'The Force Awakens': Americans’ Confidence in Gov’t, Obama to Take on Terrorism at All Time Low


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Pew: Americans’ Confidence in Gov’t, Obama to Take on Terrorism at All Time Low - Breitbart

"The share of Americans who say the government is fairing well in reducing the threat of terrorism has plummeted by 26 percentage points since the start of 2015, reaching its lowest level since September 11, 2001, according to a new Pew Research Center poll."

There is a reason for that. After the terrorist attack on 9/11/01 there was not another successful Islamic Extremist-perpetrated terrorist attack perpetrated on US soil...until after Barak Obama took office.

Revelations / Events such as the following have hurt American confidence in the Obama administration:
- Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels - 500+ dead, t include 2 Americans
- Obama aided / armed the Muslim Brotherhood
- Obama armed Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) and took the nation to war on his own to help them take over Libya
- Obama hired Al Qaeida militants to protect the now-dead US Ambassador of Libya; 4 Americans died needlessly there due to Obama administration / State Department mistakes
- There have been 4 successful attacks in the US, and on 9/11/12 20 US Embassies were attacked, 4 overrun, and 4 Americans died...the Obama administration did not have the embassies prepared for attack on the anniversary of 9/11/01 despite the documented threats / warnings
- Obama has supplied, armed, and even trained ISIS troops while protecting some of their vital targets, such as their black market oil business facilities and trucks
- Obama declared that it was his goal to 'contain' ISIS rather than to defeat them and that he had done so ... the DAY BEFORE the ISIS attacks on ISIS
- Obama demands to bring in 65,000 Syrians, bragged about his thorough vetting process, and mocked American citizens' concerns for our safety ('widows and orphans') ... right before his 'thorough vetting process' failed to identify an easily-identifiable terrorist and before that terrorist could kill 14 Americans on US soil

Americans have no reason to believe Obama can be trusted to keep Americans safe.
People should wake up to the fact that Obama doesn't WANT to keep us safe, he WANTS American citizens to be killed. Why else would he deliberately put us at risk by tying the hands of law enforcement and trying to disarm us, not to mention bringing in thousands of refugees, knowing some of them are going to be terrorists? Wake up, people.

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