The Future of Floydism


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
American Marxists turning a career criminal, drug user/drug seller into a hero.

Gun murders are up 34.4 percent in the 365 days since George Floyd’s death.

According to data scraped from Gun Violence Archive, in the Year One B.F. (Before Floyd) from May 25, 2019, to May 24, 2020, there were 13,024 murders committed with a firearm in the U.S.

In contrast, in the Year One A.F. (After Floyd) from May 25, 2020, to May 24, 2021, there were 17,499 gun murders, an increase of 4,475 corpses. (In contrast, the NAACP reports that 3,446 blacks were lynched in all of U.S. history.)

That’s a lot of blood that our new state religion, the worship of the holy martyr George Floyd and his racial brethren, has on its hands.

Normally, murders are a rather stochastic phenomenon and thus are fairly stable from year to year. People kill other people for idiosyncratically personal reasons, so even major social trends like The Sixties can take years to raise murder rates. Thus, the calendar years with the biggest percentage increases in murders since 1960—1968 and 2015—saw rises of only about one-third as bad as the first year of the Age of Floyd.


Unsurprisingly, nobody in The Establishment is stepping forward to forthrightly apologize and admit that, yeah, the bad people (like, say, me) were right: America’s biggest criminal justice problem is not police brutality, it’s black brutality.

As Woke Stalin might say, the death of one George Floyd is a tragedy, but the deaths of thousands of subsequent incremental murder victims are a divisive white supremacist hatestat.

So, that’s what the first year of the Floyd Era was like: mayhem on the streets of black America.

What will the future of Floydism be?

It’s hard to predict because it’s so novel in human history for a culture to extol as its moral master race a group exalted for their ineptitude. Consider the strangeness of Americans worshipping George Floyd, an ugly brute who lived an ugly life of major and minor crime that brought him to an ugly end. Then, think about the other BLM martyrs.


Floyd had nothing to do with it personally.

But this is what happens when you have a generation that are praised, catered to, told how special they are, everyone overly sanitizing everything to protect them, their parents saying everything is bullying their kids and so on. So they grow up with thin skin, no direction, they are weak and cowardly, no self esteem with huge egos, and no independence.

Then you combine it with black people who are irrational, highly emotional, angry, unable to think things through, destructive as is evidenced by what they do to eachother, and been told everyone is racist against them and society is to blame for their failures.

Then you have a society that coddles the weak and lazy. Society tells them they are amazing and special and unique. So they feel nothing is their fault and are mad at reality when they find out everything they were told is wrong.

Mix them and you have a large group of people ready to fly off the handle at a moment's notice. It just took a spark and Floyd was that spark. Could have easily been any number of things though. Those people were a powder keg waiting to blow up.
And in the post Cry Baby Floyd era, will all the Blacks killing each other, still not one report of a death caused by the magic knee maneuver. :afro: It is way quieter and way less expensive than when Black use guns and ammo. :dunno:
Gun murders are up 34.4 percent in the 365 days since George Floyd’s death.

According to data scraped from Gun Violence Archive, in the Year One B.F. (Before Floyd) from May 25, 2019, to May 24, 2020, there were 13,024 murders committed with a firearm in the U.S.

In contrast, in the Year One A.F. (After Floyd) from May 25, 2020, to May 24, 2021, there were 17,499 gun murders, an increase of 4,475 corpses. (In contrast, the NAACP reports that 3,446 blacks were lynched in all of U.S. history.)

That’s a lot of blood that our new state religion, the worship of the holy martyr George Floyd and his racial brethren, has on its hands.

Works on the false premise that this increase in violence was entirely due to Floyd protests.

A lot of it was due to the economic pressures brought by TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RECESSION.

The reality- most people are not murdered by strangers, they are murdered by people they know. Put people in their houses for months, getting on each other's nerves, and yeah, you are going to have a lot more homicides.

And of course, the gun industry flooding the country with guns probably hasn't helped.

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