up or shoot them.

Come on Lefties, you know you want it.
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Service could be declined for a gay wedding regarding all these things. Again, the issue is participating in a ceremony that the religious person sees as an abomination to God.

As for being a "good" business man, however, declining service means declining money. They also run the risk of people boycotting them. Therefore, to hold to ones religious beliefs would mean taking a huge risk.
A baker does not participate in the ceremony

They are already married by the time they eat the cake
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Service could be declined for a gay wedding regarding all these things. Again, the issue is participating in a ceremony that the religious person sees as an abomination to God.

As for being a "good" business man, however, declining service means declining money. They also run the risk of people boycotting them. Therefore, to hold to ones religious beliefs would mean taking a huge risk.
A baker does not participate in the ceremony

They are already married by the time they eat the cake

Would you bake a cake for a KKK rally with a little black figure being lynched on top of the cake?
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Service could be declined for a gay wedding regarding all these things. Again, the issue is participating in a ceremony that the religious person sees as an abomination to God.

As for being a "good" business man, however, declining service means declining money. They also run the risk of people boycotting them. Therefore, to hold to ones religious beliefs would mean taking a huge risk.
A baker does not participate in the ceremony

They are already married by the time they eat the cake

But they participate in it's celebration
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Not at all. For example, before one hires an artist, both client and artist must agree to the project. Would you be in favor of insisting an artist depict a nude woman if it was against his conscience to do so? Especially when the artist offered to depict a woman clothed instead?

Not surprised nobody on the left has replied to ^^^^^^^

Excellent point
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Service could be declined for a gay wedding regarding all these things. Again, the issue is participating in a ceremony that the religious person sees as an abomination to God.

As for being a "good" business man, however, declining service means declining money. They also run the risk of people boycotting them. Therefore, to hold to ones religious beliefs would mean taking a huge risk.

It's always a risk. I know an insurance salesman who was floundering. He started posting pro right, anti abortion stuff on his facebook page. Lost some business, but made tons more from those that agreed with him. I suspect the Baker would be the same.
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Not at all. For example, before one hires an artist, both client and artist must agree to the project. Would you be in favor of insisting an artist depict a nude woman if it was against his conscience to do so? Especially when the artist offered to depict a woman clothed instead?
A real artist wouldn't object to painting a nude woman.
The Left should decide once and for all, is it legal to oppose gay sex? For example, should churches be allowed to refuse a gay wedding?

If not, you may as well round up all the Bibles and have a big wiener roast and burn them, Nazi style. Then either have all Christians recant or fine them or lock them up or shoot them.

Come on Lefties, you know you want it.
If you're against gay sex then don't have sex with the same gender. Personally I'm against stupid and ugly people having sex, because at least gay people won't be having any children, stupid people will. Fat and ugly also.
Here is the deal Left wingers and/or atheists, who are one in the same. This is what the whole Christian baker not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake, boils down to.

IF the baker refused to serve gays, he would be refusing to serve them because he did not like them. I believe this would be a violation of the laws we currently have forcing establishments to serve those whom they may not like because of skin color, etc. However, if the baker offered to serve them in any capacity EXCEPT baking them a cake, it would be because the baker did not want to sin as he participated in a blasphemous religious ceremony.

Got it?
So, naturally

Hotels can refuse gay honeymoons
Restaurants can refuse a reception......gays can eat here, they just can’t celebrate a wedding
Photographers, florists, limo companies, jewelers can all refuse service

A backdoor way to harass gays

Service could be declined for a gay wedding regarding all these things. Again, the issue is participating in a ceremony that the religious person sees as an abomination to God.

As for being a "good" business man, however, declining service means declining money. They also run the risk of people boycotting them. Therefore, to hold to ones religious beliefs would mean taking a huge risk.

It's always a risk. I know an insurance salesman who was floundering. He started posting pro right, anti abortion stuff on his facebook page. Lost some business, but made tons more from those that agreed with him. I suspect the Baker would be the same.
So this baker makes homophobic cakes. Good to know.

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