The Future of The Democratic Party by Ted Kennedy


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
Kennedy's speech at the national Press Club:

Just some highlights

Ten years ago almost to the day, I stood at this podium after another election in which Democrats lost ground, far too much ground, un unwelcome distribution of power with the Republicans controlling both houses of Congress for the first time in nearly half a century.

2004 was nothing like that. it was more like a replay of 2000. This time a switch of less than 60,000 votes in Ohio would've brought victory. Unlike 2000, it would've been a victory against an incumbant president in a time of war.

Obviously it hurts to come so close in all three battles and then fail by so little. (huh?) We did many things right, but there is no cause for complacency. (what?)

I categorically reject the deceptive and dangerous claim that the outcome last November was somehow a sweeping or even a modest or even a miniature mandate for reactionary measures like privatizing Social Security......

redistributing the tax burden in the wrong direction or packing the federal courts with reactionary judges...(what?)

In truth we do not shrink form that debate. There is no doubt that we must do a better job of looking within ourselves and speaking out for the principals (?) we believe in and for the values (?) that are the foundation of our actions. Americans need to hear more, not less, about those values.'( Oh Please do!)

Unlike the Republican Party, we beleive our values unite us as Americans instead of dividing us. (U huh?)


In fact, our values are still our greatest strength. Despite resistance, setbacks and periods of backlash over the years, our values have moved us closer to the ideal with which America began, that all people are created equal. (That's my favorite line.LOL)


Today I propose a progressive (yes by all means) vision for America; a vision that Democrats must fight for in the months and years ahead..........

These founding beliefs are still the essence of the American dream today. That dream is the North Star of the Democratic Party; the compass that guides our policies and sets our course to freedom and opportunity, to fairness and justice, not just for the few, not just for some, but for all..........(Unless you smoke, are still in the womb, have money, are Conservative, are white, are religious, own a gun, an Suv....)


Our misguided resort to war has created much more and much more intense anti-American feeling than Osama bin Laden ever dreamed of. and the sooner we reverse that distressing trend, the better.
I am convinced that John Kerry could have worked with the international comunity (he means the crooks at the UN) to end the war and bring our troops home with honor.(turn coat and ran).................

Bonnie said:
Kennedy's speech at the national Press Club:

Just some highlights

Ten years ago almost to the day, I stood at this podium after another election in which Democrats lost ground, far too much ground, un unwelcome distribution of power with the Republicans controlling both houses of Congress for the first time in nearly half a century.

2004 was nothing like that. it was more like a replay of 2000. This time a switch of less than 60,000 votes in Ohio would've brought victory. Unlike 2000, it would've been a victory against an incumbant president in a time of war.

Obviously it hurts to come so close in all three battles and then fail by so little. (huh?) We did many things right, but there is no cause for complacency. (what?)

I categorically reject the deceptive and dangerous claim that the outcome last November was somehow a sweeping or even a modest or even a miniature mandate for reactionary measures like privatizing Social Security......

redistributing the tax burden in the wrong direction or packing the federal courts with reactionary judges...(what?)

In truth we do not shrink form that debate. There is no doubt that we must do a better job of looking within ourselves and speaking out for the principals (?) we believe in and for the values (?) that are the foundation of our actions. Americans need to hear more, not less, about those values.'( Oh Please do!)

Unlike the Republican Party, we beleive our values unite us as Americans instead of dividing us. (U huh?)


In fact, our values are still our greatest strength. Despite resistance, setbacks and periods of backlash over the years, our values have moved us closer to the ideal with which America began, that all people are created equal. (That's my favorite line.LOL)


Today I propose a progressive (yes by all means) vision for America; a vision that Democrats must fight for in the months and years ahead..........

These founding beliefs are still the essence of the American dream today. That dream is the North Star of the Democratic Party; the compass that guides our policies and sets our course to freedom and opportunity, to fairness and justice, not just for the few, not just for some, but for all..........(Unless you smoke, are still in the womb, have money, are Conservative, are white, are religious, own a gun, an Suv....)


Our misguided resort to war has created much more and much more intense anti-American feeling than Osama bin Laden ever dreamed of. and the sooner we reverse that distressing trend, the better.
I am convinced that John Kerry could have worked with the international comunity (he means the crooks at the UN) to end the war and bring our troops home with honor.(turn coat and ran).................


Not to worry, at the rate they are going same thing will be written in 2008.
guess what Ted! How big a mandate you think it is doesn't change the basic fact that more people want the Republican agenda in place then the Democratic agenda. Deal.
Bonnie said:
This speech gets funnier as you read it :cof:

Bonnie, I just took another look at the title, You mean the Democratic Party has a future?
History teaches that abortions do not stop because they are made illegal. Indeed half of all abortions in the world are performed in places where abortions are illegal.

We do know, however, that the number of abortions is reduced when women and parents have education and economic opportunity. Our progressive vision is of an America where parents have the opportunity and the resources, including good prenatal care, to bring healthy children into the world.

No, the number of abortions is reduce when it isnt applauded as a right people have. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say you have a right to murder a child because you dont want to take care of him/her. In fact since the Constitution's basis is to preserve our life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness the fact that you guys try to argue that it is somehow a woman's right to terminate those rights in others is disgusting.

