The Gangs of New York!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a New York vignette about dogged dreams, damned regrets, and dystopia of course, inspired by the designs and daywalkers of Herbert Asbury's The Gangs of New York! Thanks for reading (and enjoy!),


It was the year 1800 in old New York. The large state bank stood proudly and affirmedly, but in the streets there was much intrigue. Two rival gangs were warring over dominions in New York City. This was a time of great complications, and it would shape our views on the confluence and traffic of New York and how differing groups would mingle in this environment of great daydreams.


In an aristocratic circle in this 1800s New York, a group of well-to-do daughters were part of a vampire-cult and tied to the NYC gang called the Rabbits. These daughters attended fancy parties but brought concealed weapons, in the odd chance that the opportunity to create insurrection would offer opportunities for great jewelry theft. These radical daughters sought to escape their world of fortune and fame.


ISAAC: I'm the leader of the Rabbits in New York, and we recruit anyone interested in fighting with our rival gang."


Isaac's girlfriend Jenny was a real hellcat and admired the way the Rabbits contended with their rival gang the Natives. The Natives were mostly British and Irish by ethnicity, and the Rabbits were more mixed but included Dutch, Algerians, Asians, and a few Germans. The Rabbits stood for baseball and folk-tales and ale, while the Natives preferred bootlegging, extortion, and the emerging mafia. Jenny was worried about her boyfriend Isaac who stood to lose his life in this 1800s New York gang war.


Meanwhile, a mysterious serial-killer modeling himself after England's elusively terrifying Jack-the-Ripper was murdering prostitutes in the great city of New York. This prompted both the Rabbits and the Natives in 1800s New York to bribe policemen to offer some extra late-night security for the streets and alleyways.


ISAAC: We believe this Jack-the-Ripper copycat is not a member of the Natives but may somehow be tied to Jack-the-Ripper.


Meanwhile, parties hosted by the Rabbits in lent buildings and customs houses proceeded and could serve as a fashion and aesthetics template for future-gen costume parties in New York celebrating the proud designs and clothing of that bygone era of social daydreams and strangeness!


The aristocracy of 1800s New York despised this street gang war and plotted to have Isaac of the Rabbits assassinated.


ISAAC: Even if this gang war never ends, the Rabbits will always stand for New York designs against those vile Natives.


Isaac purchased for Jenny a lovely piano with some money stolen from a Rabbits bank-robbery involving multiple young members and recruits of the gang Isaac hand selected. This piano symbolized the romance and customs of that era and of the Rabbits and of Isaac's love for Jenny!


Jenny liked making dyed clay sculptures of unusual New York 'super-heroines' who stood for loyalty and daydreams.


All of these complexities and adventures would someday be captured in a seminal novel by an esteemed writer named Asbury!


"So, that's the dream I had last night while I was sleeping. My name's Isaac Satan, and I live in Los Angeles (California), but I've been making notes and outlines for an Asbury-modeled story about gangs in 1800s New York. Maybe that's why I had that strange and vivid dream last night about the colors and glass of New York last night. I'm not only a writer but also a part-time bank robber, complementing my meager salary with some cowboy profits. I wonder why I dreamt that Isaac of the Rabbits was a real dancer."


"During my last robbery of the Cue Bank in LA, I stole $1 million worth in Antwerp diamonds from a safe-box belonging to the corrupt Saudi businessman Ali Fahd who now lives in Hollywood and even has a movie being made with a character modeled after him! This diamond-heist involved a water-gun filled with acid, a bank clerk hostage named Jenny, and a trip to the nearby public library to exchange my books containing the stolen diamonds for an Asbury book I'd grab from the shelf the next day!"


"I think these diamonds are representative of my future investment in writing this New York gang novel, which will bring fortune!"


"I sometimes wonder if I'd been more placed in my imagination were I to have lived in New York as a daydreamer rather than the City of Angels (LA) as a normal engineer, but that's my entire story really."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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