The Feds Won't Take Their Jackboot Off Ret. General Michael Flynn's Neck


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Feds Won't Take Their Jackboot Off Ret. General Michael Flynn's Neck​

10 May 2022 ~~ By Victoria Taft

Michael Flynn has been cleared, pardoned, set free, and given a clean slate, and still the federal government won’t take its jackboot off the neck of the retired general and short-lived Trump National Security Adviser.
But now, Just the News reports that an affidavit clears up exactly what the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which Flynn helmed before working for Trump, knew about the RT dinner.
In fact, Flynn was acting as a spy for the U.S. intelligence agency when he attended the dinner.
The document, sworn out by senior DIA official David Becker for Robert Mueller’s investigators, shows the retired general’s actions in a much different light.

It shows that Flynn sought out the DIA before he went to Moscow. That he told them the nature of the meeting. And that he was given a briefing by no fewer than ten DIA Russia experts on what information they were interested in receiving. Flynn also attended a defensive meeting in which he received “a complete briefing on the intelligence threat that would be potentially directed against him.” And when he returned from the trip, he brought back a thumb drive of information he had retrieved, met with the DIA, and was debriefed.
Just the News reported that the trip was “blessed in advance by senior DIA officials, including Vincent Stewart, the Marine general who had succeeded Flynn as DIA chief.

Now, Joe Biden’s Pentagon is going after Flynn to pay back the $40,000 honorarium paid to him for the speech, claiming it violates the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.
Sound familiar?
They claim he should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). There are almost no successful FARA prosecutions, according to former prosecutor Andy McCarthy. Usually, the feds allow the targeted person to true up their FARA registration, if it looks like they acted as a foreign agent.
Considering all the leg work done by Flynn to attend the dinner, it hardly sounds as if he was a “foreign agent.” Not even a little bit.
But this is par for the course for the Democrats in charge of the institutions. They wield them like a razor-sharp scythe against their political adversaries.

The criminal actions of the FBI, DoJ and Democrats in general are unbelievable, unconscionable, undefendable, unsupportable, just downright deplorable.
Crossfire Razor was illegal and criminal when launched at Gen. Flynn by the Obama appointees of the FBI and DoJ. The FBI’s Flynn investigation 'Crossfire Razor' led to the wider probe, which the agency dubbed Crossfire Hurricane.
The FBI has been weaponized by the Maoist Democrat Left and needs to have its direct law enforcement authority revoked. It’s become a kind of Praetorian Guard for the PM/Dems..
It turns out that Gen. Michael Flynn was on a spy mission for the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) when accused by the Clinton Campaign and framed by the FBI.
It's been obvious the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Leftists will use process crimes to take out and bankrupt their political enemies. We've recently seen the feds try to frame a sitting president, organize a kidnapping of a governor to frame anti maskers, get Paul Manafort imprisoned even though SDNY had previously cleared him, tried to frame Carter Page, and lead an "insurrection" January 6... in addition to trying to ruin Flynn. These people are evil.

Mike Flynn believes he's being 'persecuted' because he’s getting fined by the US Army for being on Russia’s payroll.​

"The Army has determined that you did not obtain the necessary approvals before engaging in employment activities with Russia Today (RT), a foreign government controlled entity. Specifically, between December 10-13, 2015, you traveled to Russia and spoke at a conference hosted by the Russian news agency Russia Today (RT). RT requested your participation, had control over the event, and paid for your roundtrip airfare, hotel accommodations, ground transportation, visa, and a speaker’s fee through Leading Authorities, Inc. (LAI). Between December 10-13, 2015, RT transferred $45,386 to LAI, from which you received $33,750 as compensation for your speaking services. In addition, you received $4,807.06 in in-kind compensation for roundtrip airfare, visa costs, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation to and from the airport in Moscow," the Army explained."

The Feds Won't Take Their Jackboot Off Ret. General Michael Flynn's Neck​

10 May 2022 ~~ By Victoria Taft

Michael Flynn has been cleared, pardoned, set free, and given a clean slate, and still the federal government won’t take its jackboot off the neck of the retired general and short-lived Trump National Security Adviser.
But now, Just the News reports that an affidavit clears up exactly what the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which Flynn helmed before working for Trump, knew about the RT dinner.
In fact, Flynn was acting as a spy for the U.S. intelligence agency when he attended the dinner.
The document, sworn out by senior DIA official David Becker for Robert Mueller’s investigators, shows the retired general’s actions in a much different light.

It shows that Flynn sought out the DIA before he went to Moscow. That he told them the nature of the meeting. And that he was given a briefing by no fewer than ten DIA Russia experts on what information they were interested in receiving. Flynn also attended a defensive meeting in which he received “a complete briefing on the intelligence threat that would be potentially directed against him.” And when he returned from the trip, he brought back a thumb drive of information he had retrieved, met with the DIA, and was debriefed.
Just the News reported that the trip was “blessed in advance by senior DIA officials, including Vincent Stewart, the Marine general who had succeeded Flynn as DIA chief.

Now, Joe Biden’s Pentagon is going after Flynn to pay back the $40,000 honorarium paid to him for the speech, claiming it violates the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.
Sound familiar?
They claim he should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). There are almost no successful FARA prosecutions, according to former prosecutor Andy McCarthy. Usually, the feds allow the targeted person to true up their FARA registration, if it looks like they acted as a foreign agent.
Considering all the leg work done by Flynn to attend the dinner, it hardly sounds as if he was a “foreign agent.” Not even a little bit.
But this is par for the course for the Democrats in charge of the institutions. They wield them like a razor-sharp scythe against their political adversaries.

