The Fox News hypocrisy of their meltdown over Biden calling Maga supporters fascist

As predicted, Fox News and their victim snowflake meltdown over Biden’s MAGA comments is nothing but hypocrisy. Here’s a super cut on what Fox News has said about lefties:

You don't get it....when brave Conservative patriots call lefties baby raping Satan worshiping subhuman demonic animalistic Marxist communists, it's just speaking facts..and if you don't agree, you hate Jesus.....

What else do you call a party that calls for Medicare, Social Security, cancelling student loan debt, allowing gays to be treated like humans -- all things that run counter to God and endorses Satan...
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Plus, hit dogs holler.
Whiuch perfectly 'splains why you moonbats go into orbit when it's pointed out that your senile, pants-shitting, Chicom shill "president" is only in office via industrial scale cheating and fraud.

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