The fundamental dishonesty of the Left.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
There is a fundamental dishonesty in EVERY POSITION that is taken by the Left. That is why they must rely on distraction, deception, emotion and personal attacks. Climate Change, Systemic Racism, The Border, Covid vaccines, Gun Control are just some of the examples the Left misrepresents in order to further their agenda of control. The extent of human caused climate change cannot be proven. Period. Systemic Racism in America cannot be proven. Period. Border Security cannot be proven. Period. Covid vaccine efficacy cannot be proven. Period. Gun Control effectivemess cannot be proven. Period. Yet these and other issues are constantly pushed by the Left and anyone who disagrees is met with every form of retaliation but NEVER a rational argument.

Even this latest struggle to elect a House Speaker was skewed as "The GOP attacking each other, ignoring the people, a clown show blah blah blah". And yet after a couple days of tough negotiation we are in a much better place in the House than we were under the tyrant Pelosi. It's all they and their Media do each and every day. No rational American should be a Leftist.
Extreme Moral Narcissism. It even makes them disbelieve there could be a supreme creator (greater than themselves)
It's why they only worship power and money.
It goes hand in hand with those who embrace hard Leftist ideology.

And knowing this we are fools to have ever sat back while they slowly seized control.
There is a fundamental dishonesty in EVERY POSITION that is taken by the Left.

Will you STOP this BS and leave people alone to express themselves ???
You're fucking up threads with this massive meme. It doesn't HAVE to be gigantic at the very least !!
Maybe obvious to YOU.....not necessarily obvious to another. You need to get a life.
DAMN !!! Some peeps gotta be trolls !!
Like repeatedly stating for over two years that the 2020 election was stolen?

Nah...that never happens.
Venezuela also has solid, transparent elections. China too. Cuba as well. Let's not forget Russia.
Dishonesty doesn't exist. Those in power NEVER cheat. The Left is always honest. Everything is always legitimate.
What are people thinking?
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Everything is a lie. The scamdemic, the fedsurrection, the fedknapping, the stolen elections.... all of it.

They want to kill babies and fuck kids, and this is how they arrive at their destination.

Everything is a lie. The scamdemic, the fedsurrection, the fedknapping, the stolen elections.... all of it.

They want to kill babies and fuck kids, and this is how they arrive at their destination.

This is closer to reality ^^^^^^
Some people just LUUUUUUUVVVVV to lick boots.
You will never convince them.

Coincidence that so many of that type have Satanic avatars ???
There is a fundamental dishonesty in EVERY POSITION that is taken by the Left. That is why they must rely on distraction, deception, emotion and personal attacks. Climate Change, Systemic Racism, The Border, Covid vaccines, Gun Control are just some of the examples the Left misrepresents in order to further their agenda of control. The extent of human caused climate change cannot be proven. Period. Systemic Racism in America cannot be proven. Period. Border Security cannot be proven. Period. Covid vaccine efficacy cannot be proven. Period. Gun Control effectivemess cannot be proven. Period. Yet these and other issues are constantly pushed by the Left and anyone who disagrees is met with every form of retaliation but NEVER a rational argument.

Even this latest struggle to elect a House Speaker was skewed as "The GOP attacking each other, ignoring the people, a clown show blah blah blah". And yet after a couple days of tough negotiation we are in a much better place in the House than we were under the tyrant Pelosi. It's all they and their Media do each and every day. No rational American should be a Leftist.

The fundamental dishonesty is why the right beliefs positions that are clearly obvious to people with common sense. The government can't be trusted. Yet they vote for that government and place Trump in power a few years ago. The election was stolen yet its never stolen when they win. Climate change speaks for itself. This is a topic for the people who are knowledgeable in this area. The scientific consensus has spoken. The consensus of most scientific people in that field is climate change is a problem that is caused by man. Ice caps are melting and that is a proven fact and measurable. There is a difference between what is proven and what people belief ultimately because its popular. Yet where is the proof that climate change does not exist.

IF people believe in systematic racism that it is there right in a free society. Its your right to disbelief it. Yet the right wants to deny the rights of others to belief in what they want to as being dishonest

COVID 19 well I do not have numbers but I belief both people on the right and left have had the vaccination. The bottom line is there have been more deaths by unvaccinated as compared to vaccinated which is a fact. The vaccination isn't mandated. Yet a majority of countries are using the vaccination. If it is not mandated then people have can decide for themselves.

The house is not in a better place. This is just the results of the split that Trump caused. and it is getting bigger. Their will be numerous votes on legislation and other things and the first vote was an embarrassment to the right but they will deny this. It was clear McCarty would win in the end. But some just wanted to make deals in order to gain their allegiance. Unfortunately that is the government by the people and a majority wins. The minority have to pick their battles in hopes for a better future where they are the majority.

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