The criminal actions of the FBI, DoJ and Democrats in general are unbelievable, unconscionable, undefendable, unsupportable, just downright deplorable.
Crossfire Razor was illegal and criminal when launched at Gen. Flynn by the Obama appointees of the FBI and DoJ. The FBI’s Flynn investigation 'Crossfire Razor' led to the wider probe, which the agency dubbed Crossfire Hurricane.
The FBI has been weaponized by the Maoist Democrat Left and needs to have its direct law enforcement authority revoked. It’s become a kind of Praetorian Guard for the PM/Dems..
It turns out that Gen. Michael Flynn was on a spy mission for the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) when accused by the Clinton Campaign and framed by the FBI.
It's been obvious the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Leftists will use process crimes to take out and bankrupt their political enemies. We've recently seen the feds try to frame a sitting president, organize a kidnapping of a governor to frame anti maskers, get Paul Manafort imprisoned even though SDNY had previously cleared him, tried to frame Carter Page, and lead an "insurrection" January 6... in addition to trying to ruin Flynn. These people are evil.
Never cleared. Just pardoned. I read the confession, he and his attorneys signed.
First task for president Trump in 24 is to fire Wray with extreme prejudice.... and then go through the entire 7th floor of the FBI building and fire them all and let God sort them out....
Qnut Flynn is a disgrace to this country. All that support that loon are just like him.

Actually Ret. Gen. Mike Flynn is a patriot, he was on a spy mission for the DIA and the CIA and FBI accused him of colluding with Russia.
"It shows that Flynn sought out the DIA before he went to Moscow. That he told them the nature of the meeting. And that he was given a briefing by no fewer than ten DIA Russia experts on what information they were interested in receiving".
"Flynn also attended a defensive meeting in which he received “a complete briefing on the intelligence threat that would be potentially directed against him.” And when he returned from the trip, he brought back a thumb drive of information he had retrieved, met with the DIA, and was debriefed".

Lock him up!

Mike Flynn believes he's being 'persecuted' because he’s getting fined by the US Army for being on Russia’s payroll.​

"The Army has determined that you did not obtain the necessary approvals before engaging in employment activities with Russia Today (RT), a foreign government controlled entity. Specifically, between December 10-13, 2015, you traveled to Russia and spoke at a conference hosted by the Russian news agency Russia Today (RT). RT requested your participation, had control over the event, and paid for your roundtrip airfare, hotel accommodations, ground transportation, visa, and a speaker’s fee through Leading Authorities, Inc. (LAI). Between December 10-13, 2015, RT transferred $45,386 to LAI, from which you received $33,750 as compensation for your speaking services. In addition, you received $4,807.06 in in-kind compensation for roundtrip airfare, visa costs, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation to and from the airport in Moscow," the Army explained."
More raw Sewage smears....piss off.
First task for president Trump in 24 is to fire Wray with extreme prejudice.... and then go through the entire 7th floor of the FBI building and fire them all and let God sort them out....
Flynn wanted Trump to declare Martial Law.

Five that fuck a cigar.

The Feds Won't Take Their Jackboot Off Ret. General Michael Flynn's Neck​

10 May 2022 ~~ By Victoria Taft

Michael Flynn has been cleared, pardoned, set free, and given a clean slate, and still the federal government won’t take its jackboot off the neck of the retired general and short-lived Trump National Security Adviser.
But now, Just the News reports that an affidavit clears up exactly what the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which Flynn helmed before working for Trump, knew about the RT dinner.
In fact, Flynn was acting as a spy for the U.S. intelligence agency when he attended the dinner.
The document, sworn out by senior DIA official David Becker for Robert Mueller’s investigators, shows the retired general’s actions in a much different light.

It shows that Flynn sought out the DIA before he went to Moscow. That he told them the nature of the meeting. And that he was given a briefing by no fewer than ten DIA Russia experts on what information they were interested in receiving. Flynn also attended a defensive meeting in which he received “a complete briefing on the intelligence threat that would be potentially directed against him.” And when he returned from the trip, he brought back a thumb drive of information he had retrieved, met with the DIA, and was debriefed.
Just the News reported that the trip was “blessed in advance by senior DIA officials, including Vincent Stewart, the Marine general who had succeeded Flynn as DIA chief.

Now, Joe Biden’s Pentagon is going after Flynn to pay back the $40,000 honorarium paid to him for the speech, claiming it violates the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.
Sound familiar?
They claim he should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). There are almost no successful FARA prosecutions, according to former prosecutor Andy McCarthy. Usually, the feds allow the targeted person to true up their FARA registration, if it looks like they acted as a foreign agent.
Considering all the leg work done by Flynn to attend the dinner, it hardly sounds as if he was a “foreign agent.” Not even a little bit.
But this is par for the course for the Democrats in charge of the institutions. They wield them like a razor-sharp scythe against their political adversaries.

The criminal actions of the FBI, DoJ and Democrats in general are unbelievable, unconscionable, undefendable, unsupportable, just downright deplorable.
Crossfire Razor was illegal and criminal when launched at Gen. Flynn by the Obama appointees of the FBI and DoJ. The FBI’s Flynn investigation 'Crossfire Razor' led to the wider probe, which the agency dubbed Crossfire Hurricane.
The FBI has been weaponized by the Maoist Democrat Left and needs to have its direct law enforcement authority revoked. It’s become a kind of Praetorian Guard for the PM/Dems..
It turns out that Gen. Michael Flynn was on a spy mission for the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) when accused by the Clinton Campaign and framed by the FBI.
It's been obvious the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Leftists will use process crimes to take out and bankrupt their political enemies. We've recently seen the feds try to frame a sitting president, organize a kidnapping of a governor to frame anti maskers, get Paul Manafort imprisoned even though SDNY had previously cleared him, tried to frame Carter Page, and lead an "insurrection" January 6... in addition to trying to ruin Flynn. These people are evil.
Because he’s a fascist traitor.

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