The Freaks Are Running The Institution


Sep 23, 2010
Karl Rove’s Republicans, and a few honest conservatives, are running after the presidential nomination in droves. The Democrat field is so threadbare you cannot drive Republicans away from the White House with wild horses. Question: In addition to Clinton, who besides Democrat Cherokee Warren is mentioned by talking heads?

NOTE: Tried and true conservatives are different in that they would be in the hunt if Rove’s Republicans only mounted two or three wannabes in the early going.

A word of caution for Tea Partiers.

Every establishment Republican in the immediate cavalry charge could be racing into the valley of death because they are convinced Hillary Clinton is a pushover. Defeating Clinton is duck soup to be sure, but there is one caveat. Media coverage is splitting the vote among so many Republicans there is one chance Clinton might pull it out. Splitting the other party’s vote is one of the oldest political tricks in the book. Before the Republican nominating convention rolls around, voters will not know who the hell stands for anything. God only knows how the party platform will read regardless of who gets the nomination.

Congress double-dealing

I have long said “To hell with the presidency. Concentrate on Congress. Proof: Congress is going full bore to give Common Core the credence it lacks.

Conservatives have been fighting Common Core national education standards for two years at the state level, but a massive bill steamrolling through Congress has the potential to cement some of the most despised elements of Common Core into federal law.

The re-authorization and rewriting of No Child Left Behind – also known as ESEA, or the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 – has been placed on a fast track in the House and Senate. The remaking of No Child Left Behind will chart the course of the federal role in education for years to come.​

I do not know which conservative groups are in the dark, but the REPUBLICANS involved in Common Core are filthy sneaks.

Yet, the bills to rewrite and reauthorize this landmark legislation now working their way through Congress have drawn surprisingly little attention to date from conservative action groups.​

Notice that REPUBLICAN Lamar Alexander was once considered presidential timber:

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., is sponsoring the bill in the Senate, and Rep. John Kline, R-Minn., has a companion bill in the House. Both bills are extremely complex and lengthy. A draft bill in the Senate is nearly 400 pages, and the companion bill in the House is 597 pages long.​

There is a lot going on with Common Core hidden far from the public’s eye; so I’ll cut to the chase for the worst of it:

Also up for decision is whether to apply the federal ESEA rules to early education, meaning daycares and preschools. Data collection could then start basically at birth or shortly after. This is a policy advocated by professor James Heckman, the Nobel laureate economist at the University of Chicago, in a Feb. 9 op-ed in Roll Call.

The testing of toddlers’ proficiency in various “social and emotional skills” should begin well before kindergarten, Heckman argues.

Heckman even suggests that “emotional and social skills” are more important than academic skills in determining a student’s worth to society.

Feds look to control kids 'womb to workforce'
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 02/09/2015 @ 9:52 pm

Feds look to control kids 8216 womb to workforce 8217

Clarification on James Heckman: The prize for economics is five acts of vaudeville. The first Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded in 1969. In other words it was invented. Alfred Nobel never heard of it. The joke is that the award for the Nobel Prize in Economics is paid by the Sveriges Riksbank.

The Sveriges Riksbank pays the Nobel Foundation for the use of the name. The reason is obvious. Nobel Prize for Economics sounds better than Sveriges Riksbank Prize for Economics. It is the same as Betty Crocker paying a fee to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences so they can call a baking award an Oscar. A prize awarded by a European bank is more obscene than the propaganda prizes for “peace” and literature. You might just as well say that bankers are determining the behavior of children for generations to come.

Bottom line: The inmates are not running the institution —— the freaks are. Whatever freaks in education want from children and society Common Core will provide.

Obviously, Democrats want more absolute control over every child. They have enough Republican sneaks, Taqiyya the Liar, and the education industry with them; so it is unlikely the latest Common Core assault on America’s children will fail to pass. Tea Party conservatives cannot stop it with support from John Boehner or Mitch McConnell.

Incidentally, Senator McConnell just said he wants more bipartisanship in the Senate! I’ll wager that he sure as hell means more bipartisan legislation like Common Core.

Temporary reprieve

Electing steadfast Tea Party conservatives in the congressional elections in 2016 will be far more important than the presidency in the off chance Common Core legislation fails this time out. I hate to admit it, but nobody knows how to defeat the control freaks behind Common Core for all time. Those freaks never give up. Beating them now, and beating them in 2016, is the best that Americans can hope for until the freaks regroup and try again.
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A little to early to count your chickens...

To Moonglow: In 2000 she got away with her infamous “Listening tour.” In 2006 she ran unopposed for all intents and purposes. This time out she can hide but she cannot run forever:

The Republican National Committee is looking for Hillary Clinton. Which is why, according to a memo they've sent to the press, they're asking, “Where’s Hillary?”

"We’ve noticed it. You’ve noticed it: Hillary Clinton is hiding," reads the memo from Sean Spicer, communications director. "Potential Republican presidential candidates are out in public, speaking to voters, and sharing their ideas. But Hillary Clinton is nowhere to be found."


Why would a would-be presidential candidate behave this way? Because she’s made a strategic decision that the only way to ensure she is the Democratic nominee is to make everyone think she’s inevitable. The last time she had to face voters and actually compete for the nomination, she lost to a newcomer. She doesn’t want to make the same mistake twice.

RNC to Hillary: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
8:44 AM, Feb 10, 2015 • By DANIEL HALPER

RNC to Hillary Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are The Weekly Standard

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