No abortions will be reduced when irresponsble men and women get off their ass and take responsibility for their actions. It will happen when men and women take responsibility for their immoral actions and get married to raise the child they created. If you dont want to marry the mother or father of your child you shouldnt be creating a child to begin with. Why should a child suffer because of your irresponsibility?

I welcome the opportunity and the obligation to debate our values and our vision. A new American majority is ready to respond to our call for a revitalized American dream grounded firmly in our Constitution and in the endless adventure of lifting this nation to ever new heights of discovery and prosperity and progress and service to all our people and to all humanity.

We, as Democrats, may be in the minority in Congress, but we speak for the majority of Americans. If we summon the courage and the determination to take our stand and state it clearly, I'm convinced the battles that lie ahead will yield our greatest victories.

No you dont. You dont speak for a majority of Americans. That is why you keep losing elections. A majority of Americans dont want to murder children. A majority of Americans dont want to allow gay marriage. A majority of Americans do not want to appease terrorists. A majority of Americans dont want to hand our soveriegnty to the UN. A majority fo Americans dont want their money taken for your inefficient social programs. A majority of Americans dont want socialized medicine. A majority of Americans dont think our children should be indoctrinated with the political agenda of the left which leaves them a bunch of idiots who dont want to think for themselves. A majority of Americans dont want to see our troops insulted and attacked for your political power. A majority of Americans dont want you Teddy. You should have figured it out by now. I mean youve only been rejected for the Presidency how many times? You couldnt even beat Democrat losers for the President. How sad is that.

So no you are not the new majority. You never were the old majority really. You are nothing but an elitest snob who can buy his way out of murder charges and onto the United States Senate. You are the evil rich elists you are always preaching that we need to keep from power in america. Well great news for you we listened to you Teddy. we arent letting the elite rich rule us. So why dont you practice what you preach and retire so some poor man or woman who you claim to fight for can have your Senate seat and really speak for the constituents you claim to serve. I feel bad for your brother who is probably rolling around in his grave over what you have been doing with the nation he loved so much.
Couldn't read it. As far as I am concerned, Ted (hiccup) Kennedy has become a non-player in American politics. He is only used by the left as a blow-hard mouthpiece and other than that, he has no impact.

Plus, I heard a Seer on the radio that said he is going to die this year. :)
freeandfun1 said:
Couldn't read it. As far as I am concerned, Ted (hiccup) Kennedy has become a non-player in American politics. He is only used by the left as a blow-hard mouthpiece and other than that, he has no impact.

Plus, I heard a Seer on the radio that said he is going to die this year. :)

If it happens, it'll be the best thing that has happened to the Democratic Party since Roosevelt (yes, it would beat having the other Kennedy).
Avatar4321 said:
No, the number of abortions is reduce when it isnt applauded as a right people have. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say you have a right to murder a child because you dont want to take care of him/her. In fact since the Constitution's basis is to preserve our life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness the fact that you guys try to argue that it is somehow a woman's right to terminate those rights in others is disgusting.

No abortions will be reduced when irresponsble men and women get off their ass and take responsibility for their actions. It will happen when men and women take responsibility for their immoral actions and get married to raise the child they created. If you dont want to marry the mother or father of your child you shouldnt be creating a child to begin with. Why should a child suffer because of your irresponsibility?

No you dont. You dont speak for a majority of Americans. That is why you keep losing elections. A majority of Americans dont want to murder children. A majority of Americans dont want to allow gay marriage. A majority of Americans do not want to appease terrorists. A majority of Americans dont want to hand our soveriegnty to the UN. A majority fo Americans dont want their money taken for your inefficient social programs. A majority of Americans dont want socialized medicine. A majority of Americans dont think our children should be indoctrinated with the political agenda of the left which leaves them a bunch of idiots who dont want to think for themselves. A majority of Americans dont want to see our troops insulted and attacked for your political power. A majority of Americans dont want you Teddy. You should have figured it out by now. I mean youve only been rejected for the Presidency how many times? You couldnt even beat Democrat losers for the President. How sad is that.

So no you are not the new majority. You never were the old majority really. You are nothing but an elitest snob who can buy his way out of murder charges and onto the United States Senate. You are the evil rich elists you are always preaching that we need to keep from power in america. Well great news for you we listened to you Teddy. we arent letting the elite rich rule us. So why dont you practice what you preach and retire so some poor man or woman who you claim to fight for can have your Senate seat and really speak for the constituents you claim to serve. I feel bad for your brother who is probably rolling around in his grave over what you have been doing with the nation he loved so much.

Wonderfully put, Avatar. Whenever I get all my computer problems ironed out, I'm going to "point" this post. For now, we'll just have to settle for an "Attaboy!"
freeandfun1 said:
Couldn't read it. As far as I am concerned, Ted (hiccup) Kennedy has become a non-player in American politics. He is only used by the left as a blow-hard mouthpiece and other than that, he has no impact.

Plus, I heard a Seer on the radio that said he is going to die this year. :)

I just can't help but wonder if this kind of thinking permeates the whole Democratic party after their defeat this go around? I actually hope so as it will guarantee more Republican victories. :thewave:

Oh and go Howie Dean DNC chairman!!!!!!!

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