The fraud of wind power


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
olfraud and Co. love to tell us how great windpower is, but here are 90 turbines being removed. Far short of their 20 year life expectancy. Some asshole got rich, and the taxpayers paid for it.

olfraud and Co. love to tell us how great windpower is, but here are 90 turbines being removed. Far short of their 20 year life expectancy. Some asshole got rich, and the taxpayers paid for it.


You do know that wind power has been around since the early 00's..right?
So...old tech being replaced by new the press!!..oh..wait. :)
That was beautiful!!!!!

wind tower.jpg
olfraud and Co. love to tell us how great windpower is, but here are 90 turbines being removed. Far short of their 20 year life expectancy. Some asshole got rich, and the taxpayers paid for it.


You do know that wind power has been around since the early 00's..right?
So...old tech being replaced by new the press!!..oh..wait. :)

Try 1600's
olfraud and Co. love to tell us how great windpower is, but here are 90 turbines being removed. Far short of their 20 year life expectancy. Some asshole got rich, and the taxpayers paid for it.

That's tantamount to saying "The Deepwater Horizon blew up. So we shouldn't use oil."

You're a moron.

Wind generation.png

olfraud and Co. love to tell us how great windpower is, but here are 90 turbines being removed. Far short of their 20 year life expectancy. Some asshole got rich, and the taxpayers paid for it.

That's tantamount to saying "The Deepwater Horizon blew up. So we shouldn't use oil."

You're a moron.

View attachment 504856

That's a poor analogy. Life spans of wind turbine affects the ROI or IRR of wind projects. The closest analogy I can think of for a wind development that didn't meet it's life expectancy would be an oil and gas development which didn't meet it's reserve forecast. Even if wind turbines meet their life expectancy I would be surprised if the ROI of wind development projects rivaled that of oil and gas developments.

"...wind turbines can only produce energy when the wind is blowing, they generate electricity less frequently than other generation sources. In Minnesota, wind farms produced electricity only 34.67 percent of the time in 2016.​
This is far lower than coal at 56.9 percent, hydropower at 64 percent, and nuclear at 84.6 percent. Natural gas plants are utilized at a lower rate of 17.6 percent in Minnesota, but this is because natural gas is used often used as a “backup” source of electricity when the wind isn’t blowing.​
As wind turbines grow older, their utilization rates become even worse, dropping at a rate of 1.6 percent each year – which eventually requires the turbine to be repowered..."​

Re-powering wind farms is a big deal when one considers the government mandate is to generate all electricity from renewable sources by 2050 and that the direction seems to be that we will move away from hydrocarbons for transportation which will double our demand for electricity. Having to replace wind turbines every 15 to 20 years needs to be factored into the calculus of going all in on wind as the dominant source of electricity.

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The reality of wind as a primary electricity generating source is that over time, no one will drill for natural gas as there will be no good demand for it other than as a swing fuel to generate electricity when the wind isn't blowing and for heating homes. The economics for developing new natural gas fields won't exist. So we can count on problems using natural gas as a swing source for generating electricity as the existing fields deplete.

think buddy think.gif

Power Grid Operators, Experts And Federal Audit Office Warn Of Blackouts As Coal, Nuclear Get Phased Out​

Reposted from the NoTricksZone

By P Gosselin on 23. June 2021


As wildly fluctuating, weather-dependent green energies come increasingly online, German grid operators and the German Federal Audit Office are warning the German government of power blackouts. But the government is ignoring the warnings and continues to insist everything is fine.

Grid operator 50Hertz, for example, warns of energy shortages as Germany continues to shut down its nuclear and coal power plants, which currently serve to provide crucial baseload power for the grid.

Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) refuses to heed the warnings and demands of the Federal Audit Office and the country’s grid operators, insisting: “All our studies show that, on the whole, we have sufficient power for Germany.”



No wonder Germany has the worlds highest Electricity prices.

Global electricity prices by select country September 2020

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Power Grid Operators, Experts And Federal Audit Office Warn Of Blackouts As Coal, Nuclear Get Phased Out​

Reposted from the NoTricksZone

By P Gosselin on 23. June 2021


As wildly fluctuating, weather-dependent green energies come increasingly online, German grid operators and the German Federal Audit Office are warning the German government of power blackouts. But the government is ignoring the warnings and continues to insist everything is fine.

Grid operator 50Hertz, for example, warns of energy shortages as Germany continues to shut down its nuclear and coal power plants, which currently serve to provide crucial baseload power for the grid.

Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) refuses to heed the warnings and demands of the Federal Audit Office and the country’s grid operators, insisting: “All our studies show that, on the whole, we have sufficient power for Germany.”



No wonder Germany has the worlds highest Electricity prices.

Global electricity prices by select country September 2020

With companies like Google and Amazon, who has usage of 100,000s of KWH, do you think they will cut back on their usage or will it be you who must cut back on your energy usage if their is a power shortage?
More evidence that they actually cost a lot more than 24/7 power generation.

Watts Up With That?

The Real Cost of Wind and Solar​

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach

June 25, 2021


I keep reading how wind and solar are finally cheaper than fossil fuels … and every time I’ve read it, my urban legend detector rings like crazy.

It rings in part because the market is very efficient at replacing energy sources based on their cost. Here, for example, is the story of kerosene, emphasis mine:

When a clean-burning kerosene lamp invented by Michael Dietz appeared on the market in 1857, its effect on the whaling industry was immediate. Kerosene, known in those days at “Coal Oil”, was easy to produce, cheap, smelled better than animal-based fuels when burned, and did not spoil on the shelf as whale oil did. The public abandoned whale oil lamps almost overnight. By 1860, at least 30 kerosene plants were in production in the United States, and whale oil was ultimately driven off the market. When sperm oil dropped to 40 cents a gallon in 1895, due to lack of demand, refined petroleum, which was very much in demand, sold for less than 7 cents a gallon. …
My question was, if wind and solar are so cheap, why are they not replacing traditional sources overnight?

So I decided to look into the question. The main number used to judge how expensive an energy source might be is called the “LCOE”, the Levelized Cost Of Energy.

olfraud and Co. love to tell us how great windpower is, but here are 90 turbines being removed. Far short of their 20 year life expectancy. Some asshole got rich, and the taxpayers paid for it.

93 GW of wind installed in 2020.

127 GW of solar in 2020

And then there is the cost factor'

And then there are the dummies like Mr. Westwall, still standing beside the road, screaming "Get a Horse!". LOL
More evidence that they actually cost a lot more than 24/7 power generation.

Watts Up With That?

The Real Cost of Wind and Solar​

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach

June 25, 2021


I keep reading how wind and solar are finally cheaper than fossil fuels … and every time I’ve read it, my urban legend detector rings like crazy.

It rings in part because the market is very efficient at replacing energy sources based on their cost. Here, for example, is the story of kerosene, emphasis mine:

When a clean-burning kerosene lamp invented by Michael Dietz appeared on the market in 1857, its effect on the whaling industry was immediate. Kerosene, known in those days at “Coal Oil”, was easy to produce, cheap, smelled better than animal-based fuels when burned, and did not spoil on the shelf as whale oil did. The public abandoned whale oil lamps almost overnight. By 1860, at least 30 kerosene plants were in production in the United States, and whale oil was ultimately driven off the market. When sperm oil dropped to 40 cents a gallon in 1895, due to lack of demand, refined petroleum, which was very much in demand, sold for less than 7 cents a gallon. …
My question was, if wind and solar are so cheap, why are they not replacing traditional sources overnight?

So I decided to look into the question. The main number used to judge how expensive an energy source might be is called the “LCOE”, the Levelized Cost Of Energy.

OK, I want that big diesel engine completely rebuilt, and I expect it in a couple of hours. You are one goofy fellow.
olfraud and Co. love to tell us how great windpower is, but here are 90 turbines being removed. Far short of their 20 year life expectancy. Some asshole got rich, and the taxpayers paid for it.

93 GW of wind installed in 2020.

127 GW of solar in 2020

And then there is the cost factor'
View attachment 505846

And then there are the dummies like Mr. Westwall, still standing beside the road, screaming "Get a Horse!". LOL

And how many of those fraudulent windfarms are going to be blown up like this one?

Huh, dumbfuck?
olfraud and Co. love to tell us how great windpower is, but here are 90 turbines being removed. Far short of their 20 year life expectancy. Some asshole got rich, and the taxpayers paid for it.

93 GW of wind installed in 2020.

127 GW of solar in 2020

And then there is the cost factor'
View attachment 505846

And then there are the dummies like Mr. Westwall, still standing beside the road, screaming "Get a Horse!". LOL

And how many of those fraudulent windfarms are going to be blown up like this one?

Huh, dumbfuck?

WE are still building more here. Also the ocean has wind 24/7 and powers a good many.